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Originally written by The Ratt:
Though they are well drawn I don't have a particular liking for them. The first one reminds me of a new digimon, and the secondone looks too manic.
Thanks for your comment.
I still want to know WHAT makes that guy look like a Digimon though... my sis calls him Boobymon and makes fun of his pecks.

The second one, I was aiming for a manic look, its a life crafter casting Essence lances. I don't think she Looks too altered as I wanted her to be, but I am happy how she turned out.

Nice Guardian!
The characters How ever could use a little beefing up.
Love the Helmet BTW! I use to have one of those Helms in my Wargaming Gear.
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Well the ability to shoot things of of his/her arms is digimonish. Also the ways the legs and wings are drawn. They look kinda like a mix of wargreymon and something elses legs, and a mix of Beelzemon burst mode's and imperialdramon's wings.


The llife crafter also is hard to tell what gender it is, and looks like she is wearing a thick winter coat. Useful in some situations, but not all.

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ET, where ya been?
More like, where has this community been... I probably could have been unbanned months ago, but there was simply nothing interesting going on. I might have stayed away, but I just love Geneforge a little bit more than I hate you guys.

I like Coyote's art, clearly done with more skill than mine. Not so sure about the human drakon hybrid, but I think the built in thorn launchers are brilliant. The lifecrafter is perfect. She could easily be Shaila, which would explain the maniacal look.
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I'm not crazy about the first image in this thread, but no I can't figure out why.


I quite like the second one. Gender is not ambiguous in it, I knew right away.


Keep drawing and doing art, all three are better than what I could have done.


The third image looks an awful lot like an SCA drawing to me, maybe it is the helmet and baldric.

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The third image looks an awful lot like an SCA drawing to me, maybe it is the helmet and baldric.
I don't know what SCA is... but the characters clothes are based off the guardians from Geneforge 1 and 2. I suppose he could also pass as a regular human soldier from the games as well.
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Coyote: I like your third picture far better than the other two. I'm not sure why, might be the detail and perspective. I'm surprised this is an earlier piece - just from looking I would have thought your technique is more refined in it.


Facial expressions could be more real, but the robe of the Shaper in the foreground is great.

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Yes... I went for a more anime approach.

The Tree was initially suppose to be the starts of a frosts but I scraped the idea when I drew the Shaper in the Back ground. Then I wanted him to have a companion, and I suck at drawing Fyoras so I stuck with the Artilla. Then I felt he needed a life crafter or a rouge to take on. Since I just finished watching Hellsing, I felt like an excuse to draw an overcoat or robe. The Wingbolt came into the equation after getting my ass kicked by the bloody things on the Torment mode.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well Coyote, i like your art. My favorite part is the coloring you put into it, way better marker technique then most people can do.


If I may, I should say you could put a bit more work into the layout and drawing before you start with the colors. Such as, getting the correct posture and look into it.


Such as the first one you could have done more with his posture. And all of them had more of a potential to have better line drawing incorporated. Though it is hard to say, because maybe you are going for a certain sort of look. But really though the coloring makes it look as if it should be professional, but the lines and posturing say otherwise


I hope this was of use smile . I love art and drawing, and I'm not hack, if you'd like i can draw some things up, and you could critique them for me as well. -- I haven't drawn in a little over a year frown


Oh and another word other then posture would be dramatize it a bit more

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