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Everything posted by Randomizer

  1. You are supposed to follow her as she goes north, than east across the zone, and finally down the east side. At several places she will stop and wait for you to catch up. At the southeast exit she will give a message about tracks to a Shaper Camp and give you a key to her box back at camp. I'm guessing that you don't have much tool use since the box needs so many living tools. Go through the zone looking for her since she might be waiting for you instead of her patrol. You need this to get the next quest about the Shaper's Camp from Captain Trianus. The green means that you have killed enough creatures in the zone to pass through it safely.
  2. I appreciate a new plot even with a returning villan since he got away last time. If it stays as fresh as it sounds it will be a welcome change after Avernum 4. Just removing the Vahnatai would have made it better since the engine was a big improvement.
  3. Withering and potion of loss are a few of the cursed items held over from the original game. It's supposed to have a negative effect I think to stats or experience.
  4. With enough leadership (7) you can talk the Shaper in the Eastern Checkpoint out of one. There is one in the Secured Crossroads, Rivergate Keep for the other color, and I forget where the others are. Edit - The Secured Crossroads is the northwest corner in locked building (green spore). Rivergate Keep (blue) is in the southwest corner in guard's locked box. I can't remember if the green is also there.
  5. Nethergate is great so unless you want to play Blades of Exile and Avernum scenarios until Avernum 5's release this is a good way to go.
  6. 1. You don't get the password until after the Vahnatai lands and even then it's a while before you locate it. It really is just there to bug people that only get the demo. 2. You can't get to the village until you retrieve the Orb of Thranli much later in the game. It isn't really needed except for completeness. You get a potion recipe there. 3. Motrax isn't that important in this game. When you gain higher clearance, you can gain access to the lab and gain information to finish the game. Still be sure to kill the minor monsters for Captain Ko to gain experience. As a bonus before going down river, try and kill the demons around Solberg's Tower. It's possible as the last thing and sometimes will push a character up a level. There isn't a chance to train again until after reaching the Vahnatai lands. Since this is Exile and not Avernum, some players keep killing things to raise their characters up to high levels and keep revisiting the merchant to the southwest past the sliths in hopes of getting great items.
  7. Imban started a singleton experiment that he recorded here. This can give you an idea for playing order. It is out of date with all the newer scenarios. When is this getting updated?
  8. Any chance that the pregenerated characters will be Empire types: archer, blademaster, mage, priest, war priest, and wizard? Or is it too late in the game making process. Since we are starting as Empire rather than lousy Rebel worms, we would have somewhat different skill sets.
  9. You didn't like having a third of the inventory slots filled in with charms? Then another a half a dozen with swappable items for dealing with traps and doors.
  10. To gain access to the secret room, you first need to explore the storerooms along the northeast side of the city. When you trigger the special encounter (you'll know it when it happens) you get a message at the end that lets you into it.
  11. Nethergate allows you to play as the Romans and the Celts as they work against each other. You get to see what's happening from each side and see the effects of the other side's actions.
  12. Jeff said we only get more actions points because we have to run further to attack. He upped the number of APs used for attacks and spells to compensate. I bet we encounter the same thing as in Geneforge 4 regarding daze. There are always enough monsters that can run in from outside the area of effect after you cast daze and still have one AP to attack you.
  13. Quote: Originally written by Delicious Vlish: Avernum has Smite, Wyrmslayer, Ghoulbane, all these weapons for killing certain known foes of Avernum, we NEED Bugsbane. Potion of Raid that can be hurled at chitrachs. Similar to the frost grenade in Lazarus' BoA scenario Frostbite. Makes an aerosol hissing noise.
  14. Quote: Originally written by Yama: I wonder what Cheeseball was doing during A4? Trying to find a place without demons. Of course with all those demons under Patrick's Tower he was probably grumbling in a corner.
  15. That's because Avernum 4 was the first game to combine tool use into the mage spell unlock. Before you used whichever would work, usually using a save and reload to protect picks.
  16. Slarty will just love the how many chitrachs were there in each area. Glad to hear that the game is progressing. The Anama section will make for interesting replayability.
  17. Until Avernun 4, most of the older games are hard coded so you can't access the needed data. The games aren't designed to be transferred. There are some scenarios like Baksshiva and Exodus that are quite large and comparable to the Avernum games in number of hours to play. They don't have the huge numbers of minor quests. Basically you start with a beginning party and play the scenarios in order of party level. Since you have an iBook you can go to Khoth\'s site and download the OS X version of Blades of Exile for free. This will let you play the many scenarios from the Blades of Exile forum.
  18. Avernum 5 is supposed to be closer to the older Avernum games than Avernum 4, but the combat still will be somewhat Geneforgish. Actually Jeff has been only giving out hints about the new combat system with battle disciplines so we don't really know.
  19. If you are looking for playability beyond the first time then Blades of Exile, which is now open sourced, and Blades of Avernum are the way to go. There are always new scenarios being made or you can make your own. The quality will vary, but at least there will be new material every year. Depending on the scenario you can spend a few hours or a few days on each one. If you just want to play for 100+ hours in one game then any of the Avernum, Exile, Geneforge, or Nethergate games will do. There is no way to expand them, but you can go to the Geneforge 4 forum to see how players have found challenges to extend replayability. The older games are fun and cheaper than the newer games if money is a problem. You can get the Avernum Trilogy of the first three games for a reasonable price.
  20. All you need is a text editor to modify an existing script for a town. Look at how you are given items in different scripts to see the code that you need to add and there is a link in the header for helpful links that gives the item list for the game. Besure to have a saved copy of the script before you modify it.
  21. Jeff starts on the Windows version earlier, but he waits for users to send in comments and bugs that Mac beta testers miss so he can adjust the Windows version. Also it takes almost a month for the Windows beta testers to completely test the game more than once. Geneforge 4 is a good example in that some creations do different damage in the Mac and Windows versions.
  22. It would be easier to scrap the laptops and buy new Macs. It will solve your problem and you won't have to wait as long to play Avernum 5. Use the Windows search function to look for save0 file names. Then figure out which one goes with Avernum 4.
  23. It depends upon whether you have a Mac where the save files save0 to save19 are found in the Avernum 4 Files folder or Windows where I think the files are saved in My Document (I don't have Windows, but that's how other games were done). Take a few minutes and look for the save0 to save19 files names and check the creation/last editted dates to find the ones for Avernum 4. These are the only files you need to copy.
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