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Everything posted by Dolphin

  1. Gretchen in the southeast corner of the keep will train Greta.
  2. My agent is of course mostly magic. The spell I use most is Essence Orbs, so I enjoyed the canister system very much. I always have about four points in fire shaping. What can I say, I like having a Cryodrayk by my side. Putting a few point in shaping has never been a hindrance for me, and I play on torment most of the time. I also put about nine points into melee, as I don't like to be dependent on essence. Playing as an Agent allows for spreading out the skill points, as they are all-around strong. Shapers are too weak to focus on melee, and guardians can't muster enough essence to really partake in shaping. Am I the only one who does this and survives?
  3. Quote: Originally written by Contra: What game have you been playing? In G1 it was manual, sure, but did you actually ever need more then one or two? As I said earlier I have needed up to 17 living tools to open a lock in GF1. I got a bit ahead of my self in the game, but nonetheless it took 34 clicks, tool, lock, tool, lock…. The way it could work is the PC is able to choose how many living tools are used via a dialogue box.
  4. It is very easy to get level three unlock, and with a decent mechanics you wont need a ton of living tools until Dohnal's Island. There aren't a lot of living tools early on, but later in the game I always have far more than I need. About GF1 living tools, that was awful. They had to be used manually, and one at a time. It got really annoying when 17 were needed.
  5. Parry is defiantly weaker. The first time I played I put a good number of points (12) into it thinking it would prevent me form getting killed, but discovered I was getting hit anyway. The times thereafter the only points that went into parry were what the canisters gave. Having used those 12 points in endurance, spell craft, and tool use was far more beneficial.
  6. I'll have to try that, will he go with you after the battle?
  7. I never really used wands, as my own magic was sufficient. Wands would be fairly useful playiing as a guardian though. It would be a nice touch for them to be rechargeable, but they are common enough that it is not necessary.
  8. Okay, but where did these minotaurs come from? Shaping experiment gone wrong?
  9. No, he won't do anything at anytime. After I killed Lord Rahul I went to see if I could free him, and there was no new dialogue.
  10. Quote: Originally written by hawk king: Quote: Originally written by supercrazyinsanemonkeyman: i just checked the script, and the drakon, gazer, rotghroth, and their respective upgrades don't have the walk speed lines to edit, what's up with that?! i am very confused. why do you think i didn't max um ? out thats why Hawk- That doesn't really explain anything. Monkeyman- hawk tends to do things in pieces, but if you tell him about it odds are it will be fixed.
  11. I tried killing Khossos and his brood in the shaping vats. Icy End attacked me after that as well. That must have been what you did to upset them, and there was a delayed reaction. There are a few places in the game where SDFs set, but at the same time they don't. I did however kill Khossos after finishing the Geneforge without upsetting anyone.
  12. By snippy Drakon do you mean Khrazass Crafter? I not only used his canisters to his face, I believe I also threatened to destroy him. He was very amused and condescending about my attempts to enrage him. He said he sees I have used his canisters and that he has shaped me. Either he directly said or he insinuated that I was like his child or pet. He wasn't mad at all.
  13. I had the mind open the doors as well, still no attack.
  14. I don't know why this would upset them. I'll go try a few things and post what I find. In the mean time a last resort would be to the codes “pleaselikeme” and “forgiveme”. Golems aren't major characters, so they should work. Edit: I went and cleared out the Vat Core and returned to Icy End. Everyone in town were still allies. I killed all the Golems, disabled the pools, and took the Access Bracelet. Did you do anything else that may upset the Rebels?
  15. That key is in an office of sorts along the east wall. It's about midway, but closer to the north exit. Edit: It should be in a cabinet.
  16. I believe the key you are looking for is on a dead body that lies in the southeast corner of the Darkstone Core.
  17. It's worth talking to him. You get to freak him out about his canisters, or claim his territory if you'd like. The NPCs tripped out on canisters are some of the better conversations.
  18. There is a small commentary on the NPC that joined you. It's similar to the way they comment throughout the game. It adds their personality, but doesn't really effect the story.
  19. Near the middle of the map is a trapdoor that leads underground. Go down and shut off the power. You'll also find a canister or two down there. I've never tried reporting back to Diwaniya (sp) without shutting the power off, but I believe that is part of the job. Edit: sorry to mimic you Contra, you got there a minute earlier.
  20. You have to kill him twice. Just before he dies the fist time he teleports to a different part of his home. Once he disappears go to the far southeast. Stay along the south wall and move west. You'll get to some controls, and if you have high enough mechanics using the controls will cause an explosion that kills Khyryk. Or if you really want to cheat do dbugkill.
  21. Quote: Originally written by hawk king: and here is another thing i threw together this script replaces the origonal so you can start with i beleve 2099 essence start as level 100 and basically star of super powered try it ! Starting stats as a Shaper were: Level -100 Health - 2414 Endurance - 2834 Glowed and was very fast. Starting stats as a Guardian: Level - 60 Health - 2281 Endurance - 1287 Didn't glow, but was fast Starting stats as an Agent: Level - 60 Health - 2067 Endurance - 1287 Glowed, and seemed to be the fastest. Creations moved at their normal speed. They are somewhat slower than the PC, but keep up more or less.
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