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Everything posted by Dolphin

  1. If you use the editor the “Summoning Orb” is given. This should be removed as it forces you to join the rebels. Does anyone know it's number so I can take it out?
  2. I took Greta and Alwan to see who would get fed up with me first. Alwan shouted at me how I tainted him with my breaking of Shaper laws. Greta was quite pleased by it. I want to see if she will get freaked out when I've used many canisters, or when she sees the geneforge. Alwan had a bit of a big mouth anyways. He told off the shade in the innermost mines on the first island. The shade paid no attention to him, but I can see how he would possibly cause problems. Greta tends to whisper to me rather than just blurt things out, so far at least. Edit: Yes, I assumed so as they were always bickering. I'd have figured he would have left sooner than that as he disapproved of most things. I tend to read into these types of things too much.
  3. I went to him about six different times after trying different things and was offered no new response. Even that many was excessive.
  4. Quote: Originally written by 'Da Holiest of all Toenails: For some odd reason, that cheat rarely ever works for me. I wonder why...... You cannot take back theft of artifacts or killing of major characters. It's very handy for petty theft though; “forgiveme” is the alternative.
  5. Quote: Originally written by eztaren: I think in the first GF you could use living tools on locked boxes. Locked yes, trapped no.
  6. I've talked to Khryk, and he told me to check out Agatha's mansion. I did that and freed them. He has not offered a key. Edit: Okay here is how I got the key. There must be another way… I had a theory that Agetha had it. She told me to go to the docks, but she didn't offer a key. I thought if I killed her she would drop it. It appears in G3 you can't attack friendly characters, so I had to steel a lot and get someone to attack me. It worked and I did “dbugkill” so I wouldn't have to fight a bunch of townspeople. Agetha did drop the key I needed. Is this what was supposed to happen? Edit 2: Email sent.
  7. This is a bug. You could use the “pleaselikeme” before entering Rising and they wont attack you.
  8. I'm playing as a loyalist and have gotten to Khor's Deeps. I encountered Master Hoge and he was crazy and attacked me. The things is when he died he didn't drop a key to the docks. When I played as a rebel I'm pretty sure he gave me the key. I looted everything and didn't find a key. Where do I find it?
  9. I like G3 better than G2, but than again I like G1 better than G2. There is more loot in G3 and it's easier to make lots of money. I also like that the canisters have an actual effect on you.
  10. Umm, the Barzites aren't in G3 Edit: That threw me off for a moment.
  11. When I was playing for the Rebels I got as far as Gull Island (hope that's the right spelling) before I started seeing the serviles as nothing but stacked shapes that were being disrespectful to me, I also had to resist running over and using canisters. I lost control only one time, and it was with the serviles. Long story short you can use a pretty good number of them. Edit: Is there any way for me to steal the canister of Create Drayk in the Inner Keep without making the guards attack me?
  12. Yeah, that would be too out of place.
  13. I finished as a rebel, so I could see how powerful I could get. I used every canister I could find. I didn't have real strength until I was most of the way through the game. Oh yeah, Agent with one creation. I was not able to use the Geneforge It would have been satisfying to be able too. And you don't get to see the creature behind the door (it's not a new creation anyways.) I found it somewhat anticlimactic. I did enjoy all those canisters though. I did enjoy the game overall. It was very well done and had a pretty good story. I think I will play as a Shaper who is loyal. Maybe if I kill the rebels I can use the Geneforge (doubt it.). I liked it though, and it was worth the wait
  14. If you don't have any creations walk around in combat mode. This prevents you from dying quickly and you can easily monitor you health. The purification plant is a relatively easy toxic zone. It is easy to shut down.
  15. I think it is. In G1 and G2 I pretty much led everyone on. More or less power played it until I had to pick a side. In this one you are forced to make side choosing decisions to advance. I'll know for sure when I find out about the geneforge and if I get to use it.
  16. I'm at the point where I have used enough to have nasty thoughts, but I still have control. If I keep using them will I harm everyone before gaining information, or will it stay with thoughts of lashing out?
  17. I used to play a Shaper first, but they are a bit frail. Now I like Agents. They are midway for strength and good with spells. I like having one strong creation to take with me. I can't use them as meat shields.
  18. I've always liked the canisters. Easy power is nice; it's too bad they cause insanity.
  19. I have been very comfortable with the new inventory. I tend to use the keyboard and just type the letter. I don't see why the ground would be mistaken for your pack, at a quick glace it is easy to see you don't have sticks, rocks, and skulls in your pack. I like being able to arrange things and carry so much more. The old way didn't seem to have a very good way of organizing the inventory. I always had to scroll through the menu looking for what I wanted. Now it's all right there in front of me.
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