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A Geneforge Trilogy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had a free day today where I have had no work to do. The course I am doing is coursework based so it includes a lot of homework, so I am unsure as to when I will be able to post chapters but whenever I don't have coursework to do then I will TRY to write another chapter.


Chapter 22 – Discovery


Saraph reaches the bottom of the steps to find another small room with a pedestal in the centre. Around the walls are bookshelves filled with books entitled with names like “Wingbolt version two” and “Drayk version one” Saraph smiles and walks forward towards the first bookshelf and takes the first book. He stands at the pedestal flicking through the book reading each page in less than a few seconds. Within moments he has flitted to the shelves and back with the next book and begins reading that. Even with Saraph’s incredible speed and one look memory the process still takes most of the day and as Saraph reads he begins to thirst for more. His speed constantly increases and by the time he has finished the entire complex is quiet. Saraph’s improved hearing informs him that there is nobody around and the majority of people are sleeping.


Saraph hungers for more knowledge and looks over the pedestal to see a very intricate lock. The sort of lock that one misplaced touch would break and cause it to be unusable. Saraph can sense the creation inside it waiting for a frequency key, the creation is so fragile that only the right frequency would cause it to open. Any other frequency would kill it. Saraph extends his mind towards the creation and senses that it works or reactions and instinct, it has not independent thought. He begins to learn how it opens the door and what bodily function provides that and instead of providing the magical frequency Saraph directly affects the creation. A very small current of electricity to its nervous system causes it to twist and activate the stairs to the next level. Saraph smiles as he descends the stairs silently, and when he reaches the bottom he peaks around the corner to find it empty. Cobwebs cover the room and suggest that very few have been down hear recently and a sign signifies that the work has been moved to shaping hall D. Saraph knows that he is not allowed into shaping hall D, his curiosity is ignited. He walks forwards to find a bookshelf with books entitled “Drakon version one” and “Gazer version two” Saraph grins at the information he has access to. He hurriedly reads through them and absorbs the information and completes his knowledge of the current war creations.


By now it is approaching midnight and Saraph begins to wonder around the room looking at the equipment left behind. He spots a small piece of machinery with two rods sticking out at either end, one points upwards at a slight angle whilst the other points downwards at a small shaping platform with a dried bone on top. Saraph sees that there is a lens in the rod pointing at him and as he places his eye to it he can see an image of the bone. He twists a dial on the creation causing the image to get larger. Saraph twists again testing how powerful the machinery is, the bone enlarges closer still. Saraph keeps twisting the dial amazed as the bone becomes a lattice structure then the lattice structure gives way to a piece of living material that has lasted through the years protected by the bone. He sees millions of little sacs joind together. The dial twists one more time and Saraph witnesses the view plunge into one of the sacs and reveal a large black structure, the view plunges into the black structure to reveal millions of little wormlike objects and as the view gets larger still one of the objects becomes clear. Saraph witnesses a long piece of scroll with symbols on. As Saraph observes he notices only four letters upon this “scroll” the pattern of letters however is different. Saraph looks upon it and extends a tendril of magic into the scroll and when it touches one of the symbols it changes into one of the other three. Saraph looks on in amazement and memorises the four symbols.


He takes his eye away from the eyepiece and watches as the creation returns the view to normal. Saraph walks towards the other side of the room to find another bookcase this one almost empty, only one lone book remains there. Saraph picks it up and opens it. It is a journal of one of the people working here, it speaks of the discovery of the scrolls several years ago and how they desired to learn more. They discovered it was a language and that it controls life. They also know that it has limitless combinations that they will never hope to understand. Saraph sees the usefulness of this book and slides it into his pocket. Saraph looks around the room further to find little more of interest. He vows to return hear tomorrow and begin to work on this strange language. He walks back up the stairs with a slight smile upon his face at the enormity of what he has discovered and how it would affect the shaping world if it was released. Saraph reaches the top of the stairs and hears them shut behind him, he continues up the stairs leading to the basic library and the main complex. As Saraph reaches the basic library he freezes in shock as he sees what is waiting for him.

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Chapter 23 – Breakfast


Pyralis jumps off the pedestal in the middle of the small room and leans against the side of the pedestal. Her eyes quickly flit over Saraph’s body observing his stance and mood, when she finds nothing she gives up and reveals why she is standing where she is.

