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Everything posted by Øther

  1. Unless the save file itself is the corrupted one.
  2. I might be able to help if I knew what game you are talking about.
  3. Thats what I'm geussing. I wonder why the heck Jeff even put a door there?
  4. The unopened foundry door- I have absolutly no idea how to go in there. Maybe its something Jeff forgot? The mine room- The treasure is a charm. Some people have said that going in in combat mode works, but it hasn't for me. I just cheated to get a lot of health to get in. The unpickable lever- Sorry, but you just need more machanics.
  5. This might have gone into Tech Support... Maybe the file is corrupted. Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling?
  6. I tried it a while ago. It's also the fastest ending, if you look at it from another view.
  7. No, have Rawal as your creation, a Drakon comes up, and then Rawal absorbs the drakon, and still fights by your side.
  8. I don't remember any of them mentioning your use of cansters or anything like that, and I saw all the endings, and I was a canister addict.
  9. Using canisters seemed to only affect me at only a few points in the game, and none of them seemed major. There defintaly was that shaper in charge at that one pass that lead to the golem workshop, and I think, but I'am not sure, there was a point before the bridge you got on to go to Zepher oasis. I'm not sure if there are more.
  10. You could make the two go into some huge battle where they slaughter each other.
  11. A little bit, but I know that in G5, haste is never used as much as in other games since of the low probabillity of another attack.
  12. Thats true, what it does is once per turn, there is a chance of yours (or your minions) attack to cost 5 ap instead of 8.
  13. You could add this. http://www.ironycentral.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=150876#Post150876 There is some scripting info in it.
  14. I think the game the game is expecting you to only use fyoras at that point.
  15. Sometimes they aren't that noticable, but they are there.
  16. From the screenshots, I think that you actually finished the game before making the review, so thank you. From the bad review, most of us think that that reviewer only finished the demo.
  17. What about the rebels? They have good loot, and they are more righteous.
  18. You have to open it from the other side. You get there by going around a corner, then going down until you see two locked rooms (I think), then go right until you get to a door. If you go inside, there is a wingbolt and some stuff. There is also a lever, and if you pull it, it unlocks your special door, which happens to be next to the lever.
  19. All right... I'm going to try to post a way to craft your own ultimate attack and insert it into a weapon. 1) Go into the gf5objsmisc.txt file in the scripts. 2) Go down the the abilities that are numbered around 35. ( These should be the abilities that have rain after them e.g. lighning rain) 3)Take this code Code: begindefineability 35; // reaper rain, high damage ab_name = "Reaping Rain"; ab_missile_type_fired = 14; ab_impact_sfx_effect = -1;//18; ab_effect_type = 0; ab_effect_base = 20; ab_effect_per_level = 30; ab_status_effect = -1; ab_ability_sound = 129; ab_impact_sound = 103; ab_ability_sound = 225; and paste it over a rain ability. I chose ability 35 (dampining field) and put it there. You could choose a different one, but be sure to change the number in the line begindefineability to the number it was before. Be careful that the ability you changing does not belong to any (or at least not that many) monsters because you might (I'm not sure if you will or not) give them that attack. Not many things will be able to stand up from that attack, so be sure to go after monsters that may have first! 4) When you go into the gf5itemschars.txt file to craft yourself an ultimate weapon, say it was originally the flaming sword, do this. First, find the code: Code: begindefineitem 76; import = 65; it_name = "Flaming Sword"; it_which_icon_ground = 15; it_which_icon_inven = 14; it_level = 12; it_value = 1500; it_stats_to_affect 0 = 206; it_stats_addition 0 = 10; it_stats_to_affect 1 = 202; it_stats_addition 1 = 2; it_stats_to_affect 2 = 216; it_stats_addition 2 = 10; then change the level to alot higher, add an ability line, and so far it should look like this: Code: begindefineitem 76; import = 65; it_name = "Flaming Sword"; it_which_icon_ground = 15; it_which_icon_inven = 14; it_ability = ; it_level = 700; it_value = 1500; it_stats_to_affect 0 = 206; it_stats_addition 0 = 10; it_stats_to_affect 1 = 202; it_stats_addition 1 = 2; it_stats_to_affect 2 = 216; it_stats_addition 2 = 10; Finally, add the number after thebegindefineability line from the attack that you changed, so mine would look like this: Code: begindefineitem 76; import = 65; it_name = "Flaming Sword"; it_which_icon_ground = 15; it_which_icon_inven = 14; it_ability = 35; it_level = 700; it_value = 1500; it_stats_to_affect 0 = 206; it_stats_addition 0 = 10; it_stats_to_affect 1 = 202; it_stats_addition 1 = 2; it_stats_to_affect 2 = 216; it_stats_addition 2 = 10; The attack that now is in the sword will shoot out a cloud that will damage a group of enimies for probably thousands of damage. You could try different attacks instead of this ultimate one, but I found that this one is the most effective and less enimies have resistance to it or can withstand it. I finished off the boss of the challenge area with this in just two turns. Of course, you could change the stats, but you could do that later.
  20. I thought he was the dead guy on the ground that the addicts were grouped around.
  21. Why would you want to change an item in a shop and then buy it? Just pick up a random weapon and then script till your head bursts.
  22. Yes, if you train other skills high enough.
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