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What's your favorite type of RPG?

Alorael at Large

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That's a little bit limited. Free-form forum RPGs aren't the same as tabletop games adapted for play-by-post, and for that matter you've left out tabletop and AIMhack (or other online variants). I think site-text means text-based? There aren't very many single-layer text based games, but there are plenty of online ones (MUDs, MUSHes, and other MU*s). That brings up the MMORPGs, which don't really have a spot on your list. I'd also distinguish between 2D graphics (Exile, Ultima) and 3D (Neverwinter Nights, Dragon Age). Where does isometric fit there? I'd put it with 2D, so Spiderweb's games are all in the same field and Baldur's Gate goes there too.


And what about ASCII roguelike games? They're the most basic form of 2D, in that they're literally text...


—Alorael, who doesn't have a preference. He likes truly 3D and 2D graphics. He enjoys text-based games. He doesn't RP on forums much, but he's had fun with that too.

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Ive played many rpgs but the ones (the only ones) that i can stand enough to play through the game are isometric topdown rpgs. An rpg could be really great, have a great story, excellent replay ability but if its not that type, i likely will get bored of it in a few days and never finish it.


Take vampire the masquerade: Bloodlines-great story, cool races, but would have been much better if it was isometric imo. There's something about the top down view that makes it more simplistic to figure out. As such i got bored once i got past the 1st major area.


One of the main reasons i got away from 1st person games was because before i got into rpgs i was into 1st person shooters.

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D&D nothing. The standard intro one-shot for Burning Wheel is called The Sword. It opens in medias res, after the dungeon crawl, when you've at last reached the artifact in question. All four characters want it for different purposes. Backstabbing is par for the course.


Spiderweb might be the only place I can assemble the eight players necessary to run the Burning Wheel demo game The Gift, too. Four on four, elves versus dwarves, in a diplomatic engagement that goes horribly wrong from the beginning.


—Alorael, who mostly sees one downside: getting people to play Burning Wheel. It's rather far from its D&D ancestor and grasping the gameplay can be difficult even if everyone has read the rules.

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Originally Posted By: Death Knight
Thats pretty funny kreador. I haven't heard of Call of Cthulhu though.

Call of Cthulhu description on Wikipedia
It's a fun game generally set in the 20s, though campaigns can be run at most any time period. Lots of discovering ancient texts and secret societies and big nasty alien gods. You have a Sanity stat because the stuff your characters see can make them insane. ;-)
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