“I was wondering, if you are not too tired, whether you would be available to accompany me to breakfast.” Saraph can detect none of her businesslike tone he can remember from previous encounters, he even notices her porcelain eyelids flutter to obscure her perfect hazel eyes. Saraph face breaks a small smile and without thought he nods vigorously. His strength and speed, coupled with his uncontrolled cheer, makes his head seem a blur to everyone but himself. He realises quickly and corrects his behaviour.

“Sorry, I have had little social interaction for many months. I am out of practice.” He corrects his smile into a more comforting look. Pyralis nods and indicates for Saraph to lead the way. On their way down to the dining hall Saraph’s mind grinds though all the possible reasons for her to approach him in such a way. He also realises that he hasn’t eaten food for even more months than since his last normal conversation.


At the dining hall Saraph walks with Pyralis to the table of food and serves himself a small portion of vegetables and once Pyralis is also finished at the table he leads the way to a table away from most of the other rebels. Saraph takes a small bite of food to find his sense of taste has also been heightened with his other physical changes. He swallows and then begins small talk with the beautiful woman sat opposite him. During the conversation Saraph learns a great deal about Pyralis. He learnt that she is only a year older than himself, that she joined the rebels when she was about fourteen and that she manages the integration of creations into the rebellion.


Towards the end of breakfast when there is little remaining on the plates Pyralis looks Saraph straight in the eye and asks her first question in the conversation.

“Why do you fight for the rebels?” Saraph is transfixed by her eyes that he doesn’t look away. He assembles his answer in his head before explaining to her about his training to become a shaper and how he saw how the creations were looked upon as disposable tools. He explains how he dislikes the shapers obsession to control their powers and keep them to a select few. He explained how a servile had informed him of the rebellion and how he decided to join it. Saraph finishes his explanation and finishes the last bite of food on his plate.

“Why do you not use the canisters?” Pyralis asks next.

Saraph looks up confused and asks “What makes you believe that?”

“Because like me your skin does not glow and you are calm and controlled. I look around this room and see hundreds of people that do not fight because of morels, they fight for the canisters. The drakons use the canisters to recruit farmers and turn them into tools, tools of war and destruction. I want to know why you chose not to use them?”

“I do use the canisters, but what you have said makes me understand now that they do not affect me in the same way that they affect everyone else here. I have never lost control or felt a sudden anger, my physical appearance has not been changed except for an increase in muscle definition. They seem not to have the side effects that everyone else experiences.” Saraph looks around the room and notices the subtle signs that Pyralis has made him aware of. Many of the rebels are tense and ready to attack each other as willingly as their enemy. Saraph sees them like the drakons see them for a brief second before he feels pity for what they have become.


Pyralis looks at Saraph with curiosity before she stands up. Saraph stands also and carries his plate to the stack of dirty plates at the corner of the hall. Once the plates are stacked Pyralis turns to Saraph.

“Thank you for your company today. I will see you around.” She smiles a genuinely happy smile and walks away with a newfound bounce in her step. Saraph shakes his head as if waking from a dream. He walks back to his room and begins to read through the journal he found in the depths of the library.

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  • 1 month later...

Chapter 24 – Group Four


Sounds of swords and explosions dance about the training field like wraiths entangled in a hurricane. The field is occupied by only four people, these people move with finesse and precision that is rarely seen. Flames are summoned only to be extinguished by ice moments later followed by a leaping body with sword raised to strike. Moments before collision the soon to be receiver of the blow has rolled only to strike at the back of his assailant. The people are locked in an unending battle consisting of attacks and counter attacks that are so constant that it weaves a melody of destruction and the bodies intertwine into a flowing dance of devastation. After ten minutes the field they practice upon is blackened and sunken. The attacks being dealt are powerful enough that one stray blow would tear up the ground ten metres around where it landed.


The four combatants stop their battle after half an hour to shake hands and begin another training drill. Hordes of soldiers enter the training field and the four bodies in the centre leap into action. One by one the soldiers begin to fall incapacitated to the floor. Each of the four people training move together as one entity, their co-ordination supreme, as if they are one body working to achieve one goal. After little under five minutes one hundred soldiers lie unconscious on the floor around the four people. A loud clapping comes from a stand at the side of the training field, the shaper council quieten down and a guardian seated in the middle stands up.

