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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Um, context? Which game are you talking about? If it's GF 2, I think it's used in the belt the servile in Shath's Waste can make. Not certain.
  2. North- Crate Crate Barrel. What does that mean? Where are the goblins the witch wants you to kill to get her skulls back? She said east, but the only goblin settlement I found was Galag-Trav. I looked all around Galag-Trav and didn't find them. Why does the Blade of Vengeance do extra damage to goblins but not formorians?
  3. Quote: Originally written by Ephesos: Quote: Originally written by Spidweb: One of my current rules, btw, is that I do not let players summon anything that summons. Yeah... this is why vampires in BoA are so overpowered. Vampire casts Arcane Summon. Vampire is summoned. Vampire is summoned. Vampire is summoned. Vampire casts Arcane Summon... That was the best part of high-level BoA, though. Especially when you're the one doing the summoning.
  4. Roamers: Spit, Spat, and Spot Fyoras: Mr. Toasty or Pyro Cryoas: Fridge or Frosty Clawbugs: Stingy or Pinchy Thadhs: Stupid Drayks: Drogon, Viserion, Rhaegal Cryodrayks: Vhagar, Meraxes, Balerion (anybody who gets this and the above gets a cookie) Pyroroamers: A Goblin Sapper Gazers: Odin Battle Alphas: Mr. Punchy Rothgroths: Sticky.
  5. What I want most is a reactive plot, like in Geneforge. If I decide to wipe out a few towns, the ending should probably reflect this. Hell, even the old reputation system would work well, and you could only get certain quests/plotlines if you are good or evil enough. In addition, I'd also like the alchemy system returned and the potions available to expand so that more can be done with alchemy than just vanilla heal/cure/buff stuff.
  6. Couldn't you buy a house in A3? This doesn't seem much different, so I really don't buy the "going outside what's been done in the past" excuse.
  7. Quote: Originally written by Leftover Sauerkraut: It means that if you take 100 damage, wearing those gaunlets would let you take 96. But the % is not cummulative. You have to take each piece of armour separately . For example you are wearing 5 peices of armour that each reduce damage by 20%. A monster hits you for 100 damage (without armour) The first piece takes away 20 damage. 100*0.8=80 The next takes 20 percent of that. 80*0.8=64 64*0.8=51.2 51.2*0.8=40.96 40.96*0.8= 32.768 The armour only took away 67.232 damage not 100. What order are the damage reductions applied in? Largest to smallest, smallest to largest, random, or...?
  8. Rather than create a new thread everytime I have a question in GF 2, I'm just going to revive this one. Anyway, where in Zhass-Uss is Amena Blade?
  9. Finding secret rooms in the Avernum series was not that difficult. All you had to do was check if the inside area of a building and the outside area matched up, and wall-bump around the perimeter of the unexplained extra room.
  10. Nurrr, most of what I said I wanted for Avernum 4. a) Greater variety in the magic system, possibly a new type of magic besides mage/priest reinstating the alchemy system, expanding the usefulness of alchemy c) being able to make light so that playing the damn game doesn't make me go blind from the dungeon sections. d) greater variety in what non-casters can do. e) perhaps something like feats, so that characters can get new traits/abilities every few levels. f) the old targeting system. g) a plot that is not totally linear.
  11. AI-controlled creations would have a much harder time against mobs or powerful monsters. In GF2 something I found vital was spreading around a single powerful creature, such as a Rothgroth. Each creature moves 3 AP away from the enemy, and generally stuns it with a hit. The creature never really gets a chance to fight back. With AI control, you would not be able to use any strategy aside from "Kill everything in sight".
  12. Wait wait wait. Clawbugs and plated bugs now have a poisonous attack? SWEET. The text in the creations window has always said they have a venomous sting, but never in the game.
  13. Quote: "An iGlaahk attacks your party" Interesting. What OS does an iGlaahk run?
  14. Quote: Originally written by The Almighty Do-er of Stuff: Perhaps the reason you think the "concentric rings" are moving is because they are not, in fact, concentric rings. They're not circular, but you know what? IT'S CLOSE ENOUGH.
  15. Quote: Originally written by Micawber.: And this year's prize for under-statement of the year goes to... <Fanfare> MagmaDragoon, for this gem: Quote: It's a bit hipnotic. <Wild, rapturous applause> Seriously, after looking at that image, I need my eyes transplanted. Never mind what it did to my sanity. *hides in the corner* "The horrificly garish concentric rings are not moving, the horrificly garish concentric rings are not moving, they are not moving ...."
  16. I was playing through the demo section when I went into the house of the unpleasant hermit in East Medab. I stole some stuff from his cabinet in front of him, killed him when he attacked me, and laughed at his demise. Now all of the Awakened hate me. Of course, they're fine with it if I make him attack me first by opening his back door, but not if I steal from him. Is there any way to keep the entire Awakened faction from trying to kill me on sight?
  17. Wow. The Fyroa looks like a Velociraptor or something now. Click to reveal.. Using the Geneforge so early in the game is perplexing. Perhaps it is not so uber as it was in GF 1?
  18. Well I had Drayk Nuts this morning.
  19. Calzones are not candied creations.
  20. Quote: Originally written by Major: Helium is flammable at least as far as I'm concerned. Doubt me? A blimp that was filled with helium exploded into flames once. Why not a Vlish? Primarily because the Hindenberg was filled with hydrogen, which is quite flammable. The skin of the blimp was also flammable, especially the paint on it. Helium is not flammable, and your ignorance will not change that fact.
  21. Quote: Originally written by Phish Phlot: as a gurdian ingf1 i always felt ahead. imade it to the great temple before i got to pentel. Wrong forum, thread necromancy, and illegibly typed. AND mostly off-topic (If I knew what the hell you were saying, I'd be sure you were off-topic) Sir, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave the internet.
  22. Thadh Shade Pops! Delicious hard candy outside, semi-corporeal goodness inside!
  23. Quote: Originally written by Ghouloca: Wow. That will make my clawbugs even deadlier. Another implication of this is that the effects of stunning and slowing are both severely negated. The point of those statuses used to be that you couldn't fight back. Now that you can defend yourself while stunned or slowed, said statuses are no longer as dangerous as they once were. This is true. If you can attack with any amount of AP, what do glaahks do for you? Kekeke Plated Clawbug rush!
  24. Perhaps a direct link, since joystiq has posted about 20 articles since this thread was made. here
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