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Everything posted by Dolphin

  1. On the peninsula southwest of the Main Army Camp.
  2. Quote: Originally written by Abbadon: -----------Dolphin------------- Which scripts did you modify? Aha so you want to now the rest of the cheats. Well i can say that of course the testing grounds were modified (how original) and the academy and i've edited a script wich contains Lankan that's all I shal say. Well, actually I was asking so I could look over your coding, as I am curious what you did. Being that I have played this game in its entirety too many times as it is I would rather not do so again.
  3. There is also a way to sneak in to see Rahul through a passage to the far northeast in Dhonal's Keep, but you would loose a quest from Kroener.
  4. There seems to be mixed feelings about GF3. It has similarities to the earlier games. I am happy I saw the whole game, but mostly because I just wanted to know what was going to happen. When I found out I was not excited. As far a terrain you will later see more grass, than swampy cold grass, and finally snow. I liked the snow; it's a nice change. I enjoyed the game enough that I found it to be worth buying, and I'm happy to support SW.
  5. After completing the Geneforge I killed Akhiri Blaze, and no one cared. They are not the most loyal bunch. As for the leadership level I had 18, I don't know how much is actually needed.
  6. I wish I could say where I got that from, but I don't know, probably GF1. In GF1 the Sholai were hiding in a cave where there were turrets, not the cave to the far east. Part of the dialogue was “you are living here with rouges.” They responded, “We don't bother them, and they don't bother us.” Keep in mind this was a Shaper island. The existing creations may or may not have been there before the Sholai arrived. They may have just tamed some of the more docile creations.
  7. Okay Hawk Abbandon - Which scripts did you modify?
  8. Yes, it's very nice. Thank you for posting it. Hawk was going to post an item list, but I don't know what happened with that.
  9. It looks great. Everything works. One thing missing: all spells are upped, except fireball remains at one.
  10. Quote: Originally written by JadeWolf: Wasn't the first version of Exile bad quality? I didn't see many mistakes in GF3 demo?! *in defense of Jeff, my fav game producer* I guess you aren't paying attention to spelling and grammar than; also the bugs come later in the game.
  11. You'll know it's the right boat when you get a message asking if you are ready to return to the Shaper Council, or the mainland.
  12. Being that you are just editing the script they do work on Mac and PC, and there is no money cheat.
  13. The GF2 editor can be found at the top of the GF2 forum. Yes, the necessary script is in the scripts folder.
  14. You'll still be a rebel. Nobody cares if she dies.
  15. If your leadership is high enough you can talk her out of attacking you. I don't remember what the number was, but a lot. She is canister crazy, jealous, and Akhiri Blaze probable told her to do it. It's not a bug at all.
  16. This would have fit well here . If you kill him without dealing with him the result is the same. Can't say for sure, but it's likely part of the same bug.
  17. The Right Acces Bracelet is in the Benerii-Eo Labs. The Golem in the northeast corner has it. The Left Access Bracelet is in the center of the Benerii-Eo Vat Core.
  18. They work the same as GF1 and 2. Press the “shift” and “d” keys simultaneously, and type the code. Yes they work in the demo, and type them lower case. The codes work no matter where you are. Make sure of your spelling, other than that, I don't know.
  19. There is a dock in the northeast corner of The Tower Path on Gull Island.
  20. This was a fairly difficult battle. I used two drayks as long range, and I attacked it with melee. I found that when it had to focus on melee combat it didn't create as many creations. Bless and Haste everyone. Augmentation and shielding spells help as well.
  21. If I am not mistaken the problem is when you speak to Issss-Ta in Icy End you are told to find Vrabel who is also in Icy End. Vrabel tells you to kill Orois Blaze in the Breeding Vally for a reward. If you kill Orois Blaze and report back to Vrabel nothing happens. Email Jeff about this, it is a bug, and please use specific names and locations so we can help you.
  22. To BSC: Just as we use wood to build our home the Shapers use living tools to work. Just as we have guard dogs the Shapers have pylons. I have not see a reference to the more simplistic creations having consciousness. I do remember reading somewhere that the spore boxes have feeling, or at least they are aware of being touched. My guess about the plants being capable of different defenses, and the mines being different levels of explosives is just that. Maybe they are different breeds. In GF1 the Shapers said they did not know about the Scholai. That implies that the Shapers have not explored the entire world. It seems they go place to place destroying than barring locations. Maybe they discover new lands when they close old ones. I don't remember hearing about birds. I certainly haven't seen any if they do exist. The only livestock seems to be Ornks. I guess they live on pork, green, fruit, and bread. Shades are simply spirits. What rights do the dead hold? If they attack you they are angry spirits, but I never attacked a shade that left me alone. The shades in GF2 in the pit of the bound one were prisoners. They were contained spirits that wanted to be free. It seems to not exist would be preferable to being an eternal slave.
  23. The editor can give you all those things, and it spares you the bugs of the earlier version.
  24. One observation is that when you absorb your creations they dissolve into essence, but creations that come from anywhere else leave blood on the ground after they die. The Spawners on the other hand seem to made of jewls.
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