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Tantalizing Info

The Ratt

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I like what I hear.


Release something like 13-15 months seems reasonable. It won't be a huge gap, since it's only today that A6 is officially completed, so Jeff has a couple of months during which a big chunk of his audience will still be busy with a brand new game. Hopefully this means he'll have enough time not to rush anything; assumedly the new engine is heavily based on A6, being his current state-of-the-art, but it can likely benefit from tuning up and specializing to the details of the new game. Likewise, I'm hoping that the comment about improved graphics means that he'll be able to use some of the time to add substantially to his graphics assets so that the new game can have a look and feel that is truly its own.

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Originally Posted By: Master1
Originally Posted By: The Mystic
And you just made me lose The Game.

I lost the game.
And I hate you so much for that.

Meanwhile, you can rest assured that: 1) you probably held out a lot longer than I ever did, and 2) everyone else who read the first line of this post has also just now lost The Game.
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