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Everything posted by Øther

  1. In my game, so far I have two fighters, both duel wielders, and so far its working very well for me.
  2. Maybe that charm plus your other things are upping some stat way to far. It has happened to me before, where I got to much of one stat and when I went into combat mode my game froze.
  3. Originally Posted By: avatar42 I'm doing the dl ending as we speak so i'll let you know the moment I finish however I have a few speculations given the way the good ending went. mainly that after dorikas's candidate rises to the throne he immediatly resumes the hunt for the regicide. dorikas, having fulfilled his duty to the empire gladly surrenders. and us all with rooth dumont tholman and cienna are executed in a grand display for the glory of the empire. Am I close? wonder if having share holders of the underground company as regicides (or at least generalcied ) executed in a grand display will force it into bankrupcy Um... No, you aren't.
  4. Originally Posted By: Dantius Just be careful not to get his goto council quest, or agree to join him. Rawal doesn't have a council quest; if you agree to join him, you immediately get an ending and your game is over.
  5. There is a hidden portal behind the altar that you can access by pushing one of those small black buttons on the wall, and it will take you away from there, though you will still need to fight your way through a few guards and farmers to escape.
  6. This has been asked before, and even though something like this would be nice, it is just not going to happen.
  7. Originally Posted By: Thirsting Gemstone Nah, I beat him now. Besides, he wouldn't follow, he'd just spawn crap to kill me. Have you tried the rotter that's full of worms yet?
  8. Øther


    Originally Posted By: Anyone Else with Them My dog eats dirt clods. Just sayin' Whenever my dog passes any dog poop, he stops to sniff. Whenever he passes any poop that is not from a dog, he stops to eat. Also, my family has a raspberry bush in our backyard, and we have seen him go up to it, grab a raspberry, and then back up slowly and eat the berry when it comes off.
  9. It is here. Originally Posted By: Ishad Nha Ghost Mode If you want to walk through the walls like a ghost, make the following alterations to av5floorster.txt, using the Replace All function. Replace "tr_blockage_type1 = 2" with "tr_blockage_type1 = 0". Replace "tr_blockage_type1 = 3" with "tr_blockage_type1 = 0". Replace "tr_blockage_type2 = 3" with "tr_blockage_type2 = 0". You won't need to know where they occur in the file, the function handles this for you. This is handy for anyone thinking of writing an authorative walkthrough. Obviously make a copy of the file first, so you can quickly undo the changes when you are finished. You should also know that by doing this, enemies can also go through the walls to attack you.
  10. No, all you have to do is a quest for the person that owns the place, and then they will tell you to push the colored crystals in a certain order, which will open the box. Originally Posted By: Thirsting Gemstone Where? I want a challenge! Kind of like Monarch's black pit in G4? Oh, and one more, more, thing: in one of Taygon's camps, there is a mysterious blue box with gems set in it. What is that? It is in the Okavano, and you can get to it by going through a little building gaurded by war tralls. Inside you will find a place that is two areas long, and will kill you. Unless you have been cheating, there is an extremely high chance that no matter what you do, the first time you enter you shall die. Good Luck.
  11. Øther

    Magic Mouse

    I am using some kind of Logitech wireless mouse with my mac right now, and it is working fine. I think that I have had it for around half a year now, and it is working perfectly. I like mine because I can recharge it and don't have to keep on changing its batteries. It can hold its charge for weeks, and then I just charge it overnight and in the morning it is good for another few weeks.
  12. I have gotten in there after I had gone in a first time, I'm pretty sure, but with me the walls have always taken an extremely long time changing, no matter if it was my first time or not.
  13. Øther


    I've tried that a few times, and it has only worked twice. Usually I am just tired and I just try to wipe off the sauce from the fish and eat it with different bread.
  14. Having both of them will allow you to access G5's challenge area in the Okavano swamps.
  15. Øther


    I rarely go to McDonalds, maybe once every few months. I really don't like most of the stuff they have there, so I usually order a fish fillet. Since I really don't like any kind of sauce or dressing, I always say very clearly "I do not want and kind of suace on it". I even say it again. And every time, without fail, the buns on the thing are dripping with tartar sauce.
  16. I have been listening to a lot of Green Day lately, though I've started getting tired of them and have been looking for new songs.
  17. Originally Posted By: Geneforgeisformeyukkyu I can't seem to find an entrance because HUGE walls are blocking me off, and Idk what to do . Uh... When I played, I walked up to the walls, stood on a circle or some other little platform on the ground, answered a few questions, and the walls were brought down and I passed through.
  18. Originally Posted By: Master Ackrovan Quote: that after Ghaldring, the rebelion seems to be best off with Alwan's ending, even though Ghaldring still WTF, you mean the total loss of troops, resources, and land? They only get the Ashen Isles, and thats only on a temporary lease. I'm about 99 percent sure you meant to say Astoria. Oh, yeah, sorry, I did. I'll fix it now.
  19. For the ending, since you have done ghaldring already, would be Astoria. Mostly, it is just that after Ghaldring, the rebelion seems to be best off with Astoria's ending, even though Ghaldring still Click to reveal.. dies I would choose a Shock trooper or a servile as your character, but that again is just my opinion. If you tell how you prefer to play, with or without magic, creations, ect., you would probably get a better answer.
  20. I have tried a few, but in the end I just go back to my game without any of those patches, it just seems better that way (usually).
  21. Originally Posted By: tehpineapple I say BOO to change! I'd be happy if every new game ever made was just a clone of A2/3 or Fallout 2, just with new plots. I think that usually, games would get better with most kinds of change. Adding new things, and making new engines are ways to draw in new customers, and even though a lot of people that have played the games before will get mad, only some will stop playing, since. So the person who makes the games (Jeff, in this case) will have a larger group of people who may buy his games, and will only lose a few of the people who have played his games before. Also, I disagree with that part about Fallout 2. It was an awesome game, but but had a seemingly limitless number of bugs. My car still hasn't decided to reappear yet.
  22. That kind of thing happens all the time when I ride my bike, except, of course, with shorter distances.
  23. Øther

    Pet Peeves

    I can get very annoyed when people interrupt me, which seems to happen all the time. I don't really know why, but it has always really bugged me, for as long as I can remember.
  24. This is mostly for Americans, since this country is what the movie is based on. This is another Michael Moore film, and I have just come back from theaters from seeing it. To those who have watched it, what do think? To those who haven't, you should. It was pretty funny, but also sorta disturbing with all it reveals. It shows how capitalism has changed America and pretty much left it in disaster. I was also pretty surprised to see a few things about workers on strike and Obama agreeing with them that I haven't even heard about. It also talked about how capitalism really started taking over our country when Ronald Reagan was elected, and even that if President Roosevelt had lived through WWII, then America would be very different than the one I live in today, and there would be a second bill of rights. It was a very interesting movie. EDIT: Didn't know why I forgot, but here is a link to a trailer. http://www.apple.com/trailers/independent/capitalismalovestory/
  25. With my way... it depends on how you phrase 'surviving'. I would inject myself with zombie blood so I would be on the winning side. Plus, I've always wondered what it would be like to be a zombie.
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