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Everything posted by Dolphin

  1. The fluid is in a cupboard to the west. Look around a bit and you should find it fairly easily.
  2. I agree with Kel, Whether or not you have been reading posts is irrelevant. You haven't participated in any recent topic before now. I would argue that activeness is highly relevant to one's newbie status, and note that I am referring to intelligent participation rather that constant spam.
  3. Yeah, it certainly gives the PC all the items, thank you for taking the time to make it.
  4. Oh, so you did. Thank you, sorry about that, long day.
  5. That was pretty fast, are you going to post it?
  6. I use all three as it adds more to the story. You will definitely miss out on some things using all of one species. I like Nephil because I have a preference for cats, but I like Sliths because they have a more advanced culture and spirituality.
  7. I have worked with it here and there just to add some things I really needed, namely money and some equipment. It is a lot of work to script in every item. Though it takes a bit less time to give the PC every ring at once, or whatever item all at once, it is still more or less the same amount of coding. I've since left this project since BoA feels more rewarding for hours and hours of coding. JadeWolf - Did you save the scripts you completed? If so the may be useful to someone who wants to pick up the project. Hawk - You are a very patient person if you are willing to put that much time into a complete item editor.
  8. Aside form using unlock to open doors, and essence orbs on the very hard battles, what you described is more or less how I normally play. The only creations I make are Cryoas, and once I am able I make drayks/cryodrayks. The only healing magic I use is heal and major heal. I don't really use blessing magic except in very difficult battles. I like working with melee while my pets work in magic, but I do use essence orbs on high-level creations. I didn't use the anvils to forge anything. (I experimented with the anvil after finishing the game.) I picked up some of these habits from GF1 and 2, and they work well for me. Since it is pretty easy to get through GF without using magic I never really got into using a lot of spells or blessing magic until I played Avernum.
  9. By “no stone ring” I assume you are referring to the bracelet you received in the testing grounds that will become the “Bejeweled Bracelet”. The only place you can add stones to that bracelet is in the training ground. The trials get fairly difficult, but the reward is a bracelet that pumps shaping skills. It is worn instead of gloves or gauntlets, but is very useful when you need to make creations. I carry it with me and only wear it while shaping.
  10. I haven't seen a canister of Create Drakon in Icy End either.
  11. Agents are far more powerful than Shapers. Shapers die from a slight breeze, and have to rely on their pets for protection. In addition they can't fight very well, again relying on their pets. Agents are strong enough to travel solo, and powerful enough to make some creations if they want some allies. They're good with a sword, and excellent with magic. Edit: They're, not their.
  12. Here is Hawk's editor. It should work for you since all you have to do is copy the text and save it as z0entrydlg.txt in you scripts folder (save the original).
  13. Unfortunately there is no cheat code for money. You'll have to get it the old fashioned way, or you could work with the scripts. dbugkill just kills all hostile creatures in sight. You and your creations gain the experience as if you had killed the monsters yourself.
  14. If your intelligence and your creations' intelligence are high you will be less susceptible to the gazer's mental attacks.
  15. Thank you, it looks great. I'll start working with it tomorrow.
  16. Yeah, please send it me. dolphin1189702 (at) hotmail (dot) com
  17. Niemand - Is this ready? Or do you need help with further testing?
  18. Move around in combat mode if you are being to heavily drained. Combat mode being turn based prevents you from dying from just standing around.
  19. Not really worth resurrecting a dead topic.
  20. Quote: Originally written by Thuryl: Anyway, at least I'm not the one talking about breastfeeding a giant pig-thing that lives in a bowl. Note the picture of the crying baby just above my post. That's what made me think of that. I wasn't thinking of the pig itself, but rather what is said to it. Along with the image of the baby, it made think of breastfeeding. Far more disturbing concepts than this have been posted by others. Edit: clarifying
  21. They don't eat only mushrooms. They eat lizard meat and bread as well. I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere, but they could eat the lizard's eggs as well, and perhaps cave cow milk.
  22. Quote: Originally written by Thuryl: Perhaps I am deeply mistaken in my assessment of ordinary human thought patterns, but it seems to me that most people wouldn't even consider that connection. I can see why Alec wants to recruit you to Desperance. (Meanwhile, I'm internally speculating as to just which four ways you're thinking of.) Umm, Thuryl, by “nutrient fluid” I meant breast milk, but the response was funny. The ways to be touched had some sexual intention to it. Hmm, four ways to be touched. Okay, hugged, kissed, caressed , and I'll let you guys think of the final way. I said four because that's how many options there were in the game. Edit: misread Thuryl's question.
  23. Orois Blaze in Breeding Valley says, “It is five thousand coins for every touch, and each sort of touch can only be given once”. There are four ways to be touched Edit: You know, you could make anything sound odd. For example in GF1 you tell the servant mind “here is some nutrient fluid”.
  24. Well, if you count “exitzone” as cheating, than I do.
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