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Soul of Wit

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Everything posted by Soul of Wit

  1. Originally Posted By: Clocknova What's the deal with the Mac App Store version being a version ahead (1.0.2) and $5 cheaper? I feel cheated. Seriously? I'm sure that the 1.0.2 version will be available on this site soon. As for the price difference? The non-MAS version allows me to have access to the nuts and bolts of the game. For example, I can make those hidden switches glow brighter or puff smoke with a small tweak to a script. A lot of the useful posts on this site would be harder to come by if those writing them were restricted to the MAS version. Another advantage of the non-MAS version is that I'd already played through it twice before the MAS version hit the streets.
  2. Originally Posted By: Spidweb " the choice eventually comes down to flipping coins and rolling dice." No. This has never happened. The choice comes down to who can write a clear and coherent application with full, grammatical sentences. This happens less often than you might think. Doesn't have to be impeccable, but it does have to be clear. - Jeff Vogel Just a guess, but I'm thinking that being too experienced might work against you. If part of beta testing is idiot-proofing then having some idiot in you might be helpful.
  3. A custom title requires how many posts? [nelson]Ha, ha![/nelson] ...ducks before someone with a colored username grows suspicious.
  4. Originally Posted By: Fael Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES Backstabs are fairly easy to set up with my party (2 melee shadowwalkers + 1 shaman with summons); YMMV. I play the more traditional Blademaster + Shadowwalker + Shaman (although someone -- I forget who -- convinced me to sub Sorceress for Shaman on my second play-through, which I'm just starting) and agree with this whole-heartedly. The trick is, you can't specialize in stats -- to take advantage of the backstab, you have to keep the Blademaster's Dex up with the Shadowwalker's because you always want the Blademaster to go first. But it's certainly worth it for the bonus damage. Agreed on keeping the Blademaster's Dex up. I always check every party member's Dex before I click on the + to use the level up.
  5. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES Q: It seems to me that there are enough evasion and dex increasing items, and points available to put into dexterity, that an evasion-based torment singleton should be viable. Is this correct? A blademaster seems best suited to the endeavor. Or would poison, cold, and acid be to much for him? There are items and runestones to help with poison, cold and acid, too.
  6. Originally Posted By: JD I seem to be having a problem with this quest as well. I have been wandering around for 20 minutes now, along the road, by the abandoned camp, waiting, walking, everything I can think of. No Orian anywhere. It's entirely possible that I missed him on an earlier go but I'm not getting any message about him poisoning himself either. Eye Acadia is still asking me to look. Any tips about where to look? Or should I just give up at this point? There are three camps in the bandit pits that Orian travels between. They are all in the woods and not on the main road. Wait by any one, and then follow him to the next.
  7. Those Runestones of Purity are great to throw on any piece of armor that will take them. You can up your dexterity several points, depending on what other armor enhancements that you may desire. IIRC, there were quite a few to be found by the time of the bandit battle.
  8. Originally Posted By: VCH Burnout Brew. Corruption doesn't affect my Blademaster and he gets 6 turns of battle frenzy, hell yeah. I concur, and how did I miss the Wand of Many Guises during my first play through?
  9. fps will show the game's frames per second. Anybody know what showwaypoint does?
  10. Later is correct. You often get quests (or multiple-step quests) that you can't do until sent to a region again. For example, you'll later be sent back to the dragon. You can then open more areas in Kva.
  11. The Colonel's approach is interesting, and I might try it for a future play through. A very traditional blademaster, shadowwalker and shaman party did fine for me. I even fought almost all of the way to the gate before I realized that those wheels might be important. The melee duo engages the imps, while the shaman heals and finishes off not-quite-dead imps. As you approach a wheel, concentrate totally on killing the twin guards. This has to be done quickly, so that you don't suffer from imp build-up. If you managed to get both wheels turned then you were close. Use up some of those consumables. Keep your party hasted/blessed to finish off imps quickly. Recharge your powers with a potion so that abilities can be used more often. If all else fails, ask yourself, WWJD? That's J for Jeff, and he would suggest dropping the difficulty level. Even veterans of SW games will sometimes drop the difficulty temporarily.
