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Everything posted by Randomizer

  1. There is an ability, it the cheat code to kill everything. It doesn't seem to affect the enjoyment of some people. They're the ones that will enjoy using the character editor to make themselves gods at the start.
  2. Quote: If you do, that is why Avernum 5 will also have much tougher Hard and Torment difficulty settings. - Jeff Vogel Please really make it a challenge. Nethergate: Resurrection was getting there during beta testing. The advantage spellcasters have over fighters is the ease of recharging with energy potions. Geneforge 4 had the big change that essence pods also recharged spell energy. This made it possible for spellcasters to keep going with the draining high powered spells that normally they could only cast a rarely. Jeff mentioned items that would allow fighters to reduce fatigue effects so this would mean that later in the game you could keep attacking with the better battle disciplines.
  3. There are secret passage ways to two tile boxes and the portal to get out of Titus area.
  4. Delicious Vlish strongly recommended a baton/missle weapon approach since submission and later reapers will be as devastating as melee weapons if you raise missle weapons and dexterity. Crystals are sometimes overlooked, but they need only 3AP so they can provide an extra attack or two even when not hasted. Mental spells are a must since daze, strong daze, charm, and mass madness will keep groups of creations from attacking you.
  5. Regarding fatigue, there are two versions that I can think of from gaming. Advanced dungeons and dragons had it as temporary damage that heals faster than normal damage. Hackmaster had it as exhaustion from continuous combat where you start losing combat abilities as the fight drags out past a certain point based on endurance. I think it will be related to combat and the battle disciplines where it will be somewhat like spell energy.
  6. Once you destroy the tiles in the box that room you jump into and its guardians you can leave. To get in to see Titus you need to enter by the southernmost passageway that is entered from the southwest corner of the map. You will get a message when you step on the carpet to test you and then there will be another gate when you are ready to see Titus.
  7. Game Over Well I finally reached the Nethergate. Entering the Spire at just 245 experience points shy of level 31, I made level 32 as I exited the Hedge Prison. At a 20% XP penalty my stats are with equipment: Strength 10, dexterity 7, intelligence 3, endurance 10 Melee weapons 11, spears 5, slings 7, armor use 11, defense 6, Roman training 12, crystal wand 8 Druidism 8, health circle 5, war circle 4, beast circle 3 (7 with beast master bracelet), I forgot to buy craft circle First aid 8, tool use 8 (10 with nimble gloves and rogue's leather), herbcraft 8, luck 2 Woodcraft 5, barter 1, faerie lore 5 Health 241, spell energy 174 I usually use polished breastplate, martyr's shield, fury helm. Cordelia locket, warrior's bracelet to replace the strength bracelet, warrior's ring, silk pantaloons, spidersilk cloak, icy blade and blessed sling (now crystal wand), giantish gauntlets, boots of Apollo. I killed everything including Vanarium except Reptrakos that I don't think can be done in torment, Raven, the GIFTS in the Maze of Webs, the Burial Glen's 4 lost souls guarding the altar, one paralying barrow wight in the Abandoned Mine, and the wandering Celtic bands guarding Nethergate. I think if I had more patience I could have gone through the long fight to kill Raven. The others just weren't worth wasting magic items to kill for almost no experience. For the Nethergate test I completed all but evil since I got the good one, dexterity, and intelligence (I'm so dumb I wear boots because I'm too stupid to lace up sandals). There's a nice trick to do the luck test [spoiler - bring Sylak's chaotic dice]. How are the other games doing?
  8. Quote: Originally written by Spidweb: After the incredibly provocative act of trying to kill Empress Prazac, Dorikas has had to flee to a remote and savage area, where he has had time to prepare for those who would hunt him. Even though he is not about to take over or instantly destroy the world or whatever, I think that you will find him an adequate foe. :-) Unless, of course, you decide to join him. - Jeff Vogel Ah, if ET evers comes back from being banned, I can see him going on for pages about taking over the Darkside Loyalists and leading them to victory. This will be a change for Avernum/Exile series in getting to choose which side you want to be on in the end. I look forward to being able to fight a foe that isn't scripted as unkillable.
  9. Thanks for making the effort. Can't wait to see the new stuff so we have something to think about instead of just hacking our way through. Battle discipline looks interesting since now fighters have their own version of spells to increase combat abilities. I'm wondering what fatigue means. I see you kept some Avernum 4 graphics including the Geneforge guardian graphic.
  10. I had the problem with the spider mission before. The is one specific spider, the chief spider, that gives the mission. I think I was able to get past the web plug after doing the Aranea City part without talking to the chief spider. edit - The chief spider wanders along the northern and eastern corridors. Fort Dunvo has the mission to take out the bandits to the west. I know Cotra has a prisoner mission in a Nephil fort to its north. I can't remember if there is a second prisoner mission to north of Fort Dunvo in the smaller Nephil fort. Edit - Daniels needs to be told that the coast is clear to escape. I don't remember what the keyword is to get him to move. Try the Avernum 1 walkthrough for help since that is close to Exile 1 except for an extra dungeon and the way characters are made.
  11. There shouldn't have been an error to get a party through the portal. If there was take the saved game and email it to Jeff. You should be able to get through since there is plenty of room in each of the portal destinations. Try waiting a few rounds and go into the portal again. There is one one random element that might cause an occasional bug.
