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Everything posted by Øther

  1. But you were found around Drypeak mountains, and it was extensive geneforgeing and/or canisters that changed you.
  2. Nothing happened? When I got it wrong and I rung the bell, a banshee attacked me.
  3. Ya. For one, you could start with iamweak and all that. For two, you could use the awsome power of scripting.
  4. Nothing significant, unless you want to craft stuff. If you do, you can put enchantments on any ring, but if you want more powerful stuff, save a few gold rings.
  5. I tend to think that they sealed it off because of the geneforge and related experiments.
  6. Yes. Even for the shapers, you can't do that to ordinary people. When you shape a human looking creation, does a random person close to you dissapear?
  7. Yes, it is. I remember before having one creation, thinking it was to slow, changing its speed, and having to make a new creation for it to go faster.
  8. The shapers and the Drakons wipe each other out, but it isn't done with worldwide destruction. Look at the rebel ending of G5, since thats what basically happens. They kill each other, and there are still other powerful people and such who will come after them and rule better. Nenayar, have you even seen the rebel ending? If you hven't, you should.
  9. The shapers were the ones who originally created the Drakons, and the rebellion began due to their stupidity.
  10. Rawal-He lusts for power, and doesn't care to much about the war. Most people regard him as a (censored). Astoria- All she cares about is ending the war, and she thinks that to achieve that, she must make peace with the rebels. Alwan- All he cares about is ending the war, and he thinks to do it he must crush them in war. He is unbending in his ways, but he is sympathetic. Slightly. Taygen- All he cares about is ending the war by any means possible. He has gotten so paranoid and lives almost by the rule "What can go wrong, will." for creations. Ghaldrig-He is maddened by canisters and power gained that way, but he is determined to destroy the shapers. The others of the rebellion (humans and "lesser" creations) don't exactly approve of what he does, but he is winning the war for them. Litalia- Wants the war to end and for the shapers and others to accept trakovites. Lives basically by the rule " The ends justify the means.".
  11. A little trick with that annoying room in the stoneworks: When you get in, just go into combat mode and then go back and forth from the levers and controls. I n a little while, you get out of the room with out the machine turning on, and hopefully without the roamers coming. If the roamers do come out, you can still attack them, but make your creations deal with most of them. If they do or do not come out, just pay attention the the levers and controls.
  12. You want the plated clawbug a lot. It is the first creation that naturally can have more than one attack per turn.
  13. Yes, battle is deffinatly a lot better in the long run. The war trall might even be the only kind of creation that deals out ranged physical damage. Besides, you can only get eyebeast and ur drakon at endgame only if you are in a pro shaper or trakovite faction.
  14. Though taking notes yourself could be very helpful if you want to remember to do something, or remember where a stash is or something like that. The best way to do that (I think) is probably to go to the scripts, change a dialogue to your little note, talk to that person/sign, record the dialogue, and then change the scripts back. Personally, I think taking handwritten notes would be much faster.
  15. I'm pretty sure that it was not a Drayk, since it looked a whole lot like a drakon.
  16. If you want stats, then the best crafted items would be good for a person.
  17. Wow. I just tried the ghost mode, and it was awsome! The only drawback was that enimies saw me through walls, and that others walked through walls. I tried it in both G5 and in A5, and in A5 I was kinda confused because I loaded a game at the top of Solbergs tower, and I just went through the walls, and the game put me in strange places. Still, I like it.
  18. I just loaded to a game before that. There really is no way around it (as far as I know) because it wasn't supposed to happen. You are really supposed to go to the citidal around endgame for both Shapers and Drakons, and since the game doesn't think you are a rebel, it tries to give you the quest you would get if you are pro shaper. I think the reason it is all buggy is that since the clip you are supposed to see differs among factions, it is trying to give the right clip, but since you are probably not at the endquest of a faction, it fails and bugs out. Your only real hope (instead of poring through the scripts for hours and trying to change things that might not even be there) is to load a game before you went to the citdal.
  19. That hppened to me before when I used a cheat and accidentaly got to the citidal before I was supposed to. Did you use any cheats?
  20. I never did that quest anyways... But you could still do the quests and buy stuff before you do it "my way". I only ever did it once because I saw Makar saying something different in the scripts and wanted to see what happened.
  21. In the scripts, I remember a line that said something about you, going by the directions of someone (don't remember who), messed with a page in the book and made it unreadable ( or something like that) and thats all I really know about it.
  22. You could do all this another way: go in through the back way. How you do it is simple, although it will require a lot of fighting. Click to reveal.. Just attack Makar in Kroata Kel, kill him, and get his key. But be warned, this will make the entire town hostle. You could do it if you wanted to, since there aren't really any quests ( as far as I can remember) and you could go stealing everything now that everyone is dead.
  23. For stuff, just leave it where you will remember it. For crafting items, just leave them all around an anvil.
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