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Posts posted by mikeprichard

  1. That probably explains it - I'd gone along with the shade's arguments throughout the earlier lessons, and it was pleased with my answers by the final scene, so if I remember correctly, that must be why I avoided a fight at the end. Guess that makes the boots an optional drop.


    Also, saw one more thing missing from the list - the Sentient Eyestalk charm.

  2. If you retrain/respec a character's skill points (either through the trainer in Goldcrag or the Shift+D "retrain" cheat), the character's base attributes are automatically altered compared to their base pre-respec values: Intelligence is decreased by one point, and Endurance is increased by one point. (Bug confirmed in Windows version.)

  3. Is there an alternative way to finish the "final lesson" scene in Monitor Base C that involves fighting? I didn't fight anyone/anything in that final scene, so nobody there dropped anything, but I didn't keep a save beforehand to test other dialogue options that might have started a battle. Thanks!

  4. Randomizer - thanks for adding the Chirurgeon's Tunic to the list. The Stabby Sash stats are still incorrect, and I still can't find the Stompin' Boots where they're supposed to appear in game, but otherwise, aside from some minor formatting errors in the list with the armor value/weight/strength requirement column alignments and with the separators/headers for the different equipment categories, it all looks pretty good.


    And yeah, I also assumed the Scorched Greaves augmenting a Sorcerer skill but not being equippable by Sorcerers was a bug... Jeff be trollin'. With every game, he gets a little more unpredictable - sorta like Redbeard.

  5. -Chirurgeon's Tunic (+8% armor, +5% to blessings/curse you cast, +10% to healing) is missing

    -Stabby Sash provides +10% critical hit chance (not +5%)


    Also, were the Stompin' Boots removed from the final version of the game? I searched everywhere in the NE area of Monitor Base C after the final Miranda "lesson" with Redbeard (according to the "Item Location and Quest List" topic), and didn't see them.

  6. I just installed on a Win 7 Pro 64-bit setup myself, and have been having the same issues, though I don't remember having them with other Spidweb games - the game is running extremely laggy/"choppy" much of the time. I'm also running hardly anything in the background - just Firefox and the required 7 or 8 Windows base processes (although I've also tried closing Firefox, which didn't seem to help).


    I just noticed the alternative "DirectX" game .exe; would using that link to play instead of the regular OpenGL version possibly help?

  7. Slarty - what exact phrase is opposite to the actual meaning? I thought the discussion was about Parry and Focus Mastery (and as always for all characters, armor/resistance values) acting to reduce damage, not about how you can evade damage altogether (which is something entirely different).


    Regardless, I appreciate the advice in this and other topics about the nerfing of evasion's effectiveness generally - so I won't bother to focus on it through pumping Dexterity or equipping +evade items.

  8. In other words, Parry (vs. physical) and Focus Mastery (vs. magical/elemental) are the only skills/abilities that block or reduce damage significantly, but of course armor and other character resistances function as always. It would be interesting to confirm whether that AI hypothesis is actually the case (i.e. certain monsters favor attacks on characters that have lower resistances to their favored damage type), and if so, which specific enemies exhibit this behavior.

  9. OK, I just saw the below answer in Randomizer's "advice for players" thread. As long as I don't hit the level cap 2/3 of the way through the game as I did in Avadon 2 (I'm an OCD completionist who must do every side quest), I guess this is acceptable. Thanks again.


    Characters are capped at level 30 just like Avadon: The Black Fortress. Also it takes more experience to go up levels so you reach the cap closer to the end. About a quarter of your experience comes from doing side quests, but if you are careful you can still get through the game without doing them on normal difficulty. Although you will miss out on lots of money and really good named items. Near the end not doing quests will lead to lower levels so you get more experience from those you do complete and the difference narrows. Jeff timed it so you reach level 30 just in time for the end.

  10. Sorry if this is already answered somewhere in the traditional Strategy Central extravaganza, but are hard level caps in for Avadon 3? I'm trying to decide whether to start a playthrough over the next few weeks, or just wait for a sale in a year or so, as the implementation of the caps in the previous games really put me off. Cheers!

  11. I did some more digging in the script file, and found apparently there's only a reputation condition (of less than 100) to join Litalia's faction if you're currently allied with another faction (I'm not in my current playthrough); otherwise, there doesn't seem to be a rep requirement (beyond the indirectly related requirement to start the Trakovite Hunter quest). I've corrected the list above to note this. As for my original confusion with the Trakovite Hunter quest, it does in fact require a rep of less than 100 per the script file dialog entry, and not less than 99 as I suspected yesterday, so the list is still correct on that. Thanks again to all for the tips!


    begintalknode 207;

    state = 185;

    nextstate = 70;

    condition = gf(100,0) <= 99;

    question = "I swear on my life that I want to serve you. I renounce my old alliance.";

    text1 = "You expect something more dramatic. A shock or a bolt of lightning or something. Nothing so spectacular happens. However, you suspect that word of your action will soon filter back to your former master.";

    text2 = "Litalia nods. _You have chosen wisely. Our path is filled with peril. We need to make sure there is no going back to where you were before. Now then. Let us discuss the future of the Trakovites._";

