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Everything posted by Superba

  1. Acknowledged .-) At first I thought scarabs were similar to the Ring in Lord of the Rings. Might have been interesting.
  2. There's a dialogue early in the game when you are told that scarabs take from you as much as they give, letting understand they are dangerous or at least they might be so. Maybe it's Duman talking, can't check this. However there are no side effects wearing scarabs, so what was that warning about?
  3. When it's personal I have nothing to say, I understand personal choices and never ask to justify them, above all when choices come from an artist, that is Lord in his Realm, being that a novel, a game or the two of them together as in Avadon case. So it is only a "pour parler" matter to me. I believe it is an artificial perspective there "must" be more equality no matter where, when reality is different, where with reality I mean physiological differences between men and women, certainly not social rights and opportunities. It is true that Fantasy is a good place for strong women with muscles and combat skills. Reality was otherwise much different in past hystorical times, until nowadays, when soldiers mainly fight through technology and nomore with blades. And I appreciate that Jenell and Nathalie use the power of the Nature and the power of the Mind to fight. I also would love to see a female party member skilled with blades as in Avernum, still the number of female warriors in game is more than a bit non realistic and unusually high in what it is supposed to be Avadon blades and brute force times.
  4. I wonder why Jeff chose so many foes and friends with strong managing and/or combat skills to be females. It is not unusual in his games, same in Avernum, yes, but why so? Is this a phylosophical and/or social choice? I admit I hesitated more than once to fight some of those ladies and felt somehow uncomfortable when I did.
  5. Nathalie might seem the worst character in the beginning of the story but she comes out quite well later on. Consider she's only seventeen and she didn't yet suffer life in a dramatical way as the other members of the party already experienced. She's is also a frustrated "enfant prodige", but also the only one of the party that "grows up" along the game. She physically and mentally suffers much the hidden battle in Trail of the Drake land, finds out maybe what her limits are, still she uses her pride and will to fight pain and injures. She's not that bad to me.
  6. In this case, what about a lava surfboard as bonus special item? Gee... :-)
  7. Master 1: they do return to their homes in both ways you act, this is only a detail with regard to logic: when you exit first and for instance you go back down to check them, they are still there approaching the exit and waiting for you to let them out. This behaviour doesn't interfere with the story and there's no consequences for the party, still it maybe more logical to fix this when possible. By the way, it might be intriguing when there's no Shiga'z report and no Shima leak until they come out properly :-)
  8. When on Bandit roads quest and you come out from the underground, quest completed, I noticed that if you come out first Harua and Shigaz don't (can't?) get out. This doesn't change the story but it is maybe to fix?
  9. I did say to Miranda the awful truth on my first playthrough and took what I thought was a major risk for curiosity. She has an overwhelming emotional reaction (that you better understand at end game) but there are no dangerous consequences (unfortunately for events "density", that's only my opinion).
  10. Actually, I got two Ivory Skulls (thanks to Turtle) :-)
  11. There's a door that won't open in the large bedroom close to Huntsman Gable. What does it take to see what's behind? Thanks
  12. I found a review for Avadon on an Italian site and it didn't do the game justice. It is written bya guy that never played the game, and this says all. So I wrote a proper review (my job, after all) and posted it as a comment. My humble but enthusiastic effort pleased the review's author. Here you find the page: http://www.retrogaminghistory.com/content.php?3849-Avadon-quando-lo-stile-retro-non-fa...-stile It is a bit too hard for my knowledge to translate it, but you could try Babelfish and see what happens. I know, it's an atrocious device. As you say entering Avadon's gate: "I was glad to help" :-)
  13. Never had to tell the wizard what I am up to, quickest strategy is going straight to him, being not welcomed to enter the fortress, then go to runner Faiga and complain you were not allowed inside. Then you can talk to other citizens that are entitled to talk to you and you get quests and (mostly useless) information. Can't remember when exactly the Beast woods appear on the map, but it does not depend on telling or not the wizard about your mission.
