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Happy 4th of July!

Death Knight

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Well it was bound to happen sooner than later ;)


Happy 4th of July to everyone in U.S.


This was always one of my favorite holidays because it costs nothing basically. Usually the firecrackers go off like they did yesterday in my house where I live. And they will go off again near my parents house a little ways away.


Either way, the only thing I have to buy is food and drinks, so not a bad deal.


How are you all spending your 4th?

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Yeah its pretty hot in N.J. where Im from. The problem is that its not just hot but people/bennies are driving like lunatics. Some guy not only killed me and my family when he took a turn without a blinker and while he was turning had enough time to give us all the finger. I am still trying to figure why he has enough time to tell us off, but not enough to put his blinker on.

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I love how New Jersey has towns called Brick and Wall. :p


Today, I got myself cleaned up with a shower, shave, and nail trimming, and went for a long walk in the 95F heat, and so far have been eating less today than I usually do. I'm even trying to get back to eating just three meals and two snacks, rather than four or five meals plus snacks. I'm trying to take Independence Day as an opportunity to free myself from the bondage of my own bad health habits, and maybe even get back on my chore-performing duties. The biggest struggle tends to come in the evenings and in the early mornings. I didn't have an early morning today, but hopefully my evening will be healthy instead of full of too much food. Independence Day doesn't have to just be about fireworks and grilled meat. It's a celebration of what's good about our country, even if there's a lot of bad, and it can be an opportunity to advance the former and diminish the latter if we make it so, whether it's through community action or even if it only affects our own personal lives. Americans have a bad reputation for being fat, lazy slobs, and if I can advance toward a state of non-fat-lazy-slobness, I'm improving our country a tiny bit.


Each Independence Day I watch the Boston Pops Fourth of July Fireworks Spectacular on TV. Yesterday I responded to the super-beefed-up security measures on the Esplanade this year with a long rant at Calamity Refuge about how and how not to fight terrorism. I see now that it didn't really make any sense, but I'm still going to watch this concert like it's the last one, because due to declining support and frustratingly-increased security it may well be. :( I'm excited about my favorite parts, "The Stars and Stripes Forever" and the "1812 Overture".


I just hung up our (slightly tattered and rather weather-beaten unfortunately) Star Spangled Banner in front of our house, and I also display it proudly on my webpage. My uncle-out-law insists on affixing the patriotic stickers he gets in the mail from the Veterans of Foreign Wars to the envelope of any card or letter my fiancée sends me, because when he first found out I was a pinko commie bleeding-heart atheist liberal, he assumed that meant I hated this country, but that's certainly not true. Now that he knows he still puts the stickers on though. They make me smile.

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This will be our first 4th in the USA since our first kid was born, a little over 4 years ago. We've always been worried about the fireworks waking the kids (they don't start until close to 11 around here), so we often head up to Canada. But lately (the past year or so) our oldest has been a very deep sleeper, and our baby usually has her final feeding of the night around 11:30, so we think it'll go okay this year. And we should be able to see at least some of the fireworks (the higher ones) from our bedroom ...


Our four-year old was also very excited to hang the flag last night, because she had learned in school that the 4th was "America's birthday". I think she thought we'd have cake and candles, too ... :)

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I had too many tasks I'd been putting off because of work to do today and work early tomorrow, so the holiday was a little lost on me. And I don't like fireworks much. But happy birthday, USA!


—Alorael, who wishes for a better next year for US politics than this year. Not because this year was the worst; it wasn't great, but most years aren't. That's no reason not to hope for better, though.

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Heh. I closed on the 4th, and, and had to open on the 5th 'cuz my boss couldn't be bothered to show up for his own shift that he scheduled himself. Then I had to work my 12-5 shift as well.


Had a great 'MURICA party after work on the 5th though. Force feeding people handfuls of pie, moonshine, and singing Don't Stop Believing in a big circle.

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