  12. The full text of the entry in T34Ttrakovdlg.txt is below; it doesn't have a reputation (100,0) "condition", but the "action = DEP_ON_SDF 100 0 99" does appear at the bottom, whatever that means - and that's what I'm assuming Randomizer focused on when initially saying joining her faction requires a rep of less than 100. However, she only actually says lines "text3" and "text4" in her next screen after I say my line (text1, text2, and text5 don't ever seem to appear in my game), so there's some weirdness going on here I don't fully understand. The only thing I can think of that would make at least some sense would be your idea, but I'm not sure whether I'd actually started this conversation line before this (and I don't have a save in a place where I can check for sure). But almost every other rep check simply involves the "condition = ...gf(100,0)..." arrangement in the script files, which is clear, while the resulting rep increases/decreases use "inc_flag(100,0,X)", which is also easy - so the list should still be mostly OK.


    begintalknode 187;

    state = 170;

    nextstate = 190;

    condition = gf(34,9) == 4 && gf(100,11) == 0 && gf(100,3) != 2 && gf(100,4) != 2 && gf(100,5) != 2 && gf(100,2) != 2 && gf(100,6) < 2;

    question = "I am ready to join the Trakovites.";

    text1 = "_Then know this. I will ask you to perform acts of great ..._ She pauses. _They will be difficult deeds. They will do great harm, to some. But they will prove to the Shaper Council that they cannot continue as they have._";

    text2 = "_We will prove they must change. If that means pulling their home down around them, we will do so, in the hope of a better future._";

    text3 = "_I will not require you to stop Shaping while you carry out my missions. I am too practical for that. Victory is too necessary for such moral purity. Your path will be difficult enough as it is._";

    text4 = "_Will you follow me? Will you trust me and do what has to be done?_";

    text5 = "(If you agree, you will join Litalia's faction and be on one of the paths to winning the game. You can leave this path later, but not without penalty. Make sure that this is what you want.)";

    action = DEP_ON_SDF 100 0 99;

  13. My rep is at least 104 (probably 105), and I'm still able to join Litalia's faction by successfully following the dialog options starting with "I am ready to join the Trakovites" after completing the canister cache quest, despite my/Randomizer's list indicating she requires a rep of less than 100 for you to join. This is another of the few places in the list where the text in what I believe is the related script file entry notes "action = DEP_ON_SDF 100 0 99", so Randomizer, is there a particular reason why you interpreted this text the way you did? Even though flag 100,0 (reputation) is involved, it doesn't seem to be working at all the way we originally thought when it's expressed this way. Of course, you only posted the Synergy list 7 years ago, so I'm sure you remember...

  14. Thanks, Randomizer; I'm going to continue to check my character against this list (I'm assuming I'm now at 98 rep, having been at 100 before speaking to Litalia, then choosing her -2 dialog option), but since I'll almost definitely end up doing other reputation-changing quests along the way, I'm not sure if I'll be able to confirm this with 100% accuracy. I'll post back if I find anything more on this, though.

  15. And here I thought you knew everything - that's one demerit! :grin:


    I haven't yet found any instances of "DEP_ON_SDF x y 0" in the G5 files (having searched about a dozen of the script files), but I recall there were a few reputation checks in my above list that I wasn't smart enough to confirm for myself in the script files two years back, as they involved this "DEP_ON_SDF" formula rather than the more straightforward "gf(100,0)..." formulation when it came to reputation value requirements in dialogs. So, as I'm now inclined to do again, I simply trusted Randomizer's sage judgment in interpreting the above Litalia example as "less than or equal to" rather than "less than" (i.e. "DEP_ON_SDF 100 0 99" = "less than or equal to 99" or "less than 100" as in Randomizer's G5 Synergy list). Another example from the T12Dhariadlg.txt file (for the Astoria dialog's reputation requirements in order to join her faction, listed by Randomizer and copied by me above as "less than 103") is below.


    begintalknode 124;

    state = 86;

    nextstate = 87;

    condition = 1;

    question = "I want to renounce my old alliance. I want to serve you.";

    text1 = "She looks into your eyes, trying to gauge your sincerity. _Then swear again, on your life. But know this. Betrayal has consequences._";

    text2 = "(If you agree, the faction you agreed to help earlier will turn their backs on you. There is no going back to them. Be sure that this is what you want.)";

    text3 = "_Your words and deeds have shown you to be loyal to the Shapers. I could not trust you._";

    action = DEP_ON_SDF 100 0 102;


    Very long story short, in the absence of specific evidence to the contrary, I'm inclined to think Randomizer's/my original interpretation here is correct after all. The only reason I thought it might not be correct is because I'm now (in my standard insane obsessive fashion) keeping track of my current reputation using the above list, assuming the player starts at 100, and had thought I was already at 99 when I tried to get Litalia's "Trakovite Hunter" quest, but couldn't - the only way I could was by first using her dialog option to reduce my rep by another 2. So it's probably more likely I somehow missed tracking a +1 rep point for my current player at some point, which meant I was really at 100 when I first spoke with Litalia. Aaaaaanyway... carry on.

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