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Everything posted by Øther

  1. Probably, since there are certain equips that decrease a skill in favor for another, so you could make an item take away tool use skill points while it is equipped, but you wouldn't get those skill points back. Once they are spent, they are gone. You could, I guess, use the editor to give you points in other areas to get back from the tool use points, but it depends on how much you are willing to cheat.
  2. I remember that in A5, I had gone through a runthrough using the editor, and once I got everything maxed (tht means around forty), my characters started to get extra AP per round.
  3. I hope the traveling system isn't like G5. It was okay, but I always prefered Avernum 5 portals.
  4. There are still spore batons in the item lists.
  5. I never liked that part about earlier games.
  6. I just started a new game, so far I am a solo servile, and was barely able to get to 17 at the end of the whitespires. I now fully apprectiate daze and mental magic, since I didn't use it to much before, and I am glad daze is so effective.
  7. The first area is in the place with many mines everywhere, in the okavano swanp. It is one of the herd of ornks down near the bottom of the map.
  8. Servile or shock trooper. I like to do most of the fighting myself with a few creations behind me.
  9. Well, you get the puresteel balde two ways. There is a guy down in the Dera south shore, and he can craft it for you, or if you kill him, he drops it. For getting items by scripting, the easiest way to do so is by editing quest rewards. When it says something like reward_give(178); Replace the number with the number of the item you want, and make new lines of that for more items.
  10. I meant that he know about it, but not where it was. The towns probably would be destroyed, but it is unlikely he would find the entrances. Thus the shadow road will still live on, just more secretively.
  11. Originally Posted By: Master Ackrovan Quote: It's a pity Makar was incompetent. Pity? Aren't you a rebel? It was a good thing Astoria was ruling teh Mera-Tev. If she was killed, she might have been replaced by a more loyal Shaper, or worse, Rawal might have stepped in and assumed control. The Last Archon I think that Rawal would have been better, since he probably wouldn't have done much, and he wouldn't know about the shadow road.
  12. Originally Posted By: Shaper Spddin why do you think someone tried to have astoria assasinated. I think it is kinda obvious why.
  13. In the Astoria ending that I played, Rawal became the head counciler. EDIT: Once I think about it, Rawal became the head counciler in every shaper ending. (I know not in Ghaldring's, and I can't remember Litalia's.)
  14. Originally Posted By: Randomizer It depends upon whether you use Mehken since he drops you a level in the demo and then it's how much you do in each area before heading to the next. Otherwise it sounds about right. She, not he.
  15. But the shapers are obviously rich, so that isn't really a problem.
  16. The only thing I remember was that I was 15 at the end of the demo area (whitespires).
  17. Originally Posted By: Shaper Spddin .ANd you are aware that the shapers barred sucia 200 years before geneforge 1, right? Which means that the current council members weren't even born. So? How is that relevent?
  18. Or you can pump your disposable creation's stats up a whole ton.
  19. Would it hurt to much to have both? You could keep the vlish with you (or absorb it and recreate it after some battles), and also have a war trall and/or a wingbolt? The vlish doesn't cost to much, and some spells cost more, so you could think of it as a continuous spell; it uses a bit of essence, and it attacks and also curses. With it costing so low, you should also be able to afford a war trall/wingbolt.
  20. Quote: and the drakons aren't any better. In fact they are much worse. Also, Ghaldrin is hiding in his fortress. If you played through the rebel ending like you said you did, then you would relize that. The shapers do not just send outsiders to do their work. The shapers have always sent their creations along with them. ANd how is he hiding? From there he is sending out orders and doing everything he can to help win the war. Of course he doesn't leave the place because what would you do if your leader, and practicaly the thing keeping the rebellion going, decides to walk out to the front lines of battle, where, if the shapers found out, they would immediatly send everything they have left to try to kill him while he isn't as protected. Quote: They're not just destroying their enemies,. they are killing innocet humans. If we went into war and killed innocents, we would be looked down upon, and yet you say that is how war should be fought. To me, you seem very racist against creations. Oh, they kill a person! They are evil! Not all people are good, you know. In fact, in the geneforge games, many creations are better than most of the people in the game. Quote: If he is so old and weak then why is a horde of drakons neccesarry to take him down. He is clearly one of the most powerful shapers. His age is what makes him strong and wise. You think that the drakons brought to kill the council were just for shema? There were three councilers there, and quite a few shapers. Quote: no, the drakons have arrogance in abundance. It is clear that they want nothing more to be the next shapers. Drakons treat intellegent creations no better then the shapers do, and in fact worse. So keep telling me how ghaldrin is a strong leader, when the rebel ending is proof that he is not. Slightly true. Even though most drakons have shaped a large amount of sanity out of themselves, they are still the most effective and powerful weapon against the shapers. It isn't only the drakon's war, it is everyones who don't like the shapers and no longer want to be ruled by them. After the war is over, if nothing is done, then the Drakons will become the next shapers. Thats why what is done in the rebel ending is done, so there are still drakons, and the rebellion has one, and there are no new shapers. Quote: I said it brought many years of peace. Rebels have been in there lands for a decade. The shapers brought centuries of peace. The rebels have brought a decade of war in the short time of their existence. When i say many, i mean a long time, and the shapers have obviously brought a long time of peace amd prosperity to terrestia, and the drakons continue to become more and more arrogant as said by the human and serivle rebels. The shapers have pushed the drakons back to the very gates of gazaki-uss, and yet you call them weak. The rebels are nothing but greedy shaper wanna be's. The drakons more then any of them, and yet you defend them. If you read the description for geneforge 4 and 5 it says that jealous humans rose up.Thats all they are, and thats all they ever will be, jealous. To the very gates? Really. The shapers (under Alwan's leadership) have barely been able to recapture the mouintain forts, and yet rouges still cover the storm plains. Gazuki-Uss is quite a distance away from the mountains, and the wastelands are filled to the brim with the rebel's patrols. It is hard to believe that there is a shaper camp near Gazuki-Uss. And for some reason, you seem to think that the rebels winning means everyone will be give the power to shape. Not at all true. It is just that more people will have the chance to learn how to shape, not just a select few.
  21. If you steal, it only affects the town you are in. You could cheat (if you wanted) and use pleaselikeme or something like that, but if merchants still trade with you, and nobody is trying to kill you, then you are good. As far as I know, it doesn't affect the ending. You know if something is more valubale then what you have if it gives more protection/damage, and gives more stats. Sometimes how much something sells for gives you a clue, but I think it only really did that in Avernum.
  22. In the dera reaches, I have seen one drakon, and two unbound. And then there are all the tons of nasty rouges that go with them. Just because there aren't many Drakons, doesn't mean the rebellion isn't there. The people in Zepher Oasis even partly knew about the Drakon, yet the most they did was send you is you accepted the quest.
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