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Everything posted by Dolphin

  1. There are two ways. 1. Help Diwaniya in San Ru by destroying the creations that are spawning the rouges, so he will allow you to leave. 2. Help the rebels by giving Lankan in the Rebel Camp the blue canister; he will clear the dock for you.
  2. Save or move the original scripts and replace them with the downloads as follows… The first one (The canister script) save as: canister.txt The second one (Make characters glow) save as: gf3itemschars.txt The third one (Stats editor) save as: z2southenddlg.txt
  3. This thread should help you. You'll have to go through the scripts to find what you are looking for.
  4. Your leadership skill isn't high enough. How many points of leadership do you have?
  5. Go to the places listed by Contra and look for it. There really is a ton of the stuff in the game, and only a couple Minds need it.
  6. To get into the purification plant, speak with the Servant Mind by the south entrance. The key is for the inner part of the purification plant, and is where I described above. The air is poison, but you still need to walk around in there, so try moving in combat mode so you don't loose health as quickly.
  7. The essence one, do you have creations when you are trying to recharge your essence?
  8. Yeah, this has been mentioned before.
  9. If I'm not mistaken Hawthorne in Kentia East Gate will make the salve for you.
  10. Quote: Originally written by Ald: Why are you all complaining? You get what you pay for! Alwan is at the same educational level as the PC, and he sucks. Greta doesn't suck, and she got kicked out of school before completing her training. Edit: what happened to the post I quoted? I was here a minute ago, no really it was
  11. The Mind tells you to go through the test (the entrance is in the northwest corner of the building). After you have completed the test go back to the mind and tell it you did so. The Mind will then open the doors to the south, allowing you to read the tomes inside. Edit: Khoth got it first
  12. In this case it was to help a dying man. He has to suffer longer if you make him wait until you eventually get to the next island, it was a necessary evil
  13. To make the salve that will cure Torsten you need to get some Saltweed, so go to the Minefield Woods, which is were Scintle lives. In the east room of the house is the herb you need. Since it is in a room with a door it is easy to take it.
  14. I'm at 10.3.9, and I'm going to wait until 10.4 has been out for a little while. Most of the upgrades are cosmetic, and new systems can have problems when they are first released.
  15. If you already beat the Creator you are not that weak. 1. You need to invest in Spellcraft. Without it your magic will be more or less useless. Being that your BM is your highest stat I assume that is your attack of choice, so this skill being weak is a hindrance. 2. I don't think you need the points in luck for the early levels (Somebody let me know if I am mistaken). 3. If you are dying a lot add a point to healing (unless you use pods) 4. For being that high a level I would add a point to endurance. 5. One point in Fire Shaping would allow you to make a low cost fyora or two to protect you until you get a bit stronger, or meatshields if you are dying constantly.
  16. What level are you, and what have you invested your Skill Points in?
  17. I find low-level creations comparable to Alwan.
  18. Having several creations will place you at a slightly lower level at the end of the game, but it's not that much of a difference. As I said, I really don't play with many creations, but when I have four as opposed to being solo the endgame result is only a couple levels. The trade off is the creation's protection. My solo Agent finished at level 51, and my Shaper with three draykes finished at level 48. I don't see that as much of a hardship.
  19. Quote: Originally written by Hume: ]Every creation eat 1/16 exp. So with a team of 4 creations you and each of your creation get 3/4 exp. Are you sure about those numbers? That sounds a bit high. How did you determine that? Edit: and one creation getting 1/16 of XP becomes four creations getting 4/16 of XP, which brakes down to 1/4 of the total XP awarded going to creations and 3/4 goiing to the PC.
  20. I like making one or two Cryoa for early on. I make two draykes as soon as I am able. I have never taken to making hordes of creations (mostly because they get stuck places and things like that.) Once I'm near the end of the game I make a small army, but that's mostly because it looks cool. If you want maximum XP use a few creations as possible.
  21. The creations receive very little of your XP. Having Greta, Alwan, or other creations are worth the XP loss. Of course it adds up if you have a large group. When it is later in the game and you are only getting a few XP it makes a difference. Of course that late in the game you are unlikely gain very many levels either way.
  22. I completely agree, and have said similar things from time to time. He always dies before Greta, even when they have equal HP. His complete lack of ranged attacks makes him fairly useless against creations that like to shoot and run. As a guardian he should have both a sword and javelins. While playing a Shaper I expect the Guardian to protect me, but I had to take care of him. I like Greta's more liberal standpoint better anyways.
  23. I like Cryodraykes (as I have said in all of the polls of this nature.)
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