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Posts posted by mikeprichard

  1. Munchkiny/slightly lazy question (I haven't yet reached the Great Cave/Scree Pits): I'd like to add only 7 points to Spellcraft from level-up points, get the 8th point from the drake, and buy 2 more points from Solberg for 10 total. Is this possible? Or does the drake's point count as one of the "bought" points (which would allow me to then buy only 1 more point from Solberg)?

  2. Rookie question - is there a limit to the number of souls you can have in your prism? Also, is it possible to remove already captured souls from the list? I started capturing everything I could find, thinking I'd collect every Pokem- I mean monster in the game, but now that I'm at 5 random monsters including the default goblin, I started thinking I should be more selective if there's some kind of limit (making sure I can still have room for things like Haakai and Eyebeasts later on).

  3. I do see your point. Still, I've decided to skip the XP traits in favor of some endurance/recovery/swordmage traits, as I've started (with my level 18 party) stockpiling wisdom crystal herbs now to more than compensate XP-wise at the end game. (Especially compared to A:EFTP, this is surprisingly easy to do with the patch NW of Formello, including the graymold/mandrake - and it only takes a couple crystals per character to beat out those two whole traits, if the traits really do only give you about half a level extra at endgame. And I haven't even started farming the Moldy Cave yet; with that, it'll be almost too easy.)

  4. About bows - I noticed a yew bow is much more valuable (something like 500-700 coins) than a cavewood longbow (130 coins), even though the cavewood longbow does vastly more damage and also has the +10% crit compared to the yew bow. Is this an oversight on Jeff's part, or does the yew bow have some practical advantage over the cavewood longbow (or "standard" bows vs. longbows in general) that I'm not considering?


    And on the crit rate - I forget whether the +10% crit chance is additive or multiplicative with other bonuses; which is it? (I.e. does an existing crit rate of 10% with a longbow added give a total crit rate of 20%? Or does it become only a total crit rate of 10% + .1(10%) = 11%?) Thanks!

  5. Juan Carlo - as Lilith mentioned, your magic users should try to plan for 10 Hardiness anyway, so you can try something like this in their combat skill trees, where the "+X" indicate purchased training (see also my character builds in the fourth post of this thread). It's an investment, but it will get you to 15 discipline points without having to rely on items, and allow for max Hardiness as well.


    8+2 Melee

    +1 Poles

    +2 Bows

    +2 Thrown

    10+2 Hardiness

  6. Although I'm only about 1/3 through my first (and probably final) playthrough, I agree 110% with the OP so far. While I'm also having a great time (as expected), I can't shake the feeling these remakes are in fact "soulless repackaging(s) of... old cash cow(s) to exploit a loyal fanbase and also appeal to a wider audience on Steam for a quick buck" - especially when Jeff's basically admitted as much in his interviews/blog posts. The issue, as you pointed out, is the almost complete lack of intent to try to "improve"/expand/something the original games with the remakes beyond the (welcome) interface updates. What's more, the combat (as discussed in other threads) is starting to slip into stale and repetitive HP-bloated slogs, not helped by the weak melee/ranged vs. magic balance and unimaginative treatment of armor/resistances. It's still not "bad," and still much better than Avadon IMO (hard level caps you reach 2/3 through the game, almost exclusively bland trash mob combat, vanilla setting... meh), but it's somewhat disappointing to a player like me who's been enjoying Spiderweb games since the '90s to witness this gradual decline in quality and innovation.


    That said - I've been away from the game for over 10 minutes, and am starting to feel withdrawal pangs, so signing off here. Cheers.

  7. Slarty - woah, I forgot that's how that works... again, I'll take that as a bug that I'll be happy to take advantage of. As for whether crits actually pierce armor/resists or simply add flat damage, it seems to be the latter, but I'm not sure.


    Hobo Elf - magic being vastly overpowered (and not too difficult to manage SP-wise, especially with a few points of First Aid thrown in) in A2:CS and in the Avernums in general compared to melee/pole/ranged is definitely the consensus. I'm running one DW tank, one priest, and two mage-priests, and finding the mages dominate in terms of damage. Torment players have even reported a 2-priest/2-mage (i.e. no dedicated melee/ranged character) party being perhaps "optimal," and I'm not surprised.

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