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Everything posted by Mosquito---Slayer

  1. Kyshaaks are pretty good if you can keep them for some time , they start out weaker but eventually become better than even wingbolts, I don't have definite stats but on basis of my experience while playing I think Ur-Glaahks probably have better resistances compared to Glaahks.
  2. Yeah, persons with bad ethics are likely to harm all kinds of people, also someone with good ethics often enjoys the goodwill of other people with good or average ethics, so the whole thing probably balances itself in the end.
  3. Guardians also have higher starting essence than the Warriors, though the warriors increase it comparatively faster.
  4. Battle Alphas/Betas are not too good, start with clawbugs and level up to Rothdhizons and Tralls later.
  5. It was powerful because of Parry being really good against melee in A4 also, heartstriker was awesome, the other Bows are just so-so in terms of damage.
  6. I once did a two character run on normal, I used a divinely touched elite warrior slith pole fighter+tool user and a natural mage+pure spirit nephil who could use bows , worked pretty well for me. As for our party there are two non optimal things i see, humans are always inferior to the other two classes + a mage with melee attacks is generally a bad idea because he never gets to wear too much Armor. Also archery is pretty weak, I prefer either melee or poles for physical damage.
  7. I think the game just assumes that Tarkus/wayfarer remained alive and no state where Tarkus was killed by the PC was imagined/incorporated in the writing, I believe the Dialogue would have pretty much gone the same way if you hadn't killed him.
  8. Wingbolts are actually flying snakes(or Artilas), they have little in common with Glaahks apart from the fact that both are magic creations, Kyshaaks are based I believe on Fyoras (Lizards basically), not on Roamers.
  9. Yeah, if you can make Vlishes don't bother with the Artilas.
  10. Don't worry at all, after level 9(or 8 or 10) the game has a spike in experience point even for the weakest of enemies, it will come down as you get higher in level.
  11. You can find a lot of good analysis about all that in the Strategy Central-Avernum 5, it's one of the pinned threads on the top of this second trilogy forum.
  12. I am guessing the point is that Jeff's games help him take off his mind from such terrible and sad incidents, that's rather nice, apart from that well yeah strange post.
  13. Go a little bit north-east of that place(approx. south-west Harston), there are some small houses and an old grumpy guard there, talk to him about it, he will help you hunt it.
  14. There might be, but fiddling with save files is generally not recommended, in case you feel short on money you can just use the cheat code for money, in case that feels like cheating just throw away that much worth of goods . The cheat code for money is :
  15. Try conversation with anybody, you will find a record button on the bottom left of the text box.
  16. It's to the west of the place where you fought the nephil commander/ southwest of the nephil checkpoint, there are a lot of Lizards there, one of them is the beast you need. Welcome to spiderweb software, please leave your sanity at the door, the hunt would do the same in any case.
  17. I will probably go with the new class, whatever way it plays.
  18. The game gets pretty hard if you skip too many optional quests or leave too many areas unexplored, I feel that level 11 at Exodus might be a bit low so you may want to go back and get some more experience.
  19. What I do generally is make piles of similar goods, like one for wands, one for scrolls, for herbs and so on, then I keep them in nearby containers, the items are probably disappearing because your piles are too near to each other, try increasing the distance, put some stuff in boxes/tables and so on, that should do it.
  20. Actually I'm pretty sure you can do that quest without bladeshield, considering I've done it twice and I had about the same skills as you at that point, I'd say just tone the difficulty down.
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