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Everything posted by Randomizer

  1. Quote: Originally written by Ceylon: How do the number of quests and/or length of play time compare to Avernum 4? Is is a similarly sized game? There are few quests than Avernum 4, but you get to see Shadow Valley from both the Roman and Celtic viewpoints. It takes a little less time because it's a slightly smaller world map. There are 25 outdoor zones with a dungeon in all but one of them and most dungeons are multiple levels. You do get to try more variations in parties than Avernum since the Romans and Celts have different skill sets.
  2. You can't climb over the fence in the lowest level of the Goblin Pits to see what they do with their dead.
  3. Your welcome. I wanted to get this started while there weren't too many topics. Next up is Avernum 4 *shudder* with over 30 pages of topics and still growing,
  4. Just a few useful links for Nethergate: Resurrection. Mods, please feel free to update and edit as needed. Synergy's Item List Item list for character editor Party Creation Party creation in general Roman Singleton Roman Singleton questions The Lonely Celt Starting character base stats Skill Trainers for Romans Complete List of Trainers Abilities and Skills Armor Use Encumberance and Armor Use Resistances Endurance vs Hardiness Spells Simulacrum and Charm spells Game Exploits Beastmaster Bracelet Good and Evil actions and their rewards Assassinations via Wand of Carrunos Combat Melee Damage Spell Damage Spoilers Valleys of Annwn Riddles Edit: All the links should work now. -Tyran Edit: All the links should work again. -Alorael Edit: All the links should work yet again. -Tyran Edit: All the links should work yet again, even that one link. -Sylae
  5. It's early enough in the game to go with an old save and do it properly. You can find others later on, but you will get less experience for finishing the quest since it's based upon current level.
  6. Oh well, I guess I'll have to use the old version to see Reptrakos fight himself. It was way too powerful when a dozen Sylaks got to fight it out versus the real one.
  7. You don't get to see half levels and I didn't test for using only one level in each possible feeder ability.
  8. First you can play through all of A4 as a singleton in torment mode. It's been done with several different traits. I think your problem with learning spells is that you need to have the minimum level in mage spells to learn from a trainer. Check the documentation for spell descriptions and look at your characters. The worms are tough in the Tower Colony. You need to have all your protection and hasting spells in place before you fight them. Concentrate damage and make sure you stay healed up during the fight. It helps to slow them down or to use summoned creatures as shields. The dispel barrier book is in a room above the mage who gives you the quest to remove the demon from the upper level of Tower Colony. The stairs to the spell book room are in the room in the northeast corner of Tower Colony and not the other ones. There are other spell books in the place,
  9. You get a discount if you already own the older version.
  10. You can get by with only two levels of Battle circle and one level of health at the start. Protection spell can reduce damage from goblins to nothing. After the Abandoned Mines you can raise battle circle spell to 4 so when you finally reach Vanarium you can buy quicksilver boots (haste). I went the beast circle scroll route when I did Hagfen's Selkie skin quest since I wanted call beast spell and wanted to try Similacrum. I remember Raven's all circle scroll giving 3 levels each, but that was during beta testing and I haven't reached the point where I want to do it yet. See here for more information about what I've tried.
  11. A quick guide to changes in the levels of various resistances and other derived abilities on the right side of the training page based upon abilities on the left side. To get an increase of 1 level you need: Resistance Poison (5% poison/acid) Endurance - 2 levels Hardiness - 2 levels Herbcraft - 2 levels Luck - 2 levels Resistance Magic (5% magic) Druidism -2 levels Endurance - 2 levels Luck - 2 levels Elemental Resistance (5% fire, 3% cold) Hardiness - 2 levels Roman Training - 2 levels Luck - 2 levels Will Power (5% mental) Intelligence - 2 levels Roman Training - 2 levels Luck - 1 level for the first and 2 levels afterwards Beserker - 1 level for the first and 2 levels afterwards Faerie Lore - 1 level for the first and 2 levels afterwards Rune Reading Intelligence - 1 level Druidism - 1 level Faerie Lore - 1 level
  12. It's more that at higher levels you have better armor and other skills that help avoid damage like gymnastics. You're always going to get hit some by spells and powerful monsters so the best thing is to get them first.
  13. Once you go from L2 to L3 as a Roman you can no longer go back to L1 the way you came down. The skull is hidden in the ordeal. On the way back from L3 you have to go up the east side and there are some places on L2 that are only for the Celts.
  14. Endurance gives you health and it becomes noticeable after 8 levels. It also increases resistance to poison and magic every other level. Hardiness increases resistance to poison and elements every other level as well as a slight chance of armor to reduce overall damage. You are better off buying hardiness and putting skill points to endurance. The main thing is to increase armor overall since that makes the biggest difference in reducing damage.
  15. If you hunt, there were a few other trainers created for A4. Most were for Windows version of the game. You should be able to get through the game even in torment without cheating.
  16. If you stay in fight mode you can run through the town and avoid most of the fighting. This isn't an easy fight. The exit is to the northeast side of the zone.
  17. Endurance depends upon the Avernum game. In the early games you could reach a hit point cap so there wasn't any point in doing much. BoA has the potential of reaching higher levels and I think the cap was removed or moved higher. Avernum 4 had some endurance since you could shrug off poison and acid damage with high resistance. Still I wouldn't go over the 8 (I think) that you needed to raise resistance.
  18. If you gave Monarch's papers to the Shapers, then you should have gotten help for Burwood. You have to check in with both Miranda and the General. They tell you about a secret passage into Burwood from the Northern Fens.
  19. Just because Tyranicus spends so much time in Misc. doesn't mean his favorite forum is dead.
  20. I'll try it later, I'm running a straight singleton Roman so my stats are lower than a regular party. Didn't work on a wind walker either.
  21. Reptrakos is immune to simulacrum at least for intelligence 2, druidism and beast circle at 7. So much for watching him fight himself.
  22. For those who really take a long time to play, after day 180, it takes longer to replenish herb ingredients for potions. Instead of being there the next day it takes sometimes up to 5 days. I found out with my singleton Roman as I was restocking and looting. Hey, it takes time when there is only one body to carry everything.
  23. You need the pass from Alwan to get into Shaper Camp Gamma in the Fens of Aziraph. It seems like you did this since you mention woods. In Burwood, you need to have helped the Shapers enough that Miranda was sent ahead to talk to the other Shaper infiltrators. If this hasn't happened then you will usually be attacked by Shapers. If you can get into the Poryphra Ruins and they are friendly, then Alwan and the Shaper general there can help you. Certain areas are always hostile like the Western Morass.
  24. I think radiance is broken since I used 3 items together versus the undead in Sandros Mines with no noticeable difference in damage. Vampiric touch does help a little, but you are better off with other items.
  25. I think I saw the mace up around Grah-Hoth's fortress as a special encounter outside when looking around for hidden passages. It's been a while so I'm not sure.
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