“We have assembled you four shapers to be our arm in fighting against threats that have recently come into light. Shaper Namine, our most talented mentalist and leader. Shaper Spddin, you are our most talented shaper and mechanic. Guardian Dantius, our most talented swordsman and weapon master, and last but not least, Shaper Cirikci, our most talented sorcerer. It is your task to scour the lands for any rebels and eradicate them. Your main search should be for Andras, who used to be a shaper but recently went insane from stress. We have also heard reports of a powerful rebel that is skilled in combat and shaping, we have reason to believe he defended Poryphra against our attack and his name is Sarass”


The four Shapers bow low to the ground before departing the training field. They travel to the feasting hall and eat dinner before travelling to the shaping halls. At the shaping halls they reabsorb used essence and gather supplies they require before shouldering their packs and standing on a shaping pedestal. The air blurs and the four Shapers vanish from sight…






Andras hurries about his home gathering necessary supplies throwing everything he may need into a fyora skin rucksack. Once done he shoulders his pack and begins to teleport to a place he once journeyed through that was desolate and remote. As the air blurs around him he can see another blur towards the other side of the room. Four shapes become more and more solid as Andras becomes less and less. One of the four shapes becomes totally solid and launches a bolt of searing lightning across the room at the fading shape of Andras. Just before the lightning hits Andras vanishes, several curses fly around the room and the four Shapers begin to search the house.


Andras reappears on the slope of an icy mountain. Several metres to his right is a cave opening which he hurries into the shelter. The rock the mountain is made of is somehow resistant to magic and prevents teleportation within the cave. A discovery Andras made the last time he was here. Andras sets up his camp and begins to create several lethal looking turrets at the entrance to the cave. No one can get in from anywhere else. He lies down and begins to drifts off to sleep.



P.S. Would it be possible to sticky this topic as it is getting rather large and geneforge relevant. I can't update it quite as much as i'd like to either so it may get unoticed whilst i'm busy at college.

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Chapter 25 – Ring of Fire


Charlotte sits unable to speak whilst Iraelithe sits patiently smiling. After several minutes Charlotte manages to organise her thoughts to form a reasonable sentence.

“Why you telling me?” Shock stops any emotion entering her features. Iraelithe looks Charlotte over before replying as if to emphasise his words.

“Because I would like to teach you, I can sense great potential in you and I see you fight for a worthwhile cause.” Once again Charlotte is struck dumb and it takes many moments for her to regain composure. She then thinks about what he said and the opportunity in front of her before nodding vigorously. Iraelithe smiles before standing up and going back into the kitchen. Moments later he returns holding a small box.

“I thought that this may be helpful since we have little time. Oh and I cleaned the dishes for us.” He sits back down and hands Charlotte the small wooden box. Charlotte takes it and inspects it. It is made of polished mahogany and has tiny brass hinges holding on the lid. She runs her thumb across the box lid before hooking her finger under the lid and lifting it up. As she sees what’s in the box she gasps before inspecting it closer. Inside is a gold ring with an onyx gemstone set into the face. Upon closer inspection she sees a small flame flickering in the centre of the gem and a faint trail of flames winds its way over the band of gold.


Iraelithe smiles and begins to explain what it is.

“When I was travelling many years ago I was forced deep into the crypt of an ancient shaper tribe leader. There were many items in this crypt and most of them were useless and purely decorative but this ring was at the very centre of the crypt. As I looked upon it, it emitted such immense power that I was scared of it. I closed its box and felt the power emitting from the ring cease. I opened it up to find that the box was blocking its power from escaping. Over the years I’ve stolen glances at it to find its power decreasing with every passing year. I studied it to learn that it is imbued with so many enchantments that aid in the wearers abilities. I would like you to use it so that you may pick up what I teach you faster. I must warn you though I have never seen it worn so the results may be greater or lesser than what I believe.” Charlotte looks at the ring afraid to touch it, it looks like it would burn her if she touched it. She gets the courage to reach towards it and when she feels no heat she gradually reaches closer until she touches the gold band. As she makes contact she feels it mildly warm to the touch but it is not a painful heat. She pinches it between thumb and forefinger and pulls it out the box and holds it up to the light, it splinters off the gem and sparkles magnificently. Charlotte even thinks the flames on the band get slightly more prominent but can’t tell if it’s a trick of the light. She holds her left hand out with her middle finger outstretched and slowly slides it onto it.


