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Posts posted by mikeprichard

  1. I think I've found a good compromise: for my priest, I'll replace Healing Focus x5 (I agree the 3% healing boost per trait is weak) with Blessing Focus x5, and for my two mages, I'll replace Summoning Focus x3/Swordmage x1/Recovery with Blessing Focus x5. 6 extra levels per summon would've been cool, but it seems like blessings are probably more universally useful than I thought originally. Edited my prior party build post.

  2. I completely agree that the accuracy cap adds nothing positive to the game. As the OP said, there are ways to balance combat difficulty/damage that don't involve a maxed-out blademaster swinging a sword and missing a cave slime 1 out of every 10 attempts (or also in my anecdotal experience, even significantly more often, despite the "90%" display). Anyway, it was a step in the wrong direction moving from the 95% cap to the 90% cap, IMO.

  3. Are you talking about "BF" as in the Battle Frenzy discipline? You saying that's also enhanced by Blessing Focus (which is what I had meant when I said "BF" above - I changed it to be clear)? If so, that'd be pretty slick, but a bit strange, as the Blessing Focus trait requires Mage/Priest skill points, and its description refers only to enhancing "blessing spells"; if it really also enhances battle disciplines, you'd think Jeff would make it easier to stick it on a non-magic fighter. Besides, I'm only currently planning to take those 5 Endurance traits on my magicless fighter, who won't have access to Blessing Focus anyway.

  4. Hmm, good points, but it does seem to be kind of a close call/subjective (2 extra points of Endurance - which gets you the real stat bonuses beyond just the level-up 5HP - ain't that bad).


    But I did want to ask why you were so down on Healing Focus, and so up on Blessing Focus earlier. Even with BFx5, your blessing spells would only be 5x5% = 25% more effective, so with Haste (the example you used earlier), even at spell level 3, the 3-turn duration would maybe become 4 turns, and you'd possibly get a chance of Battle Frenzy closer to 40% compared to the original 30%. Of course, that's just one spell example, but investing 5 whole traits just for that kind of return seems incredibly bad. I'm sure I'm missing something here.

  5. Thanks for the XP trait data, Slarty! Barely one extra level at endgame is about what I expected (that's also how the traits worked out in A:EFTP), so IMO they're not really worth it - the difference between (say) a level 33 and a level 34 party isn't enough for me to justify bumping two other traits, even for humans. But of course, that all depends on your party build. Anyway, good to know.


    And Triumph - I remember gold having a max carry amount back in the original Avernum trilogy, but I didn't think it's been like that for the past several games. Best to let the experts weigh in, though; I'm still only at level 6.

  6. Right, I was planning on using summons more as meatshields for tough boss fights, but I still might change up a couple of those traits; I'm only at level 3 so far. Going back to the XP thing, it'd be great if anyone who's further along could post some data - or I'll just test out the XP traits myself later (comparing characters with one and both XP traits to characters with no XP traits). If I do and nobody else has come up with much in the meantime, I'll post what I found.

  7. Cool, thanks. That was one reason I was planning on waiting until a patch came out. I did also see someone reporting save file corruption issues (or something about someone walking around with a spear equipped that suddenly disappeared? - some weird stuff I can't find again on the forums right now), which would be nasty, but I guess I'll just hope that doesn't happen to me.

  8. Thanks, Lilith; I get it - so I'll probably max at Swordmage x3. And Slarty, I'll look out for those armors; they might free up another trait or two to test out the XP bonus traits. Again, I vaguely recall they only added barely another level by the endgame in A:EFTP (nothing to sneeze at, but not mind-blowing) due to only tacking 5-9% onto the diminishing monster XP returns, but I could be misremembering and/or they could be better this time around, depending on how XP is distributed.

  9. Two levels of Swordmage are pretty easy to get some use out of: a breastplate plus a heavy shield will already get you to 30-35%. 4 is almost certainly overkill, though.


    I'm not quite clear on how Swordmage/casting mage spells in encumbering armor works. If you start with the ability to cast mage spells in up to 5% encumbering armor, and each Swordmage trait adds 10% to that, how would only two Swordmage traits (10% + 10% + 5% = 25% encumbrance as max for mage spells) allow you to get to 30-35% encumbrance without incurring a spell penalty?

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