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Posts posted by mikeprichard

  1. Off topic, but real quick since it was mentioned - dungeon/other mobs immediately respawn in this one? For most (all?) past Spidweb titles, respawn has been very limited, and only after a period of time in any particular area. This would be a big change, unless I'm misunderstanding the comment.

  2. Not being able to play on GOG would be a showstopper for me, so as another KS backer, here's hoping this happens soon. If not, I'll have to ask Jeff to somehow trade my Steam key (which I will never use) for a new GOG one. Regardless, it would be extremely disappointing if as a day one KS backer, I wouldn't have the same choice to play on GOG as I would have if I just bought the game tomorrow after release as a new customer.

  3. I just saw a recent comment on Kickstarter from a beta backer (user Bigus Bovinus - I'm also a backer, but without beta access) and response from Jeff suggesting there may be some kind of time progression mechanic in this one as a possible throwback to Exile/Avernum 3. Jeff's answer was a bit vague - "You can take as long as you want. It won't lock you out of the ability to finish the game." However, can any of the testers please share (obviously no spoilers expected/requested) whether there's any optional game content at all - e.g. merchants, sidequests, etc. - that will be locked out if you take too long? I generally despise these time limits as someone who's both a completionist and who only enjoys an RPG when I can feel relaxed and able to take my time to explore/quest at my leisure without worrying about missing some bit of content, however small.

    Any info that can be shared under the terms of your beta access would be appreciated!

  4. Clearly, my one and only concern is the pants. Forget all the other tried-and-true Spidweb equipment customization options that Queen's Wish is also doing away with (possibly in the interest of simplifying gameplay... which makes me a bit wary). I just want my pants back. If I find out where Jeff has put them, I'll let you all know.

  5. I'm very disappointed to see from the screenshots that the character equipment options have been vastly reduced compared to previous Spiderweb titles (no cloak, gloves, belt, pants, or boots slots, reducing 12 equipment slots to only 7). Equipment customization was a huge aspect of the fun in these titles. I suppose it's too late to revert this unfortunate trend now. Still, of course I'm excited for September.

  6. Also, to correct a misunderstanding in this topic, it's possible to both learn and cast Break Barrier as a Roman, even without Rhian in your party. You'll need to set up the following on one player character (which may seem like a lot of work, but as a completionist player, I found it quite simple):

    1) Buy one level of Craft Circle from Moira in the Hagfen
    2) Wear the Emerald Helm (+1 to all magic stats) (optional if 3) and 4) are done)
    3) Defeat Raven for the All Circle Scroll (+3 to all magic stats excluding Druidism)
    4) Kill the Selkie chief for the hags and take the Craft Circle Scroll as a reward (+3 to Craft Circle)
    5) Learn Break Barrier from the northwest bookshelf in Iltanor's room in Northern Aethdoc (yes, it does teach Raise Dead and Break Barrier, and only to Romans - the list above incorrectly claims it teaches Raise Dead and Total Healing)

    This gives you an 8 in Craft Circle; only 7 is needed to cast Break Barrier. I ended up not doing this myself in my game, as I thought the hags' quests were icky. But this is very doable in a Roman playthrough (and maybe even recommended for powergamers).

  7. I've finally been playing through N:R for the first time - I finished all other Spiderweb games years ago, but for some reason never got to this one. Anyway, I'm really enjoying the "two halves of the story" gimmick and the general gameplay, but as with the original Exiles/Avernum trilogy and the Geneforge series, I agree it would be great to see a re-remake of this in Jeff's new engine. In particular, I'd want to see four things:


    1) Junk bag.
    2) The "new" Spiderweb skill tree system that actually allows you to feel like your characters are progressing in power each level, as opposed to the old system where relevant stats get very difficult to raise at higher levels.
    3) Better UI that actually shows complete and accurate resistance and other character statistics.
    4) JUNK BAG.

    Of course, this probably won't happen in my lifetime, since next up is Queen's Wish (day one Kickstarter backer here) alternating with the Geneforge 1-2-3 remakes. Of course I'm hyped for all of those too, but it's a little sad that Nethergate never really had much critical success relative to other Spiderweb titles. It's quite different from his "main" series titles, but definitely worth some love.

    Also, on the very slight chance Jeff reads this one day - please, please, please try to get this on GOG!

  8. From Slarty's and my own research in the scripts, although the day triggers relating to town damage aren't visible anywhere in the scripts for some towns (Krizsan, Delis, Shayder, Sharimik, Aminro, Lorelei, Gale, and Greendale), it looks like Jeff didn't make any changes to the town destruction schedule compared to the original A3. So, the info in my old A3 topic here should still apply.

  9. I found a few items (excluding those found in merchant inventories per your stated rule) that weren't in the list. The only ones I can recall right now:

    1) A second Swamp Shoes (in an inn in a small town, I think lying on the floor, but I don't remember which town)
    2) A second Ten Blessings Band (if you rob the beggar near Moon)
    3) A second Mercuric Plate (on the ground next to Sulfras - must kill her to get it)
    4) A fifth Crystal - Luck (attack the merchant settlement in the mountains north of Sharimik)

    Fantastic work!

  10. Right, that's what I assumed was going on with most of the inconsistencies between the game and this list. As to the Ivanova quest reward, it's +1 Hardiness, not Resistance - so it's not a game bug after all. Thanks!
    Also, a few items missing from the list:

    1) Swamp Shoes (in an inn in a small town, I think lying on the floor, but I don't remember which town)
    2) Venomous Blade (when Hawke's ghost appears in the Manse's statue hall, approach the northeast statue)
    3) Stability Girdle (in an outdoors stone circle on an island north of the Distant Hut, with the Orb of Thralni and sufficient Luck(?))
    4) Granite Girdle (dropped by a prototype golem in the Upper Golem Factory, after pulling the lever in the secret room just north of the stairs down)
    5) Mauler's Ring (read the book "Secrets of Wainscotting," then search the ground behind the Wainscotting inn)
    6) Blessed Armor Band (in a chest past a secret switch in the SW corner of the Remote Cavern pillar room, with Dispel Barrier L3)
    7) Blessed Breastplate (in a chest in the E part of the Guarded Tunnel)

    8) Crystal: Vahnatai Lore (in a chest in the center of the factory's Golem Spire)
    9) Crystal: Vahnatai Lore (in a chest in the council hall in the SE quarter of Ghikra, past the barriers)
    10) Crystal: Resistance (on the ground past a secret switch in the NE rock formation in the Great Circle)

    And some miscellaneous corrections/additions to the list:

    1) The rune disk near Torria that teaches Summon Shade needs 18 Arcane Lore (including Vahnatai Lore, but not Sage Lore), not 17 as shown in the list.
    2) Attacking the drakes guarding the Chaotic Halberd gives Dread Curse.
    3) Clicking on the eastern of the two green crystals in the final SE room of the Defiled Crypt gives one point of Vahnatai Lore.

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