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Old MikeS

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Everything posted by Old MikeS

  1. I'm confused also. Per one of the last KS updates for QW2 (2022-10-26), it stated: Of course, early solid sales may not equal good sales in the long run. I was looking forward to see how that tale ended (hoping it does get made some day).
  2. Mine - qw2cgbvfhdejetu Had respect of Ro (only had to fight the wolf), respect of the Queen, supported Sutter, didn't kill any dragons, completed all quests, replaced both governors, didn't do anything with the Nisse, but did complete the Geld Nas test. Was able to complete most of the forts (didn't build 3 breweries - though may have had resources). Have to say, used the reputation guide a lot to help determine some of the responses, towards the end, not as much since I had high rep with queen and Ro - most of the responses were ones I was selecting anyway.
  3. Tried entering the code I got from QW1 (cijipcbhbron) and keep getting the message 'The code is not correct. One of the values is outside of its correct range.'. May have taken it down wrong (code from pretty close to three years ago). Is there any fix for this? What value is out of range?
  4. This is a replica of the first Wizardry game. Stairs, like in the original went to L8, second elevator, once you got into it, went to L9. Usually the stairs and elevator levels were separated. Last level was entered through a one-way chute from level 9. I used my old pencil and paper maps to setup each level, so positions of stairs/elevators/other specials match the original game (except spinners, which couldn't think of a good way to replicate for the top-down engine of BoA). Interestingly, I've scanned a couple of your plays and didn't remember it being that difficult.
  5. Proving Grounds was designed to play with any level of party. It was my second effort, so the balancing is iffy, but was finished with a level 1 party and was harder (my opinion) with a level 30 party. Generates monsters on the fly after each level is cleared.
  6. From a quick look at some of the older scenarios, it looks like 'A Perfect Forest' uses several creature scripts with 'get_sdf' calls in the START_STATE. At least both 'necrophil.txt' and 'pspirit.txt' use flags within the start state. They might be good references to setup what is being attempted.
  7. That is the c runtime DLL provided with VS 2012. You can download it from multiple locations or get it from the MS site. I get this when running the new alint with *.txt: D:\Games\Spiderweb\Blades of Avernum\Blades of Avernum Scenarios\The Cave of No Return>\alint -w *.txt Couldn't open file '*.txt': Unknown error But it works fine against just a single file: D:\Games\Spiderweb\Blades of Avernum\Blades of Avernum Scenarios\The Cave of No Return>\alint -w t8undercave.txt Checking file 't8undercave.txt': Warning line 283: Result ignored Warning line 359: Result ignored
  8. No glitch with second one, it only shows up at night. From the woodsman dialog: Code: "The woodsman continues _You'll need to get to it at night when it's back in its cave._"
  9. Something must've happened to the zip posted. The ruby nose is only worth 5000 with unlimited charges. If it appears to be everywhere, I can get a new zip posted with the right data txt file.
  10. One I finished a year ago that somehow slipped my mind: RubyNose The other was just completed: Bovill Let me know if you have problems downloading.
  11. The basement entrance is Click to reveal.. behind a secret door in the south wall of the corridor leading away from the entrance hall. You should've gotten a message about a breeze from the south. There is essentially no combat, once you have the right things found, so your party should be fine.
  12. Compatibility mode allows a program (in later versions of Windows) to pretend they are running in an earlier version of Window. It emulates some of the earlier environment that allows some older programs to run in new Windows versions. Basically, it's a setting in the short-cut properties. Right-click on the icon, select properties, then select the 'compatibility' tab. If you're running Windows 7 or Vista, you'll want to check the top box, and select 'Windows XP (SP 3)' from the drop-down list (that's what I have set to run BOA and the editor under Windows 7). If you're running XP, you may have other problems than compatibility, though you can try setting that to 'Windows 95'. Make sure you're not installed in Program Files if using Windows 7 (or Vista). I typically install all games (especially the older ones) in a 'Games' folder. Hope this helped some.
  13. Not sure if it will do anything different, but have you tried moving the inc_flag line before the begin_talk_mode line? All of the examples I have of beginning talk in the creature start state have the begin_talk_mode call as the last call made. Similar to the following (if check wraps the move/fidget code also). Code: beginstate START_STATE; // if I have a target for some reason, go attack it if (target_ok()) { if (dist_to_char(get_target()) <= 16) set_state(3); else set_target(ME, -1); } // Look for a target, attack it if visible if (select_target(ME, 8, 0)) { do_attack(); set_state(3); } // Have I been hit? Strike back! if (who_hit_me() >= 0) { set_target(ME, who_hit_me()); do_attack(); set_state(3); } if (get_flag(2, 1) > 0) { // Otherwise, just peacefully move around. Go back to start, if I'm too far // from where I started. if ((my_dist_from_start() >= 6) || ((my_dist_from_start() > 0) && (get_memory_cell(0) > 0))) { if (get_ran(1, 1, 100) < 40) return_to_start(ME, 1); } else if (get_memory_cell(0) == 0) { fidget(ME, 25); } } else { begin_talk_mode(get_memory_cell(3)); } // if we're in combat and the above didn't give me anything to do, just // stop now. Otherwise, game will keep running script, and that eats up CPU time. if (am_i_doing_action() == FALSE) end_combat_turn();break;
  14. Actually, with wiz5, you could import from any of the first three - the M)ove character option. You didn't get to keep anything equipment-wise or money, and reset back to level 1, but could get a Lord or Ninja at the start which you couldn't get otherwise.
