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Everything posted by Øther

  1. Or you just Email Jeff and ask him for the new code.
  2. The cutoff is actually at 45, unless Jeff changed it.
  3. Q1- I don't really think so. If it is there, then I haven't found it. Q2- There probably is only two. You might be able to fit in other numbers somwhere else, but I just put the scripts for my items into the ones I am wearing. Q3-Probably the best you can get is ability 64 or ability 82. In the descriptions in the scripts, it says that they both have either ray or cold damage with slow, but I don't think you can get it to be a widespread attack. Unless you create an ability the hurts enimies and slows as a side affect.
  4. A bug with the golems that won't die: after I killed the dark golem and its master once, I went down the narrow corridor to open the small blue box. After I looted it, I turned to leave. Guess who followed me and wouldn't move! I had to kill it to leave.
  5. Gloves of rock..... I think that either someone drops it at the orchards, or a drake drops it at the dera bridge.
  6. Maybe go into your hardrive, or just search from somewhere else. If all you want are the save files, then they are inside a file near the applacation, and not really hidden.
  7. You have to go to kaya's(sp?) spire, and sabotage the stuff there. But you have to go in the back way, and make sure you don't get caught. You can get caught, but then Taygen will attack you next time he sees you.
  8. I say that no matter what you do, Taygen faction gives you a sad ending. But really, being shaped and using canisters doesn't effect you all that much.
  9. I don't even think that you needed very high leadership to not get in the fight. I don't think you would have gotten in a fight at all, if it weren't for the unbound.
  10. Maybe in the other games, but not nearly as much in any way in G5.
  11. You get to the secret lab through the shadow road.
  12. They really do. The part that makes it so is that it_abil_work_in_pack = 1; line, so you could even add it to a piece of armor, or even a sword or something to make the abilities it has work like a charm.
  13. The only way it really is bad is if someone really wants to have a full pack of completely different creations, but they probably wouldn't need it in the first place. I wonder why there is even a limitation at all?
  14. You can only get in if you join Taygen faction.
  15. Well, for some reason, the game only allows you to have a few different types of creations. The total amount of creations actually is 6, but to get all of them you need to have some of the creations you have already made of the same kind. Eg.: Drake Drake Drake Clawbug Cryodrake Ornk. For the Drakon, it is a better version of the Drake, but making it depends on how much essence you have, your shaping levels, and if you rely heavily or not on casting spells.
  16. Try going here. It might help. http://www.ironycentral.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=156082#Post156082
  17. If you really have to choose between those few things, I would just make myself those first two, and push all the stats from the items that I'm not using over to some equipment that I am. By the way microphage, how good is your blade of unbounding? And does it do anything special, like have a ranged attack, or kill every enemy within range or something?
  18. As said in some far away thread, the max for stats seemed to be 200. After that, the computer crashes. But for me, after one of the patches for G5, I accidentaly went past that limit (again), but that time it worked.
  19. Woops, sorry. I just threw that together a bit to quickly. If someone wants to, they can make it better.
  20. //godmode item begindefineitem 190; import = 0; it_name = "Magic Charm"; it_graphic_coloradj = 64; it_protection = 30; it_graphic_template = 51; it_graphic_sheet = 9; it_which_icon_ground = 9; it_which_icon_inven = 8; it_variety = 11; it_abil_work_in_pack = 1; it_stats_to_affect 0 = 2;//intelligence 50+ it_stats_addition 0 = 50; it_stats_to_affect 1 = 9;//battle magic 20+ it_stats_addition 1 = 20; it_stats_to_affect 2 = 10;//mental magic 20+ it_stats_addition 2 = 20; it_stats_to_affect 3 = 11;//blessing magic 20+ it_stats_addition 3 = 20; it_stats_to_affect 4 = 12;//spellcraft 30+ it_stats_addition 4 = 30; it_value = 0; z1Tminahdlg.txt begintalknode 27; state = -1; nextstate = -1; condition = 1; question = "special"; text1 = "The sign says:"; text2 = " Temporary Creation Storage"; text3 = " Do not leave creations here without clearance from Mind on duty."; code = reward_give(190);//Magic Charm break; Please tell me if this works or not.
  21. Actually... I am pretty sure you can do that. I guess that all of those will only take up four lines, so it will fit in the descriptions box.... I'll try doing it, and I will post here when I have it, and I will try to make it a charm.
  22. Maybe it doesn't replace any. It could just be a code and using the sign is the only way you can get it.
  23. Although if you cheat and script your making creations level up really high, and make your shaping skills go up really high(Battle, magic, fire) its possible to get an over level 100 creation.
  24. I really hated those things... It always took me quite a while until I was able to defeat them. And every one I met was more difficult. EDIT: 300th post!
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