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Everything posted by nikki.

  1. and there's even less need to add to the topic necromancy with nothing else worthwhile, EE. there's a thin line between acceptable revival, and spamming old threads, and Skladzien's post at least adds something to the conversation.
  2. well, since everybody is using the 3d editor (and if they arent they should be), editor icons arent really that big a deal
  3. Sure. This is the First Trilogy forum though, and it IS possible to drop it (even outdoors, I think?), and lose it.
  4. Super-definitely interested. I'll calendar as soon as I get home.
  5. You know, you can still do that with a party of four - just walk into the enemies and you'll engage them in melee.
  6. Thanks for your reviews, Whalecow, Vox. Reviews here aren't given a numerical score but instead a rating of either best, good, average, substandard, or poor. If possible, please edit your posts so that your review includes such a rating (for example, that 7/10 would translate to a rating of "good", Vox). Thanks.
  7. Yeah, none of this is true. If you have some kind of evidence, then by all means I'll eat my words. Besides, Avernum would make a pretty terrible movie.
  8. Hey Mage Master, please don't revive topics that have been dead for nearly a year, especially without adding anything new to the discussion. Thank you.
  9. That's not a bad move. As much as I love A1-3 (and BoA and Nethergate, which all use the same engine), I think I'm going to wait until the remakes before I replay these games.
  10. (so i kept a copy of the log just in case. it doesn't have pictures for the characters, though. let me know if you want it, BJ)
  11. Filled it in. I can be flexible with what I've entered, to some extent; apart from on the 26/27th.
  12. Whilst Jerakeen has some problems with her site, I'm temporarily hosting the Avadon Annotated Maps here: http://nikkis-nook.hallsofchaos.net/AvadonMaps/index.html
  13. And here they are. WDIDN is now here :http://nikkis-nook.hallsofchaos.net/WDIDN/WDIDNAEFTP.html And the Avadon Annotated Maps are here: http://nikkis-nook.hallsofchaos.net/AvadonMaps/index.html Everything seems to be working, but let me know if not. And you really ought to thank Niemand, since it's his space I'm using.
  14. If you email me, Jerakeen, I'll upload it onto my webspace until you find a proper home for it.
  15. nikki.

    Texture Packs?

    Didn't somebody do this for A:EftP? Edit: Yes. Yes they did: http://spiderwebforu...e__hl__graphics
  16. Yeah, I can get the demo to you, but not the full game, unfortunately. Seems strange that Jeff said he didn't want your money, too. I know when I bought the game, I downloaded it whilst waiting for the CD to arrive, so it was online at one point. Edit: Huh. The demo is still on the FTP site, so I can only imagine the full game is. Edit 2: Out of curiosity, what did Spidweb say when you offered cash?
  17. the scrobbler works with 11.x, but i'm not sure about wifi syncing.
  18. Er, so I already have Avadon and N:R on Steam, and I just payed for the bundle again, so I now have lots of keys to be used... that I don't want (since I already own most of these games!) SO! If you want Steam keys for Avadon, the Second Avernum Trilogy, A:EFtP or Nethergate: Resurrection, PM me. I'll try and get them to somebody within the next 24 hours.
  19. I'm not the world's biggest "Lets Play" fan (would much rather play the game myself), but I think even I could get behind a Nethergate LP.
  20. The Android port of Avadon was done by a third party, rather than by Spiderweb. As such, it's pretty unlikely that this'll happen, but it might be worth shooting an email to the developer.
  21. Ah, yeah I've got a million notifications all at once, but I've actually been out of town for a week, which is why I haven't made my character yet.
  22. I actually skipped the part where you said Lilith AND Sarachim were playing. I'm going to do my darnedest to play now.
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