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Everything posted by Øther

  1. Near the ruins filled with spiders near Silvar, I fought several Ghasts. I noticed something strange.Look at this: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=n6w5ci&s=6 Now look at this, a little later: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=15yb4vb&s=6 The Ghast kept flickering between being inside and outside the rocks. When I killed some of the other Ghasts and my turn ended, that Ghast ran out of the rocks to try to attack me. After I killed everything, I tried to see if I could go into the rocks but I couldn't.
  2. Also, I want to know. Does Divine restoration cure charmed/dazed status?
  3. And you can choose to control hose creations if you want to.
  4. Most of the time I try to charm spellcasters or priests, they resist my spell, no matter how many times I cast it.
  5. Control is definitely fun, but others can be more useful. With the right battle discipline and area effect spell, I can take out quite a few enemies in a single turn. I would use control foe more often if it worked a little more for me and I didn't also have the option to blow through everyone almost before they can react. But if it is a tricky fight, I definitely always try control foe. However, on those fights, it seems to work the least for me.
  6. Take a look at this screenshot. http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2qi22q1&s=6 Look closely at the gaurds. One is standing on a mat. The other is standing on something else. Is this supposed to happen? I saw this when I came to the camp in the undead spiral and killed the zombies.
  7. I don't really see why everyone gets so exited over watching some people in helmets run into each other and throw a ball around a field for a few hours.
  8. I found that when I put Adrenaline Rush into the quick spell bar, the symbol looks exactly like the well aimed blow symbol. It's not really horrible, it's just a little strange.
  9. I think he's talking about autopilot creation that he made, and creations that he made with 2+ intelligence.
  10. Have you been using trainers and buying spells? And what stats are you putting your skill points into? How are you using your money? Are you stealing anything to get more money? And also, it probably would be good to go back and try to gain more levels, since you said you exhausted your supplies. But try not to buy to much from the vendors.
  11. You could change a lot of things, though. You probably could alter the landscape a bit, definitely the characters and dialogue, and if you are willing to do the work, maybe even some of the pictures. But in the end, I don't think it would be a very good use of time....
  12. Originally Posted By: madrigan I probably did this quest a little early, but I was able to complete it once I realized that I didn't have to destroy the two sentinels. It's a smash and grab, not a search and destroy. You didn't have to kill them?. If I had known that it would have saved me some time.
  13. And if the player hadn't played the previous games?
  14. That happened to me too. I did all the claims, and on the last one I got a message that it was considered checked. I went back to Mother Alice, got the message, went through the claims again and reread the signs, and them went back to her. I got my reward.
  15. Stealing has been very good to me in my game. Even if it is only worth a few coins, all of it adds up, so by now, a lot of my training has probably come from stolen goods. And with very few execptions (maybe I want to buy some herbs or crystals or something), I have bought nothing from vendors. And right now, my party can kill most of the stuff it comes across easily.
  16. I finished it, and I had three people- a level 18 fighter, lvl 17fighter/priest, and a lvl17 archer/mage. With the use of several energy potions and several scrolls and one scribbane, I made it through and killed all the demons. (I had to reload several times though.)
  17. You can up their level and health a lot, and also give them new abilities with X amount of strength, and give them more action points. Or the reverse. But remember that what you do in the script to monsters applies to every single one of those kinds of monsters.
  18. You can kill them or talk them into leaving.
  19. Originally Posted By: No_More_PLL_Ever She wasn't the last one, if you had played the DL ending you'd had seen there were a lot of dark loyalists there. Only the assassins were caught and defeated. I did do the DL ending. Who said that all those assasins were there the whole time? Originally Posted By: No_More_PLL_Ever And yet he should have had a few for backup, and if the crown was really sincere about their intentions of capturing dorikas quickly coupled with the assumption that travelling to the depths of the frontier didn't take very long, traveling to the castle and back should have taken less than that with the castle being closer. A few backup what? Papers? How would that work? If he had the papers in the beggining, why would soldiers be sent over in the first place to get the papers? And if all he needed was the mayors signature, who says that she wouldn't just rewrite you names down? Originally Posted By: No_More_PLL_Ever Then why did he send his men to do the job themselves instead of ordering them to wait in the keep until they could mount a proper offence? To scout out, maybe. Or just to see how far you could go. He needed to get all the soldiers together, and that would take a little while, so why not send some inexperienced soldiers a bit farther on and see what happens? In the end, what would it matter if around 4 inexperienced soldiers went out a bit early? Originally Posted By: No_More_PLL_Ever See dikiyoba's response See Randomizer's response. I actually don't remember seeing that part. Maybe I skipped over it. It still doesn't change much. He was in war. He needed every advantage, even if it was only temporary. Originally Posted By: No_More_PLL_Ever doesn't make him a good commander to serve under So? They are both commanders who mainly are doing politics, and both just want the throne. It comes down to who is the slightly better one, since you have too choose one to finish the game (with a good ending). Originally Posted By: No_More_PLL_Ever I know that you don't have to kill the dragon, however had he not needed the help you had to fight through the entire keep in order to reach your boat or pylon But you don't have to do that, do you? The game was made so you didn't have to do that, and that doing a few quests would make him let the prisoner go.
  20. Redmark was looking for the spies, he just hadn't found the last one in the keep yet. You get info that in other outposts the spies were mostly caught and defeated. For the papers, no matter what wars that are going on, this is politics. Everything always takes forever to happen. And in fact, the PCs probably didn't take months to find Dorkias (in game time), so its understandable. Even though Newson did wreck some equipment, there was still some left, and, like you said, there should be shipments from the surface. Even if that place had little to spare, most of their best stuff should go to the people exploring the land, even if it is until they are replaced by better adventurers. Redmark would have wanted to go there himself immediately, but there are many things to consider: He might be afraid of bringing not enough people and quickly being put down, he might fear being brought into an ambush, and he might not have been sure if he had gotten all of the spiues, or that there aren't any new ones. So he would want to get a large group that would have a 100% chance of overcoming the fort. Dorkias didn't activaly encourage scribbane and other things, but it was war and they needed every advantage, so they probably wouldn't put too harsh of a rule against it, as long as most of their people decided not to use it. Of course he pretended to support others. This is politics, and he really wanted to change the empire. You never really need to kill the dragon. You can if you want, but you don't have too. He just wants you to help free an idiot that got caught.
  21. I have. I have some stuff in that folder, but nothing in it sounds like it would be elated to any spiderweb game. I also looked in all the sub folders in my preferences folder, and still nothing. EDIT: Nevermind. I found it in a more detailed search. But for some reason i can't see it in my preferences folder when I actually go there.
  22. I am trying to find the preferences folder for A6, but I can't seem to find it. I'm using a mac, and any help would be appreciated.
  23. Is the game downloaded completely?
  24. If there was a huge war on the surface that required all of the experienced troops, I'm sure something would have been said about that somewhere along your adventure and things would have been a bit harder to come by. (Even though the outpost didn't have much, it would have had less.)
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