As soon as the metal band encompasses the tip of her middle finger flame tendrils stretch from the ring and flow down her finger and round her hand pulling the ring down to the base of her finger, the tendrils continue to snake around her hand till they engulf it entirely in flames and begin to stretch up her arm. Charlotte can only feel a pleasant warming sensation but that is countered by her vision of flames engulfing her entire left arm. As she watches the flames begin to disappear and the gold band of the ring begins to get brighter and brighter until it glows dazzlingly white. The edges of the ring begin to blur slightly and the pleasant warming sensation continues to spread throughout her body. As the ring begins to dim once more the warming sensation encompasses Charlotte’s entire body and doesn’t fade. The ring returns to how it looked but as Charlotte looks at it she sees the edge of the ring has fused to her skin to become a part of her. She looks closer to see flame like patterns undulate beneath her skin and she feels better than she has ever been.



Hmm I think i'm going to have to cut away some of these main subcharicters, they are stealing time from the main story of Saraph and Charlotte.

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O-M-G, took me an hour and a half to read all of those chapters but <3 <3 <3, first time I have liked a "book" so much. I hope you update it more often!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Edit: Woaaaaaaaah frown didn't realize while I was reading, but you posted the chapters more than a month apart ;-;. Time to wait another month.


Edit2: Someone reply to this thread :|. Feeling lonely.


Edit3: Hurrah the author replied smile. Now I can wait.


Edit4: WIshes there were some geneforge books out there to read.

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I apologise to readers for such long waits. I have lots of college work at the moment and it is getting really teidious not to be able to relax and let my fingers flow out a melody of words that weave into this book.


I recently got invited onto the Beta testing of google wave and i have 8 invites, if any READERS would like to be invited onto it then I would invite them, that way I can post chapters on there as a wave and you would be able to correct spelling and grammer or even provide an alternative way of wording a sentance. If you want an invite feel free to send me a private message requesting it.



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My first post in three years, didn't think this profile still existed.


Anyway, I read the story and it is very good. I have played only a couple of the geneforge games, and this story has some things I missed out on in the games.

I could go through and edit it, if you want. I am pretty good at spelling.

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Chapter 26 – Nature’s test


As Charlotte looks around she sees the world anew. Everything seems small and fragile. She has difficulty keeping concentration as everything catches her attention at once and while she inspects some wilting lilies she is distracted by a butterfly floating around outside. She closes her eyes removing visible distractions from her focus. Her breaths deep, she calms herself and allows a clear train of thoughts travel through her mind. While she does this she hears a small voice coming from somewhere in her mind. As she focuses on it she tries locating the source, the trail leads away from her mind and down her arm to the ring.


Charlotte’s eyes snap open and she focuses her eyes onto the ring. As she looks at it she sees the onyx gem in the middle swirls not with fire but with a hazy mist. The flames beneath her skin have also changed to a pale shadow. She closes her eyes letting her mind focus again. She notices her thoughts are clearer and faster, even though her concentration is easily broken. She takes a brief moment to organise her head, almost like tidying her room she stacks and condenses her memories and knowledge feeing her mind from cobwebs and distractions. She finds that her mind is greater, as if the ‘room’ was knocked down and stretched out across an entire planet. She shudders slightly as she imagines her thoughts echoing in such a vast space.


All this happens within the space of a few seconds. Charlotte is about to move on keeping a solid train of thought when she freezes. A voice echo’s around her head with an entire generation of wisdom upon its breath. The voice is not warm or homely like Iraelithe’s but damp and slimy like somewhere you know a huge range of venomous and ugly creatures live. She shudders as she hears the voice again. Moments later her mind gains an enormous pressure and even though Charlotte throws her eyes open she cannot see. She feels her body fall to the floor and her entire focus becomes encompassed within her mind.


Charlotte opens her eyes to see herself standing in blackness. Opposite her is the frame of an old man he looks at Charlotte with an unending amount of hate burning in his eyes. It is not a personal hate of Charlotte but a hate to the entire world, a twisted hate. Charlotte feels the extent of the entity within her mind, the decades or even centuries of knowledge and experience. Her mind is home to both her and this entity. The man smiles as Charlotte makes this realisation. She also notices her small organised corner of her mind is the smallest fraction of what this entity takes up. Her small corner gets a smothering pressure at the edges an instant later and Charlotte begins to feel her mind fading away. She somehow pushes against it automatically and feels herself returning. As she pushes against the pressure bearing down on her mind she begins to push it away from her entity and towards the man opposite her.


