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No, on the grounds that:

  • A3 is already completed, and it would be more hassle than it's worth to put such creatures in.
  • There really wouldn't be any purpose to having them in there. A3 already has goblin, wolves, worgs, and a few other wild animals. Essentially, the position has already been filled.
  • It mildly clashes with the story, which is that most dangerous animals have already been eradicated.
  • They would only be a distraction from the story.

Besides, you slay enough beasties in this. You don't need to randomly add more to the mix.

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There were tigers in Canopy, if I remember correctly.


But there's plenty of giant reptiles already in existence; crocodiles just aren't necessary. Besides, finding a group of them wandering about isn't very realistic and they would probably be used that way.


Would Dikiyoba say this if the question was about dinosaurs instead of crocodiles? It would be tempting, but the answer would still be no.

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A4 had crocolisks.


By Diki:

Would Dikiyoba say this if the question was about dinosaurs instead of crocodiles? It would be tempting, but the answer would still be no.
Sorry, but dinosaurs in a fantasy setting are not something I enjoy. That, and my instinctive dislike of any creature that has a Swallow Whole ability.


By Thuryl:

Yes. Also, their attacks did fire damage for some reason.
The tigers in Canopy are capable of speech, and you're worried about fire damage? smile



His ears are too big. He looks like an ape.

- Talent Scout on Clark Gable

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What is a crocolisk? Just a different kind of basilisk, or was it more like a crocodile?


Originally by Dintiradan:


Sorry, but dinosaurs in a fantasy setting are not something I enjoy. That, and my instinctive dislike of any creature that has a Swallow Whole ability.
That what Dikiyoba said. Dikiyoba said no to the crocodiles and then no to dinosaurs.
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Sorry, Diki, that post was poorly written. I was disagreeing with your statement that dinosaurs in a fantasy setting would be tempting in the least.


The crocolisk is a relative of the basilisk? Come to think of it, I don't recall ever getting hit by one in A4. Does it freeze you too?



So, um, Vaarsuvius, you don't happend to have any of those really nifty spells ready right now? Like, say, "Hold Half-Orc" for example?

- Elan (OotS #66)

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Originally by Dintiradan:


Sorry, Diki, that post was poorly written. I was disagreeing with your statement that dinosaurs in a fantasy setting would be tempting in the least.
But you don't have strange obsession with dinosaurs. I was just making sure I wasn't biased against crocodiles somehow.


Originally by upon mars:


If big felines exist in A3 why aren't they all over the place?
Well, because Rakshasi are always rare and the nephilim have been mostly rounded up and dumped in Avernum.


Although since Dikiyoba plays A3 with nephilim in the party, "big felines" technically do go all over the place. :p

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Originally written by upon mars:

Big felines have been on earth up until the first world war cause people invented nasty weapons, guns but in A3 there is no confirmation of the dissemination of the felines.


You think that the people of A3 don't have nasty weapons? Just look at the Golems, Dervishes, Wizards, Demons, and Undead that can be created, hired, or trained.
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Wolves may be extinct everywhere by Valorim, and tigers and lions may be extinct in the only areas to which they're native. I'd guess not, but it's possible. They're scary, but they're also majestic enough that there's almost certainly some zoo or preserve somewhere so that the Empire's finest can gawk at big cats.


—Alorael, who is pretty sure goblins aren't extinct because they, like roaches, can and will survive anything. They also may spontaneously generate from moldy meat and/or unattended caves.

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