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Originally Posted By: SereNikki
I value my image too much to even own a pair of sandals or flip flops.

Next you'll all be sharing stories of your crocs.

I understand the revilement of crocs. Who wouldn't, after all? What I do not comprehend is the disdain for flip flops and sandals. Would someone care to explain why they are viewed as lesser?
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Originally Posted By: Andraste

Barefoot is better, but frowned upon in public frown

Yes, even children seem to disapprove of it. I was walking barefoot while visiting someone at an apartment complex and a three or four-year old child ran up to me and said "Scooz me, scooz me mister, nice shoooz!"
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The best way I know to prevent getting blisters, is to wear two pair of socks, a thin pair inside the outer sock. 10-kilometer road marches never caused me any trouble.


And I thought I had forgotten about those nasty little thorns that played havoc with my bicycle tires when we lived in New Mexico. That really gets my goat.

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I usually go barefoot at home unless I'm cold; then I put on a pair of socks, and sometimes shoes. When I go into the basement, however, I almost always wear shoes; my father does woodworking as a hobby, and his workshop is down there. Walking barefoot in our basement, no matter how well and often we clean it, is an invitation to get a splinter or three.


I haven't worn slippers or flip flops in about 20 years. I don't think I've ever worn sandals. There's not enough money in the world to get me to try crocs.

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One thing I hate wearing on my feet is thongs. Sandals aren't bad, but they aren't that good either. Most of the time, if I want to go anywhere in town I would have to keep my feet covered, as there is usually broken glass and who knows what else floating around. So I just end up wearing my work boots.

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And this is one of the most amusing things about language; when a word in one culture has quite a different meaning in another. Or in this case, a word that I remember well as relating to a type of footwear, dropped into disuse over a period of just a few decades, and now refers to a type of underwear.

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Originally Posted By: Actaeon
This one is a reasonably mild case. Imagine the trouble a Brit could get into trying to bum a cigarette in NYC.

Exactly. He'd have his British citizenship revoked for one; Brits do not "bum cigarettes", we respectfully enquire as to the availability of spare cigarettes, perchance. That is, of course, only if we have left our pipe at home in the drawing room.
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Originally Posted By: Aʀᴀɴ
Originally Posted By: Actaeon
This one is a reasonably mild case. Imagine the trouble a Brit could get into trying to bum a cigarette in NYC.

Good Omens had this bit where a Brit asks an American for a bundle of sticks...

Prepackaged frozen meatballs would work along those same lines, I believe.
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Originally Posted By: Dantius
Prepackaged frozen meatballs would work along those same lines, I believe.

Well no, faggots are something quite apart from meatballs. Have to admit I'm blanking on the sticks though, Aran. And I own that book!

And Diki is, as Diki often is, absolutely on the money. tongue
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Originally Posted By: SereNikki
Originally Posted By: Dantius
Prepackaged frozen meatballs would work along those same lines, I believe.

Well no, faggots are something quite apart from meatballs. Have to admit I'm blanking on the sticks though, Aran. And I own that book!

And Diki is, as Diki often is, absolutely on the money. tongue

Misremembered; actually the American reads it off the "Witchfinder" business card.

"What's this here," [the guard] said suspiciously, "about us got to give you faggots?"
"Oh, we have to have them," said Newt. "We burn them."
"Say what?"
"We burn them."
The guard's face broadened into a grin. And they'd told him England was soft.
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