As she begins pushing the barrier back towards the man it touches his stolen space in her mind and Charlotte begins to get flashes of what is contained in the ‘territory’ of her mind that she is claiming. It distracts her enough to allow the man to push her back again. Charlotte’s mind clicks into what is happening; it is a battle of wills. Natures test of survival of the fittest; those that desire life live longest. Charlotte realises this and also realises she is at an advantage, the man opposite has already been dead and she has spent every second of her life fighting to stay alive. She fought mountain cats to survive. With this realisation she releases her desire to stay alive and throws it out bashing up against the man’s barrier and sending it back. She engulfs the man’s mind with the sheer power of her desire to live and forces his barrier back until he is left with a similar amount of room as she began with. The man’s smile disappears and is replaced with deep concentration. Charlotte is crushed with centuries of knowledge; she concentrates on maintaining her barrier whilst it is all processed. The man forces his barrier back slightly whilst Charlotte is trapped within his memories. His barrier expands, slowly gaining momentum and beats back against charlottes barrier. When the man meets the place where Charlotte is processing it frees her from the pressure of so many memories and allows her to fight back again but the momentum built up by the evil entity is too great. Charlotte slowly looses ground and she notices that the entity has taken back over half of her mind.


The entity continues to gain ground until he begins to assault Charlotte’s memories. She gets the feeling of fading from the world again and she fights against the barrier as hard as she can. Her less important memories are slowly fading and she feels him reaching ever closer to her memories of her… She looses control at that moment as emotion floods into her mind. Her family, her dead family would be removed from her memory before she died. Her entire existence is being stolen from her leaving nothing to take to the next world. Her body, her mind, her soul, she would just cease to exist. This thought builds up a mass of emotion that begins to build up so much it feels like it burns her mind. She rebels so much against the idea that her mind takes over and the emotion boiling up breaks free. Charlotte is aware not of a bubble expanding from the centre of her mind but rather a flaming lance shooting straight across the length of her mind striking deep within the entities thoughts. The flames burst from the lance outwards stealing his most personal memories from the entity first taking away his will to live rather than suppressing his consciousness.


The pressure against Charlottes barriers lighten and her mind floods outward removing all traces of the evil consciousness from existence. She is upset to have done to him what her very being rebelled against but it is nature’s way. The weakest die and the strong survive. Charlottes mind reels from the amount of information flooding her mind and once again she stacks it like tidying her bedroom. She begins to feel her body again and opens her eyes to see Iraelithe sitting on a chair beside the bed he laid her in. Charlotte takes a deep breath before smiling a warm smile at him. He looks at her and realises the outcome he smiles back relieved.

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Chapter 27 – Patterns


Saraph looks up from the journal, an uneasy feeling in his stomach. His mouth fills with saliva and he knows what is coming. With little time he runs quick as a blur through the door, shattering it into millions of splinters, without looking back he flies down the corridor and into the toilet just as the nausea hits. The food from breakfast, totally undigested, flies from his mouth and into the toilets. Wave after wave hits until his stomach is empty. He looks down into the toilet at the food that would be pretty much edible for anybody else, untouched by stomach acids and unbroken down by saliva. It looks exactly as it would if you passed it all through some form of crusher. He frowns once at the realisation that his body has changed to live solely on essence, food can no longer sustain him. He walks briskly back to his room and observes the wooden splinters all over the corridor. The door was solid oak more than six inches thick. The hinges made of solid iron tore a hole through the bricks as they were wrenched away from them. Saraph walks over the splintered remnants of the door and into his room. He picks up the book and closes it; he had gotten about a third of the way through the research notes and was finding it a bit of a challenge. Every other book he has found was easy to understand and could be read in moments. He enjoys this book because it makes him think. He puts the book back into his pocket and walks out of the room.


Saraph looks over the mess of the shattered door and summons up a quick blaze of fire to incinerate the wooden splinters. A quick gust of wind scatters the ashes and the only evidence left is the mutilated hinges and the lack of a door. He picks up the hinges and places them neatly besides the entrance to his room. Saraph walks away from his room towards the library. He needs a place alone to think and study. The walk to the library is quiet and he quickly descends to the lower level, he mimics his last actions on the small creation and opens the stairway to the old research hall. Once in the hall he closes the entrance and walks over to a pile of cushions left in the corner. He sinks into them and opens up the book; he begins flipping through the pages locking the words into his mind. Once done he replaced the journal onto the shelf that he found it. He walks over to the pedestal with the observation creation. He brushes the pedestal clean and summons a fyora limb. He looks into the eyepiece and begins deciphering the strange four lettered language. Saraph learns fast and as he learns he becomes efficient at manipulating the scrolls of life. He thinks of it like learning to write, at first your letters are jagged and slow but as you practice they get clearer and your speed increases. He works with quick speed allowing his connection with essence speed up his ability to manipulate it. Within a few hours he is starting to notice connections in what he is doing, small patterns that indicate to Saraph that he is doing something right. A few hours later he begins to recognise the patterns he was only vaguely aware of and begins to work with them increasing his understanding.