  12. The walkthrough is probably for original Nethergate which had three different types of lockpicks. As Romans there are two items, nimble gloves and rogue's leather that each increase tool use by 1. Tool use is best for removing traps on boxes. In the Burial Glen, to get past the difficulty 15 door to luck bracelet +3 and the difficulty 22 door to finish the quest you can use a pass portal scroll from under Galag-Trav, get Rhian as your extra party member in Vanarium to cast pass portal, or increase your strength or tool use in one character to 12 to have a chance of getting through the tougher door.
  13. The Celts can do two quests for the Hagfen witches. They are killing rhe Selkie king and retrieving a skull from the bottommost level of the Goblin Pits. Each gives you a key for under Hagfen. The next version of Nethergate: Resurrection will finally identify the "?" that Gwyar drops with the Archdruid Robe. Killing Gwyar marks you only as a criminal and not a murderer so there are no consequences outside of making Hagfen hostile.
  14. The Geneforge categories were chosen as a way to balance out the different player classes, With them every class had something it was great at and something that was a weakness. Your way would result in powergaming where most people would concentrate on what is usally perceived as the more powerful skills that are currently separated.
  15. Velanna's lover Derek is found dead up north to northeast of the Faerie Bazaar. Just look for skeletal bodies until you get the message that you found the right one and got the ring as a special item.
  16. This link has a list of links to the pages with editors and trainers. No guarantees that these links still work or will be helpful.
  17. It wasn't that bad for the ones in that keep. I think I cleared the whole level before going back to Fort Remote for a recharge. Now the ones in the Darkside Loyalist fortress near Fort Saffron are a true torment for OCD in torment.
  18. For those that don't want to leave any loot behind, I tried killing off everyone in Vanarium. It's not really worth the effort in treasure, but you do get the four in the Inn united against you. Manius Voltinia - iron studded armor, iron longsword Silius - iron dagger Drusilla - iron dagger Titus - iron dagger Velanna - iron dagger Brigid - leather armor Numerius - iron studded armor, iron longsword, iron large shield Marcus - boots, fine leather helmet, leather armor Rhian - iron chain mail, superior longsword Midori - superior longsword, iron chain mail, haste draught Centurions guarding Vanarium can drop: fine leather armor, boots, leather armor, iron spear, fine leather armor Then there are a few not yours items that you can now steal with out any witnesses. Manius Voltinia's desk - papyrus sheets Drusilla's boxes - wand of coils, fine small shield, silver ring, silver bracelet Midori - 2 haste scrolls, spiritual herbs, 4 healing herbs, cerimonial dagger, flagon Also the druids guarding a patch of spiritual and mistletoe south of Vanarium in the woods. A high druid and 3 druids drop steel chain mail, iron studded armor, some swords and healing draughts.
  19. I don't think crystalline fibers are sellable. You may have missed a swamp herb item since they look similar. There is a possibilty of over loading a storage place, but the limit is about 200 items.
  20. If you got past the wind warrior, then it's a matter of stepping on the tiles until all for braziers are lit at once then going to the center. Start at the north end and go clockwise. You may have to leave and come back to reset or spend a long time starting from other points to get it right if you had a character on a tile when combat ended.
  21. I checked my old game and saw the same map section. I can't think of anything I missed as a route to that corner and I cleared everything.
  22. Taking the bowl is a group check at 77 (I think that's dexterity) so it's possible, but not likely. If you haste the party before trying then you have the option of running and a good chance of escaping. Usually it's fight it out with the main fighters using invulnerability potions or major spell casting and watching that you stay healed.
  23. Since you got the Faerie Bazaar Master's quest to destroy the urns, you have the option of doing Sammael's quest to get the stones from the Abandoned Mine or doing it for the Rose Lady in the Hollow Hills. Sammael gives you 3 spells with Hero of Old being the only one that you don't get elsewhere and it isn't as good as in the original game. The Rose Lady increases the first four stats (strength, dexterity, intelligence, and endurance) by 1 each for the party. So it's up to you what you want to do.
  24. Rivers of Blood I cleaned out Castle Aethdoc without too much trouble. Just slow the faeries down with coils of serpent and slaughter at will. Lord Borak didn't even cause me to break a sweat. Dhorus was easier since Jeff reduced his damage from beta testing. The worst fight was coming into the south wing from the main entrance and getting swarmed by 12 faeries. On the third try, I used call beast enough to keep from facing too many at once. After claiming my reward for killing Borak, I walked to the south end of the feasting hall, buffed up, and worked my way north until I killed Lord Relatur. Then I killed every last witness in the Castle. After piling up the loot in the entrance and killing the gate guards it was time to get the Eye. Next up was buying what I wanted in the Hollow Hills. Then it was time to kill the Rose Lady with a few called beasts and charming almost all the ones she summoned. It goes quicker if you let her fight beasts while you kill her guards. Then I killed everything under the Hill. Now I have to take everything to Vanarium. At least I have some extra invulnerability draughts for Annwn for my efforts. Next up after claiming my rewards from the Crones for Rose Lady and Widow Queen is the Faerie Bazaar.
  25. I think that Kelner's key allows you to get into one of X's rooms after you defeat the demon. It's still not worth it.
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