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Celtic Minstrel

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Everything posted by Celtic Minstrel

  1. However, last we heard from Stareye he was in the middle of rewriting the scenario format for OBoE, so if you download that version there is a possibility of losing compatibility if the work is ever finished. If you're a Mac-user, go here for the Character Editor.
  2. Well, they wouldn't be real-time moving walls! I imagine he simply means swapping a wall and a floor terrain to create the impression that the wall has moved.
  3. Originally Posted By: Alorael —Alorael, who approves of the addition of Demonslayer to the game in A3. Sure, it's useless, but at least it's there. Surely it would be useful for the Tower of Magi attack?
  4. Just so you know, I'll probably be looking at it tomorrow afternoon.
  5. They are not Macintosh hidden files. Rather, they are the Macintosh's way of representing the resource fork of their files on a FAT32 filesystem (which of course doesn't support resource forks). For the script files, all the resource forks should be empty anyway, which is why deleting them doesn't affect anything. Don't they appear in a hidden folder call RESOURCE.FRK?
  6. I thought he was asking for the Windows version so that he could convert the graphics himself...
  7. Originally Posted By: Thralni I assume .meg was just a typo, You assume correctly. The behaviour on the Mac is actually a side-effect of the way the Macintosh Resource Manager works. You could create any resources in the file with the same ID and type as one in the application or the data files, and they would override the default.
  8. Do you include the custom sounds in the .meg file?
  9. Originally Posted By: Excalibur Originally Posted By: Celtic Minstrel Previous experience: I think I've beta-tested one or two things before... but I can't remember what they are. I think you tested 100 Evil Sliths. I don't remember that... I do remember beta-testing War Preparations, which is for BoE.
  10. While we're on that subject, one thing that I recall Stareye fixing which may break a few scenarios is the fact that the Raise Dead node type will affect a nonexistent character. Usually this is only used as an Easter Egg, I believe, but I think it would actually be an interesting way to add new party members later in the game. It would mean you need a prefab party for the scenario, of course. But yes, having different modes could be annoying to code. I'm considering whether to add things like this to a new section in my Compiled Suggestion List. Speaking of which, it's getting rather long now. I wonder what the post length limit is?
  11. Name: Celtic Minstrel OS: Mac OSX Previous experience: I think I've beta-tested one or two things before... but I can't remember what they are. Email Address: (check your private messages)
  12. Originally Posted By: Niemand For the third, is this code in a town script state that gets called when the party steps into blue rectangle? Unfortunately this is the only way to use move_to_new_town(). Which is kind of stupid, really...
  13. I don't see how fixing the bug would render them unplayable. It seems like they'd behave ever so slightly differently, but from what you've said of the bug it doesn't sound like it would render them unplayable.
  14. Presumably the limit is 255 characters, but it would of course be cut off.
  15. Originally Posted By: Dahak I wish Jeff would bring back the old floor height adjustment where the actual displayed height of the floor actually changed rather than just the party height. Huh?
  16. I think the directing back is actually something that Freewebs sometimes does.
  17. Originally Posted By: w-dueck Have the "Display Small Message" call text-wrap. Figuring out where it cuts it off is such a hassle. When you have a custom graphic on a monster/terrain/item, you can not see the graphic for the m/t/i that you are editing. The space where it is is blank... When you are in the zoomed out view when editing terrain, custom graphics appear as just black, only standard graphics show up. That need to be fixed. What do you think I've been working with recently? Added.
  18. Sounds like you have the sasme problem with the New Mac BoE.
  19. Unless deduct_ap() will work, which I doubt, I don't think there's any way to do this.
  20. But you could probably implement them as a monster, like the living statue.
  21. I'm pretty sure that you can hit an invisible monster with anything, provided you know where it is.
  22. Sorry, that should have been a quote of Nioca.
  23. Isn't compression necessary to avoid file corruption? Because the Internet isn't really equipped to handle resource forks, whereas the Mac's zip program is... Originally Posted By: Nioca Uncompressed CMG is a bit of an oxymoron. How so?
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