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Everything posted by Øther

  1. Sell sell sell. If you see anything that you don't need; sell it. You can even steal a few things(usually) from towns and such without them attacking you.
  2. You do have a good amount of intelligence, but it is always nice to have more essence. Dexterity helps since it determines which order your team attacks in, and maybe in a few other things. Creations, even though they do take some experience, are very helpful. If you have at least 3 in each shaping catagory, then you can shape all the normal creations, and higher will let you shape upgraded creations (if your skill in that creation is high enough). The top two creations on my list are the war trall and the upgraded rotter. Luck is since it gives you a bit in the different kinds of resistences, even though it is expensive.
  3. Spidden- I think so, but only after you do Taygen's quest that involves him Visard-Can you make any upgraded creations?(plated clawbub, plated artilla, cryoa ect.) But you really should try to get more creations and essence, since they really will help you out. Do you have many pods, spores, and healing items? You shaping skills are very low, and you will have to raise them if you want to shape better things, and to make those things more powerful. Also, your dexterity is low, so many enemies will attack before you. Your endurance is also low, so you probably don't have much health. Health is good.
  4. Unless you use magic very often, or rely on creations, it is difficult to kill enemies. But I was asking what creations you have (if any), and if you do have some, what are your creations stats.
  5. Normally, you should buy only the first level of something, unless it is really cheap, or you use it alot and it is really useful, like daze, or some creations. What creations do you have shaped? If there are any, what are their stats? Whose faction do you want to join? Also, you can't join Taygen if you kill the person Rawal wants you to kill. EDIT: And what things do you have equiped, and what levels of spells and creations have bought? Do you use many canisters? How much money do you currently have?
  6. What are your stats, and what is your level? And where are you in the game?
  7. In the Dera reaches, the people are only terrified because Taygen told them to be. And the shapers are pretty selfish most of the time, not just some. And of course there will always be angry creations and people since they can't get what they want. Could there possibly be any other way? And even if there is a strong, smart creation, does that mean that if one attacked someone before, that if one comes up to you and says hello, then you do everything you can to kill it? They make smart and weak or strong and stupid creations so that they can control them easier. It is easy to control something that, even though it is smart, sits on a tray its whole life, so it knows nothing but what you tell it. It is easy to control something that is so dumb, it practically can't think for itself. It is more difficult to control something that is even slightly smart, is even slightly strong, and has even a small amount of free will, so of course it must be destroyed.
  8. Just because many people could shape doesn't mean that they will abuse it. Sure, there will some that will, but there always will be, in the shaper sect or not. If you give everyone in a city a gun, will they go around shooting each other? Some will, and that would always be the case. The only reason there is destruction is because the shapers have gotten themselves caught in a rebellion.
  9. But the question is: Do they believe they are in a game, or do they think the actually live in a real world? If you program a shaper to think a certain way, then he/she/it will. I don't think Jeff made any shapers believe that they are all in a computer.
  10. So a cat, fly, and an ant are the same kinds of things as thinking, emotion feeling serviles and other such creations? Just because they aren't humans doesn't mean humans should be valued over them.
  11. By the way, burrowing mold was made by the shapers. And you are talking about the shapers hoarding bringing peace? Most lands ruled by tyrants do, even though it is only for a little while. The shapers hoarding made the geneforge, made the drayks, made the drakons, so basically, they started the rebellion.
  12. Now you aren't even talking about geneforge, and what you are saying goes against what you said before.
  13. Because shapers are in the game, and thus cannot mess with the scripts.
  14. A few things: Very high intelligence, many pods and/or spores, and cheating.
  15. Originally Posted By: Shaper Spddin Originally Posted By: Untamed Banana Slug And you could argue that Nazi rule wasn't bad... for non-Jewish Germans. And yes, I'd argue that the analogy is highly relevant, given that certain segments of Shaper society (ie. Drayks) were targeted for genocide. The germans didnt create the jews, and therefore have no rightful control or responsability over them. Drayks probably were barred after they rebelled before the Geneforge series. Drayks were apparently great creations but they rebelled and the shalpers abandoned them. Also there is evidence that alot of serviles cannot servive on there own. For example look outside perkaila in the farms and you will see serviles in a building who were left alone by there masters. The shapers have learned that fear and intimidation are the best ways to keep control and they used that. The shapers strict rule is justified by the need to keep control over the powers that can destroy the world. Shapers are not nearly as bad as the rebels in creating un-controlable rogues such as the unbound. In a shaper world without rebellion the only rogue creations you would ever find would be in a collapsed research facility. I keep on wondering why you think that there was a Drayk rebellion. They were barred because the shapers figured out that they might not be mindless slaves. And because the shapers made many of the creations, you think they have the natural right to control them, and have them do whatever they want?
