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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Kyshakks look sexy. I wonder if they're shapable.
  2. Good to know, but what was the point of telling us?
  3. Quote: Originally written by bigfix: croays and fyoars are hairless mini t-rexes. There are hairy T-rexes?
  4. That would be quite cool. The added abilities would probably require quite a bit of essence, though. For balance purposes.
  5. Quote: Originally written by Zeviz: A2 is the best. A4 is the worst. (Unless you prefer Diablo to Baldur's Gate.) That is an utterly nonsensical statement. I prefered Diablo to Baldur's Gate and still hate A4.
  6. It does sound like a neat idea. And perhaps your experimental creatures should have a greater chance of going rogue to make up for their uniqueness/superpoweredness.
  7. I ended up murdering the Obeyer leaders because they were disturbed by the fact I had used the Geneforge.
  8. How are you going to have snow in a cave?
  9. Quote: Originally written by Archmagus Micael: And we musn't forget the sign in the middle of the Swamp in E/A3. Warning: Swamp. My favorite is on the Isle of Bigail, when you have your first encounter with the giant roaches. A dialogue box pops up describing the giant cockroaches intent on eating you, and the only option in the dialogue box is "How disgusting."
  10. It probably was for the best, Thuryl. For all of us.
  11. Quote: Originally written by Micawber: Just like in Geneforge 2 saving up all the spell books and canisters until after you've met the trainer How else am I going to get those lvl 3 creations? You can't train to lvl 3 in Geneforge 2.
  12. Quote: Originally written by Delicious Vlish: Quote: Originally written by Mu: I want boats back. Not being able to sail around was a definate minus in A4. Damn tentacle monsters ruin everybody's good time. I beg your pardon. Submarine tentacle monsters ruin everbody's good time. Vlish are fine.
  13. *rips own face off* argh, the ideas. THEY BURN!
  14. I want boats back. Not being able to sail around was a definate minus in A4. Damn tentacle monsters ruin everybody's good time.
  15. Ooops, yes, drayks is what I meant. 150+ fireball damage and 100+ bite damage. Times 6 drayks.
  16. I love Glaahks. Glaakhs + haste spores = mass paralysis.
  17. I love using the Geneforge. After doing so, I was able to make 6 drakons with +2 int each. Honestly, having that much firepower is just absurd.
  18. I think most people knew it was possible.
  19. What I would like in Avernum 5 is the alchemy system back, and maybe even expanded. For example, instead of having the only potions you can make be plain vanilla heal/bless/cure/haste buffing potions, you could make, say, volatile potions that would have a similar effect to a fireball, or poisons and acids you could apply to weapons. On top of this, the crafted potions could increase in efficacity with your alchemy skills, making an alchemist-style character a valid build.
  20. I really want a light spell, or a candle, or ****ing SOMETHING to make the dungeons less hard on my eyes.
  21. Doing a guest for the guy in Ft. Monastary will get you a letter of introduction from his to the family, and they will help you somehow.
  22. I've done that, and found her in Drypeak. Basicly, nothing happens.
  23. I dislike how it limits the distance you can move per click. Seriously, if you've already explored there there's no reason you can't walk all the way there in one go.
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