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Servile Spy

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About Servile Spy

  • Birthday 08/21/1984

Servile Spy's Achievements

Tenderfoot Thahd

Tenderfoot Thahd (2/17)

  1. thanks! Beware the Servile Spy... for you know not where he roams or what his intentions be ...
  2. yeah im new to this whole posting thing, but thx for the info
  3. i see that now, i meant the sign thing
  4. So just tell me how to change the scripts right so i can have my items, instead of looking all over for them.... and if u cant do that at least tell me where to find the puresteel sword, lol... cuz i cant locate it
  5. someone help me i get the whole scripting thing, i made my servile start out with 10000 health, and 5000 energy and essence...(thats at level one, when the game starts, he comes out like that) ive made other creatures like mehken stronger so shes more help, all my creations come out at level 60... the first fyora i made was a level 60 fyora, same with the thahds, vlish and tralls, but i cant get my items, and i dont wanna have to fight to get and make them,(not that i dont enjoy just walking around killing rouges and stuff) i just wanna do it with the artifacts from jump... somone tell me how
  6. ive tried to make thads and fyoras to drop items like swords, or armor, ive tried to make the game give me the artifact items without having to find and craft them myself, but it dont work, ive tried it three times
  7. Ok, im tryin to figure out how to make a slimyworm drop an item like a shaper robe, or pure quicksilver... ive gone into the scripts and changed the starting items for a number of monsters, but its not working, someone help me!!!
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