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Sleeping Dragon is asking if the zone in GF4 is named after the character in GF5.

Judging by Crenshaw's relative unimportance, it is unlikely that the place was named after the character. A likely explanation is both the character and the place are named after a more famous Crenshaw. An even more likely explanation is Jeff subconsciously reused the same name.
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Vempele is kind of correct. I did forget the Keeper's name was Tycho and thought it was Crenshaw. He surrendered too you and asked you to let him go, so it seemed like it might have been the same guy, you know?


I think one of the stranger things Jeff did with names was change the one mage's name in Avernum 3 from Jordan to Bojar. Jordan wasn't exotic enough for him, I guess. True, but it did make him memorable. Bojar sounds too much like Bjorn, the guy who designed the Halls of Chaos.


Hmm, I hope I can remember all the names on my history finals as well as I can for these games.

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Originally Posted By: Sleeping Dragon
I think one of the stranger things Jeff did with names was change the one mage's name in Avernum 3 from Jordan to Bojar. Jordan wasn't exotic enough for him, I guess. True, but it did make him memorable. Bojar sounds too much like Bjorn, