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Spiderweb Software Complete Pack - Steam


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So, it appears as though JV/Steam have decided to lump all of Spiderweb's games (that is, those that are available on Steam - A4-6, G1-5, A:EftP, Avadon and N:R) into one easy-to-buy bundle, and all for the low price of £29.99 - that's a huge saving on the price of some pretty awesome games.


The games do seem to be Windows only (at least, that's what I can infer), but if you didn't manage to get any games during SW's November Sadness Sale, here's a great opportunity to wait until the steam christmas sale to get them even cheaper get them on the cheap now.

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Isn't our dollar worth more? . . . . . . . Yes it is.


Great Scott, you're right! The rate went from about 90¢ the last time I visited, to $1.01 now!

I should send in my citizenship documentation and move right away.


But wait... the Aussie's made it to $1.05! If only I had citizenship there, also.


(Edit: I don't want to hear about the Euro, Aran.)

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Aww, but I'd like a system of exchange based on unsellable trowels, aka Liliths/Thuryls/LRTDeMs. You hand a one-Lilith bill to the cashier and get four Thuryls in exchange. Then you put one into a vending machine and, in addition to your drink, out pops your change: two LRTDeMs. That's how the economy ought to work.

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Banknotes are all going plastic now. Australia boldly led the way. Canada is following. Euros will likely turn plastic soon, as one of those heavy-handed central decisions that Europeans have come to expect and accept. The US will probably stick with paper for a long time, but I look forward to ferocious invective from libertarians and their ilk about how replacing the inherent monetary value of PAPER with cheap artificial material made from foreign oil will inevitably drag the country back into the stone age, or worse, make it just like Europe.

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I'm a big fan of one dollar coins. It's the nerd in me. I would also be a lot more comfortable trading something with actual, rather than representative, value, but I understand that's a lot to ask for.


The bigger issue at the moment is how SoT can reach 6,000 posts without a milestone thread, like it's no big deal.

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Yeah, I dunno. The early 6000s are slim pickings for cool numbers, I must say. Most of them, you have to go to Wikipedia to figure out what's so special about that particular kind of prime or heptagonal number or whatever. That's like having to look up the punchline of a joke.


Enjoy your fun little numbers while you can, kids. Once you get to my post count, there's nothing to look forward to but dentures.

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