Saraph looks up an hour after he began to become aware of the patterns. He has hit a wall in his research. He has narrowed it all down to six patterns and he can feel within him that there is only one more step to unite them all. That unity would give him a link from his language into the four symbol language. So creating a creation would be like writing a book. He absorbs his fyora leg, it looks quite deformed, muscular and multi coloured, he can get no further with experimenting. He returns the room to how he found it and leaves. He gets to the top of the library the knowledge buzzing around in his head struggling to make sense. What he learnt can still be used effectively but he knows somehow that it is nothing compared to what knowing the link would do. He walks back to his room to find his door has been replaced with a solid granite slab, when he approaches it slides sideways. Saraph smiles, he knows it would still get shattered if he needed to leave his room quickly. He looks at his little golden clock and sees that it is seven o’clock in the morning. He settles down on his bed and relaxes; he focuses deeply and begins to pour over the patterns that are haunting his mind.

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Chapter 28 – Flight


Saraph is disturbed from his thoughts when the door slides quietly open. He opens his eyes slowly and looks at the visitor. The man in the doorway is a similar height to Saraph but with blonde hair, his eye colour is obscured by the glow in his eyes and his skin has a waxy sheen with a feint glow from beneath it. As Saraph inspects the man’s skin he can see small fissures on the surface, as if it’s drying up and ripping itself apart. The man wears a pained grin on his face but stands straight.

“You’re to report to our leaders, they have another mission for you.” The man quickly turns and leaves before Saraph can ask a single question. Saraph looks over himself and sees that his robes are stained and blackened in places. He thinks it is about time to find some new ones. He shrugs, puts the thought to the back of his mind and stands up to leave the room.


The usual journey through the passageways was uneventful and the two drayks let Saraph pass without argument. The rebel ‘leaders’ are all seated and look at Saraph as he walks in.

“Ah, Our illustrioussss tool.” The centre drakon pronounces when he spots Saraph. “We would like to discusss a task that we have a need for it to go sssmoothly. You have a sssterling record for your missionss and we are impressed with how you have acted under the most presssing circumstancesss. We have reason to believe the shapersss” he spits “have a mechanical instrument for channelling esssence without fluctuation. We believe they keep it in their research hallss in the Whitespire Mountainsss. Find it and retrieve it, the device is small enough to fit into your backpack.” Saraph nods and departs.


Saraph sits on his bed knowing the danger of this mission. He has already been to the shaping halls and prepared physically for the mission, he now sits planning how he may do this. It would be easy in his current robes to convince simple townsfolk that he is one of them, but if he ever met a shaper then they would know instantly. On the other hand if he went in with clean, regal robes with all the character traits of the shapers there would be little to give him away. His skin and eyes are still perfectly normal and the changes undergone by the canisters are easy to hide. He thinks of how he can get himself a set of shaper robes, he had thrown his own set into the ocean before setting foot in this fort. He thinks that there may be a chance to acquire some if he sneaks into a town on his journey to the Whitespires.


Saraph leaves the fort through the front gate and looks out over the snowy capped mountains around him. He runs forward and jumps twenty feet into the air flipping once at the peak of his jump, he looks at the ground many hundreds of feet below and can see where he will place his feet already. As he plummets towards the ground at the foot of the mountain he smiles at the feeling of weightlessness. The ground approaches before he wants the feeling to end. Saraph places his feet and then softens the impact through his legs, as he stands up again he observes a ten foot wide crater around him. He looks up at the rebels entrance, hidden to all but those with exceptional eyesight, it lies a good three hundred meters above him. Saraph smiles; happy to be moving again.