  16. And there is a limited amount of them. Because of that, I end up hardly ever using those things.
  17. You can use the space bar to skip a character's turn, but otherwise, the amount of dexterity one character has determines his/her/it's turn in combat. I'm not sure if there is a way to tell how many levels of a spell you have, but if you go to a trainer and you can buy a level in it, then you have less than two levels of that spell/skill.
  18. Go to gf5itemschars.txt. You will find something like this. Code: begindefinecreature 40;// pc created Ornk// base for all Ornk imports import = 9; cr_name = "Ornk"; cr_graphic_template = 19; cr_max_health = 18; cr_regen_rate = 2; cr_walk_speed = 18; cr_base_level = 1; cr_creature_type = 1; cr_default_attitude = 3; cr_default_script = "ornk"; cr_start_item 0 = 245; cr_start_item_chance 0 = 75; cr_start_item 1 = 245; cr_start_item_chance 1 = 75; cr_start_item 2 = 245; cr_start_item_chance 2 = 75; cr_default_courage = 40; cr_abil_num 0 = 1; // bite attack cr_abil_level 0 = 4; cr_abil_step_of_launch 0 = 3; cr_abil_anim_in_reverse 0 = 1; cr_abil_casting_sound 0 = 12; To up its speed, change this line. cr_walk_speed = 18; And maybe bump 18 up to around 30. cr_max_health = 18; cr_regen_rate = 2; Messing with these two lines will help decide how much health your ornk has, and how fast it regenerates it after it gets hurt. cr_abil_level 0 = 4 Upping the 4 to something else will make the attack more powerful. If you put these lines after the Ornks original attack Code: cr_abil_num 1 = 197; cr_abil_level 1 = 8; cr_abil_num 2 = 198; cr_abil_level 2 = 8; cr_abil_step_of_launch 2 = 3; cr_abil_anim_in_reverse 2 = 1; cr_abil_casting_sound 2 = 157; , your ornk now should be able to attack with the unbound death rays. Adding in this line should also give your ornk the shock trall attack (Stun Rock) cr_abil_num 1 = 22; // stun rock If you decide to use those things, and up your ornks stats, then maybe the script would look something like this. Code: begindefinecreature 40;// pc created Ornk// base for all Ornk imports import = 9; cr_name = "Ornk"; cr_graphic_template = 19; cr_max_health = 75; cr_regen_rate = 10; cr_walk_speed = 30; cr_base_level = 12; cr_creature_type = 1; cr_default_attitude = 3; cr_default_script = "ornk"; cr_start_item 0 = 245; cr_start_item_chance 0 = 75; cr_start_item 1 = 245; cr_start_item_chance 1 = 75; cr_start_item 2 = 245; cr_start_item_chance 2 = 75; cr_default_courage = 40; cr_abil_num 0 = 1; // bite attack cr_abil_level 0 = 20; cr_abil_step_of_launch 0 = 3; cr_abil_anim_in_reverse 0 = 1; cr_abil_casting_sound 0 = 12; cr_abil_num 1 = 22; // stun rock cr_abil_level 1 = 15; cr_abil_num 2 = 197; cr_abil_level 2 = 15; cr_abil_num 3 = 198; cr_abil_level 3 = 15; cr_abil_step_of_launch 3 = 3; cr_abil_anim_in_reverse 3 = 1; cr_abil_casting_sound 3 = 157; Someone try testing this out and see how it works. Also, if you have already shaped some ornks, then absorb them. If you change the scripts, then the changes will only show up in a newly made creature.
  19. I can't help but see that out of the 24 people that have voted so far, none have chose Taygen. Good job people.
  20. If you want the acid to have a lingering effect, get the oozing blade.
  21. All you have to really do is bump a few numbers up a bit. If you want to have some fun, then you could script them another kind of attack, so you could have ornks going around shooting lightning, dripping acid, or even using the unbound's attacks.
  22. The blades are both good, but I would choose the frozen blade because of the effect on the enemy. The Charmed Falchion gives better resistance, but if you use the runed onyx on the frozen blade, the your enemy is both cursed and slowed. Maybe you could keep the Falchion in you quick slot, so after you curse and slow an enemy, then you could take out the falchion (maybe with the golden crystal to up its power) and use that sword to kill it, or if the effects wear off, you could always switch back to redo them.
  23. Mostly now it is between getting some rewards, and majorly different end battles. Rewards are always nice, but it depends on what you believe in. Do you want to destroy the council and let the rebellion win? Or do you want to try to make a peace between the factions? Or end shaping? Or crushing the rebellion, or even killing all creations? Each choice gives you different quests, rewards, and endings. Only Ghaldring's faction has a different end battle. If you can't choose, maybe you could make a save, the after you finish one faction, go back to that save and try another.
  24. Then you would definitely want to edit the ornks stats in the scripts. Their speed, for one thing, since having to wait for that many ornks to catch up with you before you leave a zone can be extremely frustrating.
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