  12. One tip on Nathalie. There's a heal yourself scarab in the game. That should definitely be given to her. I'm pretty sure that the other classes are all capable of healing themselves.
  13. Originally Posted By: The Turtle Moves Originally Posted By: echoes I do have one suggestion about navigating with the area map. I know you can jump the window to a new location by clicking in the mini-map, but I often found myself trying to click in the area map while I had the tab key down. Let me do that! Seconded...er, fourthed? @VCH: You don't have to scroll the whole distance. You can find just about anything within 3 or 4 clicks on the mini-map. Just keep clicking the edge in the general direction you want to go. Originally Posted By: Fael As you say, you can do that by clicking on the avatar, but I find clicking on moving targets in this game pretty difficult. (That's another ergonomic problem I forgot to complain about -- I kept trying to talk to NPCs and missing, because they moved rapidly away when I tried to click on them. The creature keeper in Zethron's lair was particularly annoying for this.) Agreed about trying to catch NPCs; relatively minor but annoying. But to center the view on your party you don't have to click on the sprites; rather on the character portrait in the upper left. Thanks. This is much clearer than my post. Clicking at the edge of the mini-map several times is a fast way to scroll. I was talking about the roster pictures when I said avatar. I always forget the in-game terminology. The key to "catching" the NPCs is to not chase them. Stand still and wait for them to pause their wandering. Some of them are obviously addicted to powerful stimulants. Longer pauses would be a fine suggestion for future Avadons (or 1.0.2).
  14. I started to call Sevelin Snivelin'. Can someone explain the love for Nathalie? In real life, her enthusiasm would drive me crazy. I used her only for her mission and for the ultimate battle. Cunning Decoy is a lot of fun. At high levels, the decoy can take a lot of damage.
  15. Just click on one of the party member's avatars. The camera jumps to them. I see no need to move with the mouse and simultaneously track the camera with the arrow keys. To move long distances: Swing the mouse to the edge of the screen to scroll Stop when the always-visible map shows your destination Click on your destination in the always-visible map Click on the ground (the camera is showing your destination) Wait for your party (get snack, take care of bodily functions, etc.)
  16. It does seem like this series of quests is buggy. I skipped the first quest (it timed out, according to the dialog with the Wayfarer.) When I completed the second quest, my reward was not in the box in the Deeps. It was in the barrel from the first quest.
  17. You will gain a special item later. It will let you pass those doors.
  18. I've long since completed that quest, but I still feel the need to click on any pillar that I see.
  19. Originally Posted By: Master1 Jeff: In the Jhereth's Deep, the trapdoor just a little below Zephyrine (marked H on your map) appears in the automap, but the actual game just has a blank floor. I have screenshots if you'd like. Running v1.0.1 on a PowerBook G4, OS 10.5.8 I can confirm that the trapdoor is present and functional for me (I did check the map in the hintbook.) Running b1.0.1b, as Jeff refers to it in this thread, on an Intel iMac/10.6.6.
  20. Great list for finding those class-specific items. Formatting fix needed: [b}Necklaces[/b]
  21. This may be a bug. The Wayfarer's first quest expired (I didn't do it by the time I got to the deeps.) He gave me a second quest and told me to give the proof to an official in the aerie. No one near the aerie gave me a conversation option, so I went back and tried the barrel from the first quest. That worked, and I later found my reward (also under the barrel.) The wayfarer's second quest (referencing the crate as the reward site) is still in my list. The "proof" did disappear from my special items.
  22. Just to follow up... In general, there's no way to look for the matching door to a key that you have. You do get a message, referencing the key by name, when it opens a door for you. As I recall, the starter dungeon pretty much has a clockwise path through 360°.
  23. Originally Posted By: VCH Well those particular scouts are dumb. ... The politically correct term is brave scouts.
  24. Yes, don't forget the pets. It took me a while to realize that they have innate abilities.
  25. Originally Posted By: VCH Nice of the Demon to drop it into your pack. Also, nice of the demon not to drop it into your junk bag, where you might sell it unintentionally.
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