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Quirky local traditions


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It's that time of the year again, and for the nth year running, I've been away from home, and unable to go cheer on my local sporting greats, the cheese rollers!


Pictures here:




some of the videos on youtube are very amusing. Does anyone have a local tradition, crazier, quirkier, or more dangerous than this?

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It's not quirkier than cheese rolling, but:


Each memorial day weekend, we have a festival here called Runamucca, in which motorcyclists gather from all over the place. At the height of festivities, a new motorcycle is covered in gasoline and subsequently torched.


Also, if you travel ninety minutes or so west from here there's a festival held each year in the middle of the desert. It's called Burning Man, but I'll hold off on explaining that one. wink

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I don't know much about it, but sometimes, usually in April, there's a group of bikers that starts riding all across Utah and other nearby places, picking up more as they go. I've seen them plowing down the road, en masse, with as much as 200 bikers (spread across a chunk of time).

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I've just remembered this initiation rite in to this running club, whereby whoever was wearing new shoes had to fill the shoe with beer and down it, after running in them of course.


There was a poor illegal immigrant, recently arrived from some war torn country, happy to be safe, proudly sporting his new shoes that he had bought from money earnt picking berries or something. My heart went out to him. He looked like he was going to cry. But hey, what can you do?

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we all round up any people that are over 18 or otherwise deemed "unholy" then we stone them to death.


actually the town i live in has a nice yearly festival called kathaumixw, choirs from all over the world come to sing in it and.... thats basically it, not as fun as cheese chasing but its still interesting, the towns folk can offer their house for two weeks or so and let one of the visiting choirs stay there.

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Originally Posted By: Rowen
Originally Posted By: boggle
But hey, what can you do?

Not support hazing would be my first guess?

Incorrect. Get somebody to stamp on your shoes so that they look dirty, and therefore old, so that nobody recognises them as new.
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Originally Posted By: The Ratt
A town by me celebrates pulling an anchor out of a lake.

LOL fun times tongue

Here in Edmonton Alberta, Canada, it's almost festival season. We have one festival called "The Fringe" and there is always a freak show optical illusion event.
2 bucks gets you in the tent to stare.
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