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Celtic Minstrel

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Everything posted by Celtic Minstrel

  1. Originally Posted By: Robsta a random number (say 199) shows up. It's not random. It's integer overflow. For example, if you enter 1223, you always get 199. Originally Posted By: Robsta Ps. It would also be nice if you could give a monster a default personality. For example allow all soldiers to use personality 47 when they are placed. I dunno if that's a good idea... but you can place one soldier, assign it personality 47, and then place the rest with "Place Same Monster". Then they'll all have the same personality.
  2. Another idea: Add an option to disable the "four-square border zone" around the outdoors which you cannot enter. This will give a little more space in the outdoors, especially for scenarios that have a small number of outdoor sections (such as one).
  3. If you download the character editor from here, you could probably make one in a couple of minutes.
  4. Have you tried any of the default slime graphics together with colour adjusts?
  5. Thanks – now whenever the creator of this thread comes back (if he hasn't already), he will be able to find it.
  6. 64 days left. It would be nice if this file could be hosted somewhere a little more permanent...
  7. Thank you for spoiler tags...
  8. Oh wait, I'm wrong. They are a terrain type. I thought you simply meant "elevation".
  9. Hills in avernum are not a terrain type...
  10. Originally Posted By: Ishad Nha Probably the best shot is to leave the shops in, this will take some time for me to do. Certain special nodes will need to be included for stairways. If a scenario designer does not want the shops he can always delete them. Ah, yes, the stairways would be kind of important. Also any portal nodes. And as for the dialogue... I suggest that all basic dialogue in the towns (the responses to "look", "name", "job", "purchase", and "sell") be retained, but any dialogue in the dungeons (there won't be much...) be removed. In fact, you could make the dungeons as they might appear after the adventurers have beaten them. The simplest way to do this would be to omit all monsters (except maybe things like bats and rats?). And maybe omit the useful items... and speaking of items, perhaps any unique items should be omitted... Basically what I'm getting at is that it should represent the state of Avernum after the end of Exile 2 (or Exile 1 if applicable). Some of this may require a lot of tweaking though... how much is worth it?
  11. I don't know the nature of that bug, I've just heard about it a number of times. And it's possible it has been fixed already.
  12. w-dueck: I've added it to the list. Ishad Nha: That does not strike me as a problem.
  13. ...If it were due to arithmetic overflow, wouldn't the costs be negative? Perhaps the enchantment cost calculations should be altered somehow to fix this oddness. Edit: I've added this to the list.
  14. Originally Posted By: Ishad Nha As for avoiding piracy, I can simply leave out the special nodes. Precisely. What about the dialogue though? Should that be left out? Or should it be kept? I would think the ideal way would be to keep, say, the basic responses and any nodes which reference a shop...
  15. A minor oddity – when you open a file and then save, the file dialog contains "untitled" as the name, rather than the name of the file.
  16. Originally Posted By: Robsta Updating Exile!?! I doubt it. After hearing the work he had to go to just to FIND the source code for BoE a few years ago, I'd imagine updating Exile would turn into rewriting exile. He's already done that - it's called Avernum. I also fear that if he updates the Exile engine he will probably be inclined to “upgrade” the graphics/game system to be more like his newer games, and these who still care about Exile generally don’t dig them as much. My impression was that it would simply be recompiled to be able to run on newer computers. Originally Posted By: Robsta Finally I don’t think an update is necessary for exile because the exile system includes BoE. OBoE is the dream of an upgraded Exile that keeps the heart and soul of Exile, while BoE and OBoE include scenario design tools so gamers can share their work and keep releasing fresh new adventures. But OBoE does not include the Exile Trilogy. It's just the engine. Originally Posted By: Robsta As for updating A1-3, there might be some sense to have the series use a consistent engine, just to keep series continuity. Seeing as the engine of A5 is the most polished he’s produced so far in the series (and possibly in any of his games) it is sensible for him to use this as the model for his others. As I've said, I disagree. I don't think a completely consistent engine is necessary – at least they're all similar engines.
  17. ...Then how would you know it "just wasn't the same"?
  18. My suggestion? Use the default rakshasa graphic with graphic adjust set to something like invert (I forget what number that is), as a temporary measure.
  19. I think the Avernum 5 engine is actually different from the Avernum 4 engine...
  20. Originally Posted By: Who flung poo EDIT: as soon as i hit 'post' i realized how retarded i just sounded Exactly. Anyway, I like the Avernum 1-3 engine. If he wanted to update Avernum 1 to incorporate a few of the features from later engines (I'm particularly thinking of the quest list here), that would be nice, but I don't really want to have it updated to the Avernum 6 engine, whatever that turns out to be.
  21. What's wrong with the Geneforge 1 engine? And is he really planning to upgrade Avernums 1-3 to the Avernum 6 engine? I'd rather he didn't... However, upgrading the Exile trilogy to run on the Intel Macs would be nice.
  22. Interesting scenario... plus it was an excuse to try out HLPM's level raiser.
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