Saraph thinks of the enormous distance he has to cover and decides it would be quicker to travel most of the distance by wingbolt, dismounting only when near the Whitespires that way there will be people who see him approaching. He quickly puts his new knowledge into action whilst summoning a wingbolt; the result is a much more streamlined body with slightly larger gas bladders and a more angled heat vent. Saraph jumps smoothly onto its back and tells it the destination. Within moments the wingbolt is in flight and speeding through the air. The small changes Saraph made gave it greater speed and agility even with him on the back. Saraph soon settles down for the long ride overnight.


When the sun hits the horizon Saraph is amazed at the view suddenly change, from his aerial view he sees the suns light stretch over the landscape like long fingers grasping greedily at an orb of gold. Saraph also feels the wingbolt beneath him begin to descend rapidly. The wingbolts changes allowed the journey time to be almost quartered. As the wingbolt gets a few hundred meters from the ground Saraph gives it orders to return to the rebel fort and help them however it can. Saraph jumps nimbly from its back and lands lightly on the ground with a quick roll converting his downward energy sideways. Saraph continues running until he reaches a road where he slows down to the pace of a human walk. He follows the path west towards the city of Mera.

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Chapter 29 – Alone Again


Charlotte’s eyes settle upon the relived form of Iraelithe. His shoulders are slumped and his eyes regain their depth, he smiles a relived smile that cracks throughout his face showing his true age. Charlotte sits up and stretches, she jumps lightly to her feet and smiles at the silence accompanied with her action. She beckons to Iraelithe and darts through the doors of the house and out into the small front yard. She settles down on one of the tree trunk podiums and waits for Iraelithe to join her on the opposite pad. Iraelithe sits down on the opposite pad and takes a deep breath.

“Are you sure you are ready to begin?” Iraelithe’s voice is laced with concern fo her well being. Charlotte nods slowly.

“Then we shall begin.”


One hour…


Two hours…


Three hours…


Charlotte’s breath rushes out, a flame flickers on the palm of her hand for barely a second before dieing away into the air. Charlotte started out confident, she had all the knowledge and experience from the entity, a being she realised had been using magic for several decades. She thought that it would be easy to use magic with his knowledge. Soon after Iraelithe began to instruct her in the use of magic she realised that using magic is different for everyone, the principles are the same but the method is different. For the last three hours Charlotte has been focusing on finding the method that allows her to access magic and at last she succeeded, if only just. Realising her success she tries again. She pictures in her head the flames that freed her from her battle with the entity, she pictures them getting warmer and warmer, hotter and hotter until they burst forth throughout her body and emerge from her right palm. Once again her right palm catches fire; she focuses on maintaining the flame this time and watches the flame dance about on her palm.


After several minutes Charlotte relaxes and watches the flames flicker and die. She looks up at Iraelithe and sees him smiling at her.

“You have done well. All you can do now is practice your control and learn new ways of manipulating the magic.” Charlotte focuses intensely and after a long moment an ice shard forms two inches above her palm and she lets it fall to the floor. The shard is flawed and messy, not clear and flawless like one of Iraelithe’s demonstrations. She frowns slightly at the melting evidence of her lack of discipline. Iraelithe looks at Charlotte with puzzled eyes and when she looks back up to his face she notices.

“When I fought the presence in the ring for control over my body his memories remained. The knowledge of the manipulation of magic he possessed is within my mind.” As Charlotte speaks this Iraelithe’s face twists into a mask of horror “What’s wrong sir?” Iraelithe’s face does not change as he looks at Charlotte.

“I have made a mistake, that ring is nothing but an abomination, an unnatural thing, it should have been destroyed and not used. I think it is best if you leave Charlotte, I have caused enough damage. Please do one thing for me though, practice and gain discipline before you use techniques that are stored within your mind.” Charlotte feels like an icy stake has been thrust through her heart and is slowly freeing it shut. She felt at home here, she had lost her family but found refuge with this old man. That refuge is being torn away once more and yet again Charlotte is alone. Her eyes prick before she nods and turns around.


She counts to five before accepting his words to be true and like a whisper she flits from the clearing, fast as a cheetah but as silent as a father landing on the ground. For a time she is happy just running, feeling free from the world as the scenery whips past. When she hungers she hunts, her senses aiding her locate food and her strength and speed aiding her kill it. She tries cooking the food with magic but her lack of control causes her to incinerate it leaving only a pile of ashes. She catches a deer and eats the meat raw and continues running. Several days pass while she runs through the wilderness occasionally she sees a town and circles around them in a wide arch. After several days she calms down enough to relax and take stock of where she is. The landscape is littered with swamps but the temperature has been slowly dropping. She can see in the distance many white capped mountains with what appears to be a large spire. She locates and kills a couple of large wolfs skinning them. With one hide she crafts herself some tight fitting pants, the second she throws around her shoulders and hides her face in the shadows of a crudely fashioned hood. She decides to acquire much less intimidating attire that will conceal her skin in the town just north of her current location.



