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Name That Famous TV Moment

Mea Tulpa

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Yes... the meme is back. Answer the ones you can without using google. Identifying the show is worth something, but you'll need to explain what's going on to fully solve that item.
































*Okay, okay, some of these are less "famous" and more "moments I liked."

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1. Is that Dr. Beverly Crusher on Star Trek: The Next Generation? Judging from the scene, I'd guess it's a moment from the episode Remember Me, where she's stuck in static warp bubble, basically a little pocket universe, and she's in danger as it starts to collapse.


10. Is this Bob Newhart? From the conclusion of second show with him, where at the end he woke up and the entire second show was a dream of his character from the first show?

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#1 and #5 have already been identified. The other one I know is #7: Lucy and Ethel are trying to prove to Ricky and Fred that they're able to hold down a job. They're wrapping chocolates on a conveyor belt that's moving too fast for them, so they eating/hiding the chocolates instead of letting them move on unwrapped. Hilarity ensues.

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1. Yes! "If there's nothing wrong with me, there must be something wrong with the universe."


5. Yes, it's the message BJ leaves for Hawkeye.


7. Yes. I believe the image is the moment where the overseer comes over and shouts to speed up the line.


9. Yes.


10. Yes! It's the conclusion of _Newhart_ which wraps back into the old _Bob Newhart Show_.

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4. Mary Tyler Moore show where they are at the funeral for Chuckles the Clown.


6. Seinfeld where Jerry takes the last marble rye from an old lady and later finds out she knows his family.


Edit - Not sure if the Cronkite moment is the death of President Kennedy. It can't be later than the mid 1960s since it's still in black and white,

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4. Yes. Chuckles died in a particularly hilarious way, and Mary spends the entire episode refusing to laugh about it and berating everyone else for laughing. She finally stops being able to hold in her laughter during the funeral. It's a good enough performance that this episode frequently makes the #1 spot on published lists of the funniest TV moments.


6. Yes! It's Mrs. Choate.


This leaves 2, 3, and 8. Some hints:


2 and 3, like 4, both involve reactions to someone dying. In both cases, however, the character is rather less peripheral than Chuckles the Clown.


8 is actually even more ridiculous than it looks like. It also has something in common with 10.

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#3: Nope -- I didn't think of that -- but close! It is from arguably the best episode of the series. Any last guesses?


#8: Yes! More specifically, it's Roseanne in the guise of Roseambo, rescuing her family from the ninja-terrorists who are holding them hostage on a speeding train. I am not making this up. However,


Click to reveal..
Roseanne was: in the series finale, you find out that the entire last season of the show was written by Roseanne and the events that actually took place differed in numerous ways. Hence the similarity, in some ways, to Newhart's ending.
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Originally Posted By: Lilith
starting things and not finishing them is slarty's posting gimmick


Anyway, since nobody has guessed #2:

It's from the beginning of the pilot episode of Twin Peaks. Sarah Palmer has just realized that her daughter Laura Palmer is dead. She screams. A lot.
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#1 - Star Trek TOS: Two of Kirk's crewmembers are turned into cube-thingies by an alien. Said alien demonstrates superiority by crushing one of said cubes into powder.


#6 - Stargate SG-1: O'Neil and Teal'c are stuck in a time-loop, and take the opportunity to do things they wouldn't get away with under normal circumstances. Like golfing through the Stargate.

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4. is from B5 when Ivonova is having "sexual intercourse" with an alien ambassador (without actually having intercourse).

3. is from red dwarf, but Space help if I remember from where (something to do with the devil maybe)

2. the costumes look like they are from Dr. Who the original series, though I don't know exactly where or what.

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10. Justice League Unlimited episode Piggy where Circe turns Wonder Woman into a pig and Batman is forced to sing a romantic song in front of an audience to get her turned back into a human.


6. I really liked this Stargate One episode because they could save money just using the stock sets so they decided to have fun with Jack and Teal'c. Halfway through the episode it was all for fun when you have all the time in the world and only the two of them know what they did.

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Originally Posted By: Doctor of Tremendousness
9. The statue of Jayne from Firefly. I'm surprised it wasn't picked up immediately.

Rowen took a guess in his edit, at least.

That, and Seymour waiting for Fry (#8) were the only two I felt confident enough to have a guess at.
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@Nioca: Yes and yes for #1 and #6. Fun fact: that episode was my first introduction to TOS.


@Rowen: Yes and yes for #8 and #9.


@Galanos (whose original PDN I can't recall at this moment): Yes for #4.

. Depending on your perspective, it's either hilariously campy or horrendously awkward or incredibly awesome. Or all at once.


#3 is Red Dwarf, but it has nothing to do with the devil.


#2 is not Doctor Who, but you are getting warmer.


@Randomizer: Yes for #10. Justice League mostly kept away from the corny plots. Mostly.


@Soul of Wit: What are you talking about? I got 10/10. :-P


But seriously, you've got a point. Just be glad I didn't go with my original plan: Canadian Edition. I realized that people wouldn't get the answers even if I linked the opening credits.


(For what it's worth, this was my first JLU choice, but making fun of Batman has been a thing for me lately.)




Remaining to be guessed:


#2: Somewhat obscure.

#3: You already know it's Red Dwarf.

#5: Rather obscure.

#7: Slightly obscure.


For what it's worth, I *think* there's at least one fan of each show left.


EDIT: It's not like anyone is keeping score, so go ahead and guess the show even if you can't guess the moment.

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Actaeon's second image (and the second Futurama one) was from (I think?) the last episode of season 4. Fry has been learning to play the holophone to try and impress Leela, because, when he was infested with worms he was badass at it and was finally making romantic headway with her. After the worms were removed, he became terrible at it, so he trades his hands with the Robot Devil's so that he can write Leela a symphony, which he does. The image is, I think, Leela telling Fry that she's not at all impressed with him cheating to get her affection.


Wow, that was an involved answer.


Edit: Dintiradan: The style of #2 reminds me of a cartoon I used to watch when I was a kid. I can't for the life of me name it, but it might help somebody else.

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Close enough, Nikki. Leela's actually quite impressed with Fry's skills, but has unfortunately been tricked by the robot devil. She is telling us all about it... in song.


"Fry, you do not understand... I should have revealed I'd been deafened by Bender (the shame, the shame), but I feared you'd stop writing this musical splendor..."

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Originally Posted By: Actaeon
Close enough, Nikki. Leela's actually quite impressed with Fry's skills, but has unfortunately been tricked by the robot devil. She is telling us all about it... in song.

"Fry, you do not understand... I should have revealed I'd been deafened by Bender (the shame, the shame), but I feared you'd stop writing this musical splendor..."

Haha, oh yeah, the ears thing.
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