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Death Knight

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Everything posted by Death Knight

  1. What I mean is that you know in Eschalon, Fallout, Avernum The Pit, etc. You are only given dialogue boxes of writing sometimes rather than all the time. I prefer the dialogue boxes to be less and moreso focused on the journey to get there. Basically in Avernum the Pit, the narrative/dialogue boxes are much fewer and I like that. Its like in Eschalon, Fallout and even the Quest. In Avadon the dialogue boxes are much more in number and it gets annoying unless you are fighting a battle.
  2. Yeah one of the things I like about Avernum Escape from the Pit is that the narratives are much less than in most of Jeff's games. My question is are the sequels to that trilogy very much like that? I don't mind when there are narratives but I prefer less narrative and more combat/leveling up and what not. In Avernum The Pit, the narratives are there but they are not so much as the other games for me.
  3. Writing is only good from my perspective if you yourself like it and a group of people that are likeminded like it as well. If you get no likes and only negatives about a certain work, your not going to want to continue with that work. I find that its like Van Gogh (get the right guy?). The guy didn't sell one painting in his life and lived a miserable existence. He finally sold something and was recognized when he died. The problem with that is that he never got the respect or recognition he deserved. If one avenue works, go for it. If it doesn't then move onto something maybe someone else likes. But don't whatever you do, don't just pick something you hate and write about it. I used to write action/horror but was humiliated when a company reviewed my work. I felt that they were basing a lot of stuff on what they consider common sense. They judged my character based on how his thought processes were thinking. They said it didn't make sense. Too bad crazy people aren't known to make sense. Getting a review is like getting a date. Its only good if it turns out alright. If it doesn't then your worse off then before. I don't like reviewers because of that even though I managed to get a very positive review on amazon kindle. Nevertheless it was enough for me to quit writing action altogether. Or at least until the reviewer gets cancer, heh. I started writing comedy and got a much better audience and people liked it much better than Action stories. The humor is on kindle and while it doesn't have a review yet, it can still make me laugh (the creator) every time I read it. I hope that all you writers keep the positives to heart and don't worry about getting published like I did. Worry about making people like it and the rest with all fall together.
  4. Excellent video-I watched the whole thing. Next time Im in Seattle, I'm buying jeff and his family some pizza.
  5. Ok I decided to just finish with the current character as I am already lvl 14 anyway. So if I am correct, the basics you need to do to complete the game are- 1-Meet with the takers and hear their side after you hear obeyers/awakened side of story 2-Meet with masha and do the quest for her to learn language once 3-Learn Sholai language 3 times to meet with sholai guy in the valley 4-From here I have no idea what to do or where to go next. I have the entry baton from mines but don't know what it does and if anyone knows whether it will be NEEDED in the game? 5-Whats the best way of getting past guarded docks and is that the right way to go?
  6. I hope you all enjoyed the 4th as much as I did. Me and family got together and enjoyed fireworks for the 3rd day in a row
  7. Actually we have a celebrity from the latter town mentioned. She not only became infamous for lewd behavior, she also set the bar for stupidity in my state
  8. We had fireworks last night in brick at my house, fireworks tonight in wall (parents house), and fireworks tonight in brick at my house. It will probably start at 9 or 10 like last time. Guess they like fireworks, heh.
  9. Yeah its pretty hot in N.J. where Im from. The problem is that its not just hot but people/bennies are driving like lunatics. Some guy not only killed me and my family when he took a turn without a blinker and while he was turning had enough time to give us all the finger. I am still trying to figure why he has enough time to tell us off, but not enough to put his blinker on.
  10. Well it was bound to happen sooner than later Happy 4th of July to everyone in U.S. This was always one of my favorite holidays because it costs nothing basically. Usually the firecrackers go off like they did yesterday in my house where I live. And they will go off again near my parents house a little ways away. Either way, the only thing I have to buy is food and drinks, so not a bad deal. How are you all spending your 4th?
  11. Quote Avadon and Avernum each have guides to tell you how to get past things. In gamefaqs Geneforge guides, the faq-writer doesn't do a just job of describing what to do. Some of the things he says and what is true, are 2 completely different things to a point where his advice is very misleading. How about you actually back that up with facts ? Avadon and Avernum have their own pages to tell about what to do. They are a little clearer but I was referring to the gamefaqs user who posted the faq. Its a good faq and all, but I still am a little annoyed that I cannot understand it. Certain parts I read over there were true but when I got to east pentil, even a leadership of 13 won't let me talk my way into learning the language. Now I don't know if thats my fault, his or both. His guide said that you don't need leadership but then why won't it work. Im allied with Awakened. This character is lost, Im gonna have to start over.
  12. This is just horrible and Im so sorry about your mom's situation. I can't stand reading about death nowadays. We lost a family friend 3 weeks ago, then my beloved family dog only 9 years old a week ago. Its just crap. Jerakeen, the best thing you can do with the situation are 2 things. -You can never forget the good times with said person. Good memories can save your life. -You can make new memories in future that will allow you to cope/appreciate the old ones even morseo. If you are doing what you said to help, then she is lucky to have you. Good people are hard to come by and you are one of them.
