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Everything posted by Randomizer

  1. Actually the Shapers would probably use more of their new serviles to eliminate any future rebellions using serviles and reduce the new creations as the Rebellion is crushed. There are repeated warnings on the screen showing the wingbolts to watch for rogue tendencies. After what has happened the Shapers will clamp down on anything that could produce a future Rebellion in spite of claims to have changed. After all if you help the Shapers than you wind up in an exile.
  2. If you haven't got the key, then see here for help.
  3. No, it means that you will finally have the information to join the existing debates. Some of the crazy posts will be understandable.
  4. You start out as a looter. From the beginning you get to decide whether you will be modified by a geneforge to use canisters or take a shaper path and learn things the hard way. ET - I think the drakons and Shapers could sit down at a dining table with the Shapers as dinner. You can almost see the drool of hunger in the opening screen.
  5. Actually the difference is that Microsoft was run by a control freak that had to always be in charge. Apple had a more open structure.
  6. There used to be grammar checkers that would catch more of the mistakes because of context. I never liked them because they kept insisting on changing the voice I was using.
  7. Since Vista is coming out, he doesn't want to have complaints from gamers about problems with that system. Windows beta testing is mostly making sure that no errors crept in during the transfer and that it runs on all systems. Take a look at Geneforge 4 Mac release for an idea of what it will be like when it is released.
  8. That's only because Jeff kept revising the game to prevent people from wandering around and doing too many things out of order. When you find gates that won't open it's a good sign that this isn't where you are supposed to go at this point in time.
  9. You can copy the save game files to a flash drive if you have progressed enough to want to keep them. Archive them if you have a lot. When you restore the game you can copy the files back and replace the blank ones.
  10. The Southforge Citadel Geneforge was made by the drakons to create cannonfodder for the Rebellion. It appears to be deliberately weak so those serviles and humans that use it won't be a real challenge to the drakons. Also considering the side effects even without using a canister, it wasn't well made. I think this is a drakon plot to sow chaos by creating a large number of unstable people and then release them into the world. Meanwhile the drakons stay back in safety making their army to attack when the shapers are weakened.
  11. The only one I really had trouble talking to was Guardian Kantor in Valeya when I wanted credit for killing the Maddened Trall. As a lifecrafter or shocktrooper I had to block his path with creations so he couldn't pass until he talked. I tried to catch him at the points where he stopped, but that never worked.
  12. No, I let the little bootlicker live. I think that it's because there are two sets of flags. One controls the letter and the other that you have talked to Trint even though you haven't got the quest yet.
  13. It helps to have friends. Fire creations are the easiest to make since you can use equipment -volcanic fetish, shaper robe, shapemaster boots, fireweaver cloak- to make anything without needing points for shaping skills. A pair of drakons do nice damage to all forms and especially to the second one. I never had Thuryl's problem with madness gems not working to charm some of the summoned creations of the second and third form. As a bonus it will slow the Titan. Repeat essence shackles at least every other round. Concentrate on damaging the Titan if solo and if you have friends then concentrate on keeping them healed and hasted. I've had lifecrafters destroyed because I attacked and got fried because the AI then flags me as a target. The exploding kyshaaks do provide nice collateral damage but you have to get them in the first round before they move. My trouble was surviving the summoned creations of the third form after I killed the Titan. It helps to charm at least one of them so they fight amongst themselves.
  14. I'm sure we had this discussion before at least twice. Now who are you going to believe, the guy that made the game or Slarty?
  15. I accidently forgot to get credit for the Pikkary Bandits from Master Drex when I met Trint in Turabi Gate. Wondering why I was missing the dialog option, I checked and found I hadn't cleared the quest. So off to Dillame to get my reward and next quest. Then I found that I had the dialog option from Drex for finishing the letter quest before leaving Dillame and got my reward. I didn't need to go back to Turabi Gate to turn in the letter, but I did anyway.
  16. Jeff could do a more Nethergate style game where you can run a character or party through the game working for opposing sides. Then you get to see each view point and a differing skill set. One case would be Arthurian legends where you could be a loyal supporter of Arthur or working for Modred to overthrow the regime. Plenty of opportunities for quests and a somewhat familiar world with swords and magic. It would save on making new graphics since most of the Geneforge ones could be used with guardians for knights, shapers for mages, and serviles for peasants.
  17. Jeff updated Avernum 1 and 2 to OS X last year. He updated Avernum 4 recently to Intel Macs and is working on Blades of Avernum. I guess all the games will have new versions out over the next year except for the Exile games.
  18. There's another shaped fiber cloak for sale back in Shaper Camp Gamma in the Fens.
  19. Congratulations on winning. I didn't think that Matala was possible. I was hoping that you would answer the question if it was possible to finish the game with over 1000 health, but you didn't need it. For the next game play it with one hand tied behind your back and blindfolded. Just kidding.
  20. I always found that madness gems or mass madness works wonders in the Titan and Southern Sentinel encounters. Turn his summoned creatures into your allies for a few rounds and they turn on each other. They usually ignore you while they fight amongst themselves. It's a bit less of an engine abuse. Still slogging through Illya. That lower endurance slows things down, but I can kill most things with higher strength.
  21. Until A4 there weren't any great area effect spells in Avernum. I still think the cloud of blades spell isn't that great and you have to target it on something. Exile allowed for area effect spells to go after invisible creatures by just targeting a spot. There are some extra places in Avernum games that aren't in the Exile series.
  22. I'd like to see a different part of the war. Maybe the Shaper infiltration to recapture the Ashen Islands by going after the Rebellion leaders or Rebels going after the Shaper Council. You work your way up gathering information on the route to you goal. I don't want to see the stalemate a few years later.
  23. I'm wondering if for Matala you could use the slow from your version of the Frozen blade to keep the golem in the starting area. Since moving Matala out of the rotgroth summoning area is the hardest part of a single character game. Repeated essence shackles sometimes works for a lifecrafter to prolong the first part. I know sometimes the drakon never gets revived to attack you.
  24. Once you get the key from Solberg you should be able to get past that obstacle and enter the darken maze to get to the demon. Check special items to be sure that you have the key and also that you did the dialog option to ask for the key from Solberg.
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