I tried loading my (demo) Exile 3 game, and I ended up in a land that made absolutely no sense. Outdoors, I started on top of lava, next to an open door and cave wall. Out of curiosity, I wandered around an encountered a group of 20 Ogre Mages, 5 Cave Rats, and 1 Gazer. I fled and entered a town called |||||||, where I saw nothing but bridges. I reloaded, and now it was back to normal, sort of. I was in what I'm assuming Exile land controlled by the Empire. I encountered a group of Empire soldiers, who didn't fight me because I had the red flag (or whatever it's called) in my Special Items. Again, I reloaded. Now, I'm at the Tower of Magi! Now I'm thinking to myself, "WOOAAAHH! Tower of Magi! I'm gonna go inside and try to kill everybody!!" I tried to enter, but it said I have no business there . So anyways, I go west and encounter ogres near the cave wall. Also, I found a lava pit south, where friendly spiders talked to me. Continuing west, I saw Silva. That's when I looked at the map of Exile and realized that I wasn't supposed to be there!! So now I'm thinking, "WOOAAAHH! I'm playing random parts of the registered mode with absolutely no idea what's going on!! COOOL!"
This happened two years ago and I'm posting it now because I finally remembered. I don't remember that much else, though I do know more happened.
EDIT: I meant Exile 2.