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Celtic Minstrel

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Everything posted by Celtic Minstrel

  1. Originally Posted By: Ishad Nha Now BoE is open source this could be quickly remedied. As I recall it already has been, in a way. I think someone modified the Mac version so that it can use the BMPs.
  2. Either surround it with blocked spaces (they're down near the barriers and field), or surround it with terrain types that have the blocked to monsters property. Does that make sense? Someone else could probably explain better...
  3. I don't think the PICT format has any kind of compression, actually. Though, I could be wrong. The BMP format can have compression, I believe – I think it's really just a container format?
  4. I'm pretty sure that's due to the absence of a "Blades of Exile Base" file. Check – does such a file exist in the scenario editor folder? If not, you need to find one. Technically, any scenario file will do, but if you want the default base you'll probably have to get it from the Spiderweb site (by downloading the old demo, probably, or it may be included with the source).
  5. Originally Posted By: Ishad Nha Normally if there is a script problem, the editor either crashes or posts an error message. Only if it's a data script problem. The editor doesn't even load the other scripts.
  6. Originally Posted By: Ishad Nha In this scenario Jewelz has really sought to push the BoE engine to its limits. In the case of the scrolls, you need to use a Special Item: "Read a Scroll or Book". Normally you can only read a book if it is a Special Item, here the author is making it possible to read an ordinary item, if and only if it is equipped. This ability is used in other scenarios, too...
  7. Originally Posted By: Slarty There have been 7-unzip applications on the mac for ages. Free ones?
  8. Until recently, I would've said "DON'T USE IT! IT'S NOT MAC COMPATIBLE!". However, I have discovered a Mac application that can open 7-zip files: The Unarchiver. So 7-zip can be unzipped on a Mac.
  9. *smacks forehead* D'oh, of course Pascal strings could still be 255 characters long. I guess what he did was decide that the size limit for the strings would be 255 characters, and then declared a char[255] array, forgetting that one of those has to be a null character. Or something like that. It sounds like the CFStrings are basically a wrapper for the earlier library's Pascal strings.
  10. Oh, I remember him. I just didn't remember his name.
  11. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan I believe I found that 254 was the maximum allowed number of characters in a string, not 255 as documented. This could easily be the case if he used strings with a length byte rather than null-terminated strings. I know that all the pre-Carbon (and probably also Carbon) Mac GUI commands take length-byte strings due to the libraries originally being written in Pascal.
  12. Could it be the block_entry() calls? Try commenting those and see if it works.
  13. The benefit of dynamically allocating the memory now is that when the game is also modified to dynamically allocate, you won't have to change the editor code as much.
  14. Are you using dynamic memory allocation where appropriate?
  15. Originally Posted By: Alorael Actually, you're limited in your ability to not learn the many things you will at some point do in life. ...What do you mean? Originally Posted By: Alorael who would consider that a perfectly reasonable way to implement skills in a game What would be?
  16. Originally Posted By: Ishad Nha the te can look at call It's an attribute, not a call.
  17. For me, finals means less work but usually more studying.
  18. The OBoE code on Khoth's site may have already fixed that. At least, I remember Stareye saying that he'd fixed it.
  19. Originally Posted By: Ormus Originally Posted By: Celtic Minstrel What are you writing it in? C++, VCL (Borland C++ Builder). I know that it would be better if I used some portable GUI like wxWidgets or QT but I wanted to try some concepts quickly so I used C++ Builder. My goal was to try using X-Macros to deal with data structures that are used to make scenario files. It works great and saves me a lot of work! Yes, wxWidgets and/or Quicktime are good choices. Don't use something non-portable, please, unless you have access to a Mac and will port it yourself. Remember that this is a Mac game ported to Windows, not vice versa. VCL may be somewhat portable, at least more so than MFC or .NET ...
  20. Timers are pretty easy. Just use a flag which is decremented in the scenario START_STATE. Or something like that, anyway.
  21. That's interesting — the unregistered one that I have replaces the Nethergate mention with a "Like boardgames?" mention...
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