  15. Wondered about that since there were a bunch of lizards right at the trapdoor. I was able to complete it, I got his trophy since he didn't make it back, but the hunt was done. I'll have to try the 'clear the area' before taking the quest next time. Thanks.
  16. Sorry about bringing back an old topic, playing Windows v1.0, still have a bug with this quest. First, can fight the basilisks multiple times. I believe it's because in z11dhorlawdlg.txt: Missing an additional '(' after 'gf(11,21) == 0 &&' in the line: condition = gf(11,21) == 0 && ((char_ok(19)) && (dist_to_nav_point(19,0) <= 4)) || ((gf(11,26) > 0) && (gf(11,20) == 1) && (char_ok(19) == FALSE)));. Notepad++ shows an unbalanced parenthesis with the final ')'. Second, Shavon disappeared. I did not get the message about him looking in the trapdoor after I beat the lizards at the top. But I did see him running away once I got to the bottom, but haven't seen him since. Wasn't waiting at the gong. I assume I can still complete the task, but haven't gone back yet.
  17. Would the 'BLOCK_MOVE_STATE' work for what you need (like in door scripts)?
  18. I seem to remember that 'char_take_item' had problems also. I have used 'destroy_char_item' to remove items from characters in a character script in the past. Since it is slot based, you'll need to do something like the following to get the slot the item is in (untested): Code: slt = 0; // or 13 if skipping equipped itemsitm = 0;while ((slt < 40) && (itm != 228)) { itm = item_type_in_slot(my_number(), slt); if (itm != 228) { slt = slt + 1; }}if (slt < 40) { destroy_char_item(my_number(), slt); } I don't recall if the destroy_char_item will remove 1 of stacked items or all, so this might not be the best way if you have multiple items you're using one of.
  19. You can also use 'run_dialog()' from a talk node if you need more than 2 lines of text. From Amnesia: Code: begintalkscript;variables;short val, choice;string valline;...begintalknode 9; state = 7; personality = 56; nextstate = -1; condition = (get_flag(50, 10) > 0); question = "Yes, let me know."; text1 = "Angus answers your question before getting back to work."; action = END_TALK; code = val = get_flag(50, 3); clear_buffer(); append_string("'The number was "); append_number(val); append_string(".'"); get_buffer_text(valline); reset_dialog(); add_dialog_str(0, "Angus pauses then says:", 0); add_dialog_str(1, valline, 20); add_dialog_str(2, "'But golly gee, I'm not real sure.' he adds.", 0); add_dialog_choice(0, "Ok"); choice = run_dialog(1); break;
  20. It's been awhile, but I believe while in combat and the player died (health < 0) and luck failed, the game just ended, the check in the town start state didn't run.
  21. I played around with this some years ago. If you can keep the split character from going into combat, you can detect in the town start state that the character is dead before the game does anything with it and rejoin the party (and heal if need be). If the split character is in combat, you're out of luck, or at least I could never figure out how to detect the dead character before the game does. I used the following snippet to monitor the split character in the town start state: if (get_flag(4, 13) > 0) { if ((is_combat()) && (get_flag(4, 16) == 0)) { set_flag(4, 16, 1); message_dialog("A voice booms out _Warning, cannot guarantee survivability while in combat mode_.", ""); } plyr = get_selected_char(); // check if player in trouble in arena - loses automatically if ((char_status(plyr) != 1) || (get_health(plyr) < 15)) { // player has lost - rejoin party, then revive reunite_party(); restore_pc(plyr); play_sound(27); message_dialog("You have lost your fight and have been teleported back to your companions.", "The victor is still getting crowd acclamation within the arena"); kill_char(get_flag(4, 3), 2, 0); set_flag(4, 3, 0); set_flag(4, 13, 0); } }
  22. Didn't you play Amnesia or Mystery Manor? To answer a couple of your questions in the review: Click to reveal.. - Everyone named James or Jamie in the one town is explained by one of the characters in the town. It may have been a bit obtuse. - The yellow one was included to celebrate his 10th anniversary (see readme). I was just a little slow in getting it out the door If another idea hits me, I'll probably do another scenario, regardless of what is said or not said [edit] Forgot to mention, there is a cheat sheet with the scenario that spells out (I hope) all you need to do to get each piece [/edit]
  23. I am a master procrastinator, I thought I had put this out already. Well here it is 4 months after completing it . Get it from here (TheStaff.zip) for the time being. There is a readme and a solution document in the zip, just in case. Also, while creating this scenario, I noticed I had a bug in one of the scripts from an earlier scenario (Proving Grounds). I have the update for that also available. The script by it's self (thief.txt) or the complete zip (ProvingGrounds.zip).
  24. For Amnesia, you need to visit the library and read the books about the statues in the museum (search selves, 'use' the book after picking it up out of the shelf). You should get the hint on this from just about anybody in town or if you pass through to the first section of town too many times without visiting the library, you'll definitely get a hint. For Mystery Manor, as you search through the house, you'll find diary books which tell you what you need to find and where you need to go. Just 'use' them after picking them up. It's been awhile since I've played through them, so I might be a bit rusty, but the above should get you started.
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