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Posts posted by Spidweb

  1. I am patching Geneforge 2 soon. If you want problems fixed, the best way for that to happen is to email about them to support@spiderwebsoftware.com. (Or my private email address if you have it, which is better.) If you had done this, most if not all of these fixes would be in v101.


    For example, someone emailed me about the "3 squares" thing for the knockback ability. I fixed it instantly for v101.

  2. I'm really happy with the current state of our difficulty system (as seen in new Geneforge and Queen's Wish). There are basically 4 sorts of people who play our games, and each difficulty caters very well to one of them. The difficulties are distinct enough that they're basically 4 different games.


    There really are people who play these games who insist on achieving maximum efficiency with their characters and being destroyed if they don't, and Torment is for them. Veteran is the Serious Gamer/Actual Challenge setting. It is quite tricky. I don't play it.

  3. It sounds like the experience you are looking for is what I balance Veteran difficulty to be. Torment is meant for players who really, really want a total min-max challenge in these games.


    Shapers are meant to be fragile cloth-wearers. They are supposed to hide behind their wall of monsters. In return for their weakness, their creations can become amazingly powerful fairly quickly.

  4. Hello, we’re Spiderweb Software! We’re a husband and wife time in damp Seattle, WA who have been creating fantasy adventures since 1994. Our games are low-budget, retro, and indie, but feature cool stories, unique worlds, and fun game systems.


    We have made Avernum saga (old-school, combat-heavy adventure in a vast underworld), the Geneforge series (utterly open-ended gameplay in a sci-fi flavored fantasy setting), and Avadon series (brutal politics in a vast, war-torn continent), and the new Queen's Wish series (a giant fantasy adventure where you are royalty commanded to prove yourself by restoring the power of your empire).


    If you would like to follow us and learn more about what we’re doing, we hang out in a lot of spaces.


    Our official Spiderweb forum, a home for helpful and friendly fans for decades, is where you're at right now.


    You can join our mailing list and get all our new announcements (but only 3 or 4 a year, tops) here ...




    We also share our thoughts and plans on our Twitter ...




    and our Facebook ...




    Finally, we have started a Discord, where fans of retro RPGs can meet up, chat, and trade recommendations.




    Thanks again for giving us a chance! We have a lot of different games for different sorts of fantasy fans. Hopefully one of our series will be just what you're looking for!

  5. There have been some reports of long pauses during combat when offscreen characters are having their turns. I never got reports of this during testing, and it kind of caught me by surprise. If I had a saved game where it was happening, I could fix it for v103 (and Queen's Wish 2-3).


    If someone has a fight where it's reproduceable, I'd love to look at it. Save the game to the upper left corner save slot. Send the saved game folder Save0 to support@spiderwebsoftware.com.

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