  14. Sorry to be on the other side :-) I love them all for similar reasons. At first they are so busy with themselves that I feel safe they have no time to plot against me. Then I like to be surrounded by people so different (and crazy), makes me feel the only one who knows what is going on (not true but self reassuring) and this is a good reason to give them directions. But I remember the first time Shima fled I was really crossed, for sure I wanted to send him back to the Honorable Forge :-9 Sorry again, I take all this a bit personally.
  15. Yeah, I know this :-) The rage of Anja is fun. I made the quest(s) with different parties and in different dialogue ways, but still the quest sticks when Anja gives it after it's completed with Unni. It's not important, just a suggestion, but maybe the dialogue could be setted to avoid reporting the "double quest" when one of the two is completed.
  16. Just a small thing: Shaman Unni and Lady Anja wants the same thing, I gave the item to Unni before asking Anja, but I got the quest from Anja anyway when I talked to her, and the quest is still there. Is it possible to fix this?
  17. Superba


    Shima won't forget if you let him down.
  18. Try Spirit Claw and Call the Winds skills at level 8 (+2 enhancements), they are powerful and effective. Pets are useful to divert attention so party members in long fights have more time to heal and recharge skills. This apart Jenell is the only non selfish member of the party... :-)
  19. About individual quests, when you complete the first main quests one of your friends might consider to flee to play an individual quest, bringing with her/him some useful items (as good weapons and armors, bracelets, potions) that you may (much) need on your way to reach and help her/him. So, drop reasonably valuable items into the Junk Box - before - going back to Avadon from a main quest, this should spare you some regrets. Use what you need and give the items back to the pard when you find her/him. Unfortunately you can't do that with scarabs, but you can't have it all, can't you?
  20. Wand of Many Guises is my favourite, Nathalie as a Titan strolled down Castel Vebeaux fascinated by the elegance of everything.... and it was hilarious.
  21. Figure out Jenell and Sevilin have some Beraza herbs tea with Kva lands milk while she tries to persuade him the Stone Code is futile and he looks alternatevily at the wolf and the door :-)))
  22. Originally Posted By: Marak Yeah, I can't recommend skipping any side quests that aren't the same quest with 2 different people to turn them into. Also, don't be like me and never find the caretaker guy in Zethron's Aerie. Missed out on like, 3 pretty decent quests that would have made some mid-game stuff a bit easier. First play on Normal I totally missed the caretaker too, and the Ahmed's Libram quest secret switch as well, because in game "nobody" hints you about it. I understood the switch was there only by reading the posts, so I missed quite a portion of the Normal game and as you say some useful stuff. My advise to newbies is to frequently go back to previously explored lands and talk to the same people. This with regard to side quests.
  23. That's really good, what about its other treasure? Is there a way to reach the little islands in the lava lake?
  24. I feel it like a non spontaneous action, I mean they are far away and wouldn't move at all when you don't attack, so you should be allowed to return in a free status doing nothing at all. And it is annoying, wrong term "boring", because takes your attention away from what you were going to do. Maybe there's a way to avoid this with an automated command that disengage the party when foes are out of reach? A common situation/example is when you are in combat mode but foes don't attack, so you try to exit to gain squares while you approach, until you re-enter in combat mode with a better range for your strikes. This situation occurs many times during a long fight with many foes (fire lizards and spiders as an example).
  25. There's a couple of features that might be better distributed, I think, all strikes with regard to Lightning powers, scripts or wands, are poorly effective when casted by the warriors. Perhaps in Avadon II they could be reserved to the ladies as class items. Then I would love to find real maps inside the Inventory when it's told you got them. And I would like to see the shape of some special items even if you can't use them, as the Hunter blade. One thing I dislike is when you are on battle mode but your enemies are out of range and will not move, if you try to deselect combat mode it says you can't, then you have to complete the three characters turn to get free movements. That is boring.
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