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'Official' SpiderwebSoftware Games Poll


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I'm guessing that the fact that votes are being split two-ways between Exile and Avernum (three when you add Avernum: Escape from the Pit) is contributing to the fact that we're seeing different poll results than normal.


That said, I'm still surprised that Geneforge 1 is doing so well in comparison to everything else. Geneforge 4 is my personal favorite of all of the Spiderweb Software games, but after that comes Avernum 2. I couldn't make my mind up between Nethergate and Geneforge 1, so I didn't cast a third vote.


I predict, in the future, Avadon games will get more love. The first one was enough of a teaser to make me believe that the sequels will be very good. However, the first one is short enough and has enough problems (not being able to create much change, the Redbeard fight) that it isn't strong enough yet.

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I voted for Exile:Escape From the Pit, Exile II:Crystal Souls and Avernum 6. I voted for the first two Exile's because they are the bread and butter of the company. I voted for A6 because it marks the end of the storyline created nearly 2 decades ago. I still like the original Exile...and it seems I'm the only one because so far I'm the only one who's voted for it!


Post #668 cool

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Registration date has a huge impact. We tend to favor the elements that brought us here, have trouble with interfaces which predate our first game, and find all the little flaws (read: differences) when new games come out.


As such, it's the games that made the most impact at the time of their release that everyone cherishes. Geneforge was revolutionary, if a bit stiff and simple in interface by current standards. A2/E2 was a masterpiece which cemented the fandom of those that started with A1/E1. BoA and BoE were central to the formation of a Spiderweb community. A:EftP is both a solid game in its own right and the most recent release (with the most advanced interface).


G5 was a great game, but it was neither revolutionary enough nor recent enough to "smush the poll".

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If I had more votes to give than the three I already cast (N;R, A:EFTP, and G1), I'd give a little more for favor to G2 and A6. Geneforge 2 came close to matching the rich flavor of G1, and an intriging expanded array of factions to support (or destroy). Avernum 6 has the best scripted sequences of any Spiderweb game I've played (the finale of the Cotra mission, the Solberg mission, the arena confrontation with the Slith warlord come to mind); A6 also has the second-best intro music (second only to N:R).

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Originally Posted By: Enraged Slith
I'm surprised at the lack of love for Avadon.

It's simply because it's the newest game and its only a glimpse at whats to come for the next Avadon and perhaps more after that. What we really have to watch out for is how Avadon stacks up to SpiderwebSoftware originals and classics. Only then can we decide whats to come for the Avadon series
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FWIW, Avadon isn't strictly the newest game, though it is the newest series. A:EFTP is the most recently released game.


I was actually curious whether there would be any love for most recently released games, or if most people would gravitate to whatever they consider to be the "beloved old classics." The fact that A:EFTP is currently in second place suggests people aren't completely closed off to regarding a recent release as a favorite. A:EFTP probably has the advantage of combining nostalgia from the old classics with the latest graphics and user interface. Avadon, on the other hand...I wonder how much higher it would rank if just one thing in the game changed: if Jeff had made the infamous Redbeard fight more reasonable. Would correcting that one sour note at the climax of the game have changed people's overall perceptions of / memories of / fondness for Avadon?

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Originally Posted By: Triumph
FWIW, Avadon isn't strictly the newest game, though it is the newest series. A:EFTP is the most recently released game.

Sorry I wasn't aware of that

Originally Posted By: Triumph
The fact that A:EFTP is currently in second place suggests people aren't completely closed off to regarding a recent release as a favorite. A:EFTP probably has the advantage of combining nostalgia from the old classics with the latest graphics and user interface.

I agree on the combination there, it really worked out to be a sucsess
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I don't think these results are surprising in the least.


1) A lot of good reasons have already been giving for A:EFTP's high results.


2) I suspect Geneforge 1 benefits, similarly, from being at an overlap between two large groups of voters.


— On the one hand you have the Geneforge-specific fans. Although plenty of people play Geneforge as well as other Spiderweb games, most of the people who play Avernum (and the others) seem to play most Spiderweb products, whereas there is a distinct group of people who mainly stick to Geneforge games; of these, 5 benefits from being the most recent, 1 from general appreciation, and 2 and 4, not surprisingly, got a lot of votes also.


— Then you have the old-schoolers. It seems likely that many people who voted for the Exiles, the Nethergates, and maybe even the early Avernums split their votes among such games; but Geneforge 1 is a name that tends to come up alongside E/A 2, BoE, and Nethergate when this group trots out its favourites.


My votes were for Exile II, BoE, and Nethergate, in that order. With more votes I might have included A:EFTP, Exile III, Geneforge 1 and 4, and Nethergate: Resurrection.

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End of Day 2


Geneforge 1 (15%) still leads, followed close by Avernum: EFTP (13%), and a few votes behind that is Blades of Avernum (9%) in 3rd. Behind the top 3 there is a three-way tie for 4th. These include Avernum 2, Geneforge 5: Overthrow, and Geneforge 4: Rebellion (7%), and a tie for 5th between Avadon: TBF and Exile II: Crystal Souls (6%).


*127 Total Votes*

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My guess is that a pick your favorite, vs pick 3, the results would be very different. Someone's top three might be "well those are the only three I played" against someone's actual favorite, giving same credit despite very different opinions between the two people. If it was a pick one, its more likely for people to pick their favorite, rather than a game receiving lots of credit due to votes that don't give strong opinion because people want to use all three. In a pick one, votes are more likely to be equally deserving.

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On the other hand, it might be recognized that Geneforge 1 is just a TINY bit better than E2. If everyone had that attitude and only one choice, G1 would have a massive margin of victory despite being only marginally superior. Better yet would be some sort of 1st, 2nd, 3rd choice functionality (where the first one awards a full vote, the second a half vote, and the third a quarter, or some such).

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Arrgh!! This makes me so mad/sad. I have played only the demos of the Geneforge series, yet I immensely enjoyed each one. Neither A:EftP, A6, or Avadon run on my computer (Windows XP), so I can't rightly judge for or against those either. Also, I've only played the demo of Nethergate and haven't the faintest clue what this talk of Nethergate: Resurrection is.


How long will this poll be up? Once I buy all the Geneforge series, Nethergate, and all the Exile games, buy a better computer, and play through each of those games, then I can give you an honest answer.


For now, A3 is my favorite. Then A2, and then BoA.

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