P.S. I have My first book of this tale in PDF format is there any way to get it uploaded to somewhere more permenant on the forum?

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Hmm I believe a mild age rateing should be in place from this point on. I think the subject matter is a 12+ in english tearms so if you are below 12 do not read on.

Contains content of a mild sexual nature.


Chapter 30 – Caught


Saraph sneaks into Mera in the dead of night; he makes a bee line for the central halls. He leaps silently from roof to roof keeping out of sight of any passing nightwalkers. He can see the main halls towering over the other smaller buildings and sees a window. Saraph leaps nimbly onto the wall grabbing hold of the window ledge to keep from falling. With one hand he holds himself to the wall whilst the other pulls the window open. The window utters a squeak and Saraph freezes. When nothing changes he tries again slowly this time and once again the hinges squeak. Saraph curses the poor maintenance of the windows as a snort issues from within the room and a bed creaks with protest. Saraph pushes himself from the window and flies towards another nearby roof keeping his eyes on the window. As he watches a man approaches the window and closes it. The window squeaks again before hitting the frame with a muffled thump. A lock clicks into place and Saraph sighs.


Saraph jumps from building to building around the halls looking for another window to find them all closed. He was about to try and find a second way in when his eyes spot the tiniest of gaps at one window high up in the halls. Saraph leaps to one window and begins scaling the building towards the window. As he arrives there he looks through the window to peer inside. The room is large and very grandly decorated, in the middle is a large curtained bed and lay on the bed is what Saraph can only presume as the shaper master of the Mera. Saraph nearly lets go of the walls in shock at the sight. The shaper master of Mera is female… and naked, the bedcovers sprawled over the side of the bed revealing her naked form to anyone who happened to walk in… or peer though the window. Saraph shakes himself out of his shock and turns his head away from the bedroom to remove the distraction. The woman in the bedroom is incredibly pretty. Her hair is shoulder length and straight, it frames her face in a wonderful rusty brown colour. Her face is flawless with beautifully formed pink lips and wonderfully shaped eyes. The rest of her body is perfectly proportioned. Saraph shakes his head once more and focuses of how to open the window.


The air is chill and a rush of cold air from opening the window would wake her. He thinks hard and looks back through the window this time focusing on his plan. He focuses and begins to use magic to reposition her bed covers gently, as he works he is forced to look upon the more revealing parts of the woman’s body, Saraph tries hard to focus but as the covers pass across her chest his focus breaks and the covers fall heavily onto the woman. She stirs and grasps at the coves pulling them up further. A smile spreads across her face and she rolls over facing away from Saraph. Saraph sighs, luck is turning his way. He gently pulls on the window opening it a fraction of an inch feeling the oiled hinges slide smoothly over each other. Saraph focuses again and begins to warm the air around the window to avoid a cold breeze through the room as much as possible. He slides the window open more going slowly and silently. When the window is wide enough for Saraph to slip through he starts to enter controlled and silent again. Within a few seconds Saraph places his feet onto the floor and closes the window mutely. He edges round the room silent as a shadow and hopes the door is as silent as the window. As his hand touches the handle the woman laid on the bed behind him sighs and begins to roll over again. Saraph’s eyes involuntarily flick towards her. Time seems to slow down as Saraph sees the woman roll over the edge of the bed. In a brief impulse Saraph opens the door sliding though it and closing it behind him quieter than anybody else but loud enough to wake her.


Saraph runs quickly down the halls and hides in a small storeroom. He knew it was a storeroom by a sign besides the door. As he looks for a hiding place he spots what he came for. On the shelves are a series of shaping robes. Saraph grabs a red robe from the rack and thrusts his arms into the sleeves. He ties the front around his frame with a thick leather belt and pulls the hood up over his head. All the time Saraph’s ears are listening for any indication of an alarm or search party. Saraph waits in the room and when nothing happens he stands and walks out of the room.

“Hello, it’s a little late to be wondering around isn’t it?” Saraph freezes and turns to the right his head hidden in the shadows of his hood. As he turns his eyes fall upon the rusty brown hair and perfect face of the shaper mistress of Mera.


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