  13. I went to masha already and she sent me to the guy in the valley. I cant understand him and the reason why is because east pentil is bugged or something. I did join the awakened because I got a message that another town noticed. I might restart some time in the future. My biggest problems are that there is more an emphasis on solving puzzles and what not rather than combat which is what I like. That's not a problem if there is a following of people that can tell what to do next. When you don't have that, its gone which is the case. The trip to the mines with me dodging pylons was one of the most pointless things to happen in a game. And on top of that, if I hadn't played game before, how would I know to go after there. Avadon and Avernum each have guides to tell you how to get past things. In gamefaqs Geneforge guides, the faq-writer doesn't do a just job of describing what to do. Some of the things he says and what is true, are 2 completely different things to a point where his advice is very misleading.
  14. Im a bit confused. I ran through the mine areas (4 areas) and picked up a entry baton or key. I don't know what that was for. This sounds like a stupid question but what should I do next? Im lvl 14, have no problem with enemies, but all I know is that I cant go to guarded bridge or any of the other places. The east pentil person wont train me in sholai language which makes no sense as I have 13 leadership. I might have to restart.
  15. Ok I have to get to the 2nd group of sholai with my guardian. I am finding problems with the walkthrough on gamefaqs as it lists one of the language teachers as non taker. In reality the language teacher is obeyer I think but I don't know. I am currently allied with Awakened and doubt that will change anytime soon. Is there any other teacher I can go to and do I need 2 to speak with the sholai leader? If anyone can help I'd be really grateful as I have literally had little to no problems with this play through up until now.
  16. I'd get into a debate about republicans and democrats with Redbeard and see what he thinks. Even though Redbeard has no idea what they are, after explaining a bit, I'm sure he'll start to hate both of them equally.
  17. Death Knight

    Geneforge MV

    In reality though whether you go solo or with creations. It's still your journey that you walk. The creations that you bring may assist but its still your journey alone rather with a party of fellow compratriots.
  18. I just finished the Eastern docks with my solo lvl 13 Guardian. It was really risky/hard but it was fun as anything sniping enemies with my javelins. Im of the opinion that any agent/guardian ranged weapon user is definitely overpowered. You basically get 3 attacks against melee opponents before they close. 1 attack to stun which they close to melee/never getting close, 2-round the corner-end combat-then start combat and 3-rinse and repeat with similar long distance/stun.
  19. The new ones and old ones were both good. I thought they had a lot of action for movies most of my friends hated. This is one of the reasons why I stopped taking advice for movies-the advice being given can be horrible or extremely bias. The latter in this case.
  20. Geneforge 1-3 is ranged based but Im not sure which is better in G4 and G5. Im using a ranged weapons char in G1, its almost too awesome. With a creation to melee and some missile weapons skill, you should have no problem with the main bad guys. G4 and 5 probably are melee based because the ap points is reduced to 1 making melee more useful. If I remember, vlish are still annoying regardless of the change, lol.
  21. The thing still stands that blademaster is more lethal with a bow rather than with a sword/spear. This is a really crazy thing to add for a class dubbed a tank. Maybe jeff was meaning for blademaster to be a vanguard (aka a tankish ranged weapon user that sometimes uses melee). If that is the case then he has succeeded in it. As for the shadowalker, I dont see why he would even include swords and what not. The character is 5 times more powerful and is almost geared for high dexterity. Also noting the fact that ninja were experts in shuriken (razordisks). The only thing I can think of with shadowalkers would be to disarming blow an enemy and shadowstep and use the debuff to get into ranged combat. Other than that, I still find that as waste of time for a class where each attack from afar is a chance for a cleaving flurry of razordisks. The shaman is a spellcaster with some tankish survival abilities. She is excellent when it comes to dealing damage with spirit aoe and the acid aoe. Combine them together and with vulnerability curse can deal major damage from afar. Sorceress is a natural ranged combat expert. So 4 classes with 1 that can use melee only when in range. And even that is occasional. The blademaster is really only able to use melee when chump enemies are ganging up on him, other than that he is a ranged weapon user. Lets do Geneforge 1-3 Guardian-uses melee when everything closes, other than that, he uses ranged weapons when fighting against artila, vlish, cryoas, and any other ranged creation that is annoying.Most of the time guardians are very weak with getting ganged up on, even with creations to support. You get all enemies to attack you, you are dead regardless of stats. Agent-Ranged weapon user and doesnt use melee almost at all. If she does then its the 3rd game with daze being good which makes her better at melee than a guardian. Shaper-Ranged weapon master. His weapons are his army of creations and he will never go near melee. So you've got 1 character that uses melee half the time and none of the other classes have a benefit to it. Its still a lot of fun to play a ranged weapon character in his games but archer characters get old quick; Fighters have so many different type of ways to make them and its debatable which is better. With ranged combat the finesse character always wins most of the time. Whatever jeff does to Avadon 2 I doubt he will change the system of ranged combat, which is fine. What I dont know is what he can possibly do to make dexterity not as powerful. Maybe make a more chosen approach with more endurance. I dont know.
  22. What Im saying is that its ok that Avadon is ranged dominant, but Avernum and even Geneforge series also give more props to ranged characters. Avernum The Pit-the last dungeon where I fought Grah Hoth, my 2 fighters were useless against him and my hedge wizard was the only useful character. The fighters with maxed parry just got knocked around and did very little. The only reason that I won the fight was because I slammed myself into the wedge corner and let my wizard slam them with spells while my fighters slammed off invaders. The fighters were useful all up until that fight which was tedious and made them look like a bunch of cowards. Geneforge is fairly good with damage from melee for the first 3 games, but like avernum positioning yourself to get close to vlish and artila early on is just deadly. You see a lot of it is about luck. You get lucky and maybe 2 more vlish or artila don't gang up on your thadh and murder you and your guardian. Im not saying that he should change but if your going to go all out with melee or ranged at least go 100% of the way. Take this in retrospect, I have never had any problems with any of the other infinity engine games with melee. They may be real time but it is what it is. I usually don't even bother trying melee in any of jeffs games as its obviously only intended for soaking up damage. Look at all 4 classes in avadon. Every character in the game is meant to be played with dexterity and whatever other thing you prefer. Melee is a fools thing and that doesn't make the game bad, but isn't it a little funny that for a warrior or shaman, most of their points go into dexterity and not strength and intelligence. Maybe I'm doing something wrong but I doubt it. The only saving grace is that my guardian I'm playing right now is a ranged weapons expert. They might not do as much damage as melee (like Avernum), but there are many things you can do with ranged weapons that is better. Lets look at the facts-my melee guardian put all his points in the works, melee, strength, qa, endurance, leadership and mechanics. Yet my ranged guardian not only doesn't die as much, but actually has a use other than getting killed all the time. Factor this in as well-You are even able to command your creations better from the back than from the front. So what we have here is a guardian that is better with 1 or 2 creations from the back rather from the front. I'm glad that works for me and its a heck of a lot of fun but doesn't anyone think that's strange? I'm not dishing the games in any way. What I am just saying is that I've gotten used to just going along with ranged combat as I can't rely on melee in any way shape or form in any of his games.
  23. Are you sure? I knew of Geneforge 2 but Avernum 4? I figured that since the ap system favors ranged combat. I guess parry was broken. Im just saying it seems that only the D and D specific games have melee always as king. I just want to know why?
  24. I get it, you have to be exact that things will be accurate but it stands now that there's always something against melee in turn based party based games. I must be in the minority as I would say that most party based games now, melee is rarely used ALL the time. This is one of the reasons why I love Baldurs Gate and Icewind Dale so much. They're tough in some ways, but you can at least attack with melee all the time. Its like fairly obvious that melee decides a lot so why are turn based games always so partial to making archers and mages into kings. There are plenty of good games where melee is actually useful ALL the time. The quest by redshift is fairly accurate with making melee strong but they at least make it possible to slay ranged characters. Fighters get turned into gods when you combine strength and endurance with magic resistance. Its a wicked combo and its still hard game nonetheless. Eschalon series by Basilisk Games is excellently favorable to melee. You can actually use it not only all the time, but as a defense as well as an offense. Fallout 1 and 2 is actually fair to melee as well which is odd. Give yourself 2 or even 3 perks of toughness and watch as enemies can't harm you. Combine that with a good endurance and your good. Driftmoon is fair to both melee and ranged which is odd as its usually one or the other. What I am trying to see is whether or not we will ever see a game like that on spiderweb. Avadon is a great game, but try playing it with a sword is like pulling teeth. Geneforge is partial to ranged weapons as stun is only useful with ranged weapons. Avernum has enemies knocking people around cursing with immobility, ugh. Its all realistic but the question is will melee ever be useful in a turn based party game? It just seems like archers and spell casters run the show.
  25. My friends always used to say to me that I was born in the wrong time. Subtract 500 years and you'd be right, they said. I would have joined the military but I dislike guns as they make it too easy and just never had an interest in them. 500 years back guns were still not so powerful. Reload time was terrible and if you didn't get em in the head, heart or stomach-you were cooked if they had a melee weapon. Warfare now is about who shoots first, who evades the shot and what not. There was a time when crossbows were so powerful, kings outlawed them. Imagine if they tried that with what we got now. We have nuclear bombs and drones, guns and what not. If the entire planet isn't cinder in 50 years, I'd really be surprised. I'm a fan of technology and power but it worries me when we have to worry about nut jobs that can blow up a country with a bomb from miles away. Swords may have been primitive but tell the last time a swordsman went on a rampage and killed 40 innocent people. The guy got 5 people before someone flanked him. In today's world, a lunatic with no military experience can gun down 30-40 people without a problem with a pistol or machine gun. Oh well, if I can't have swords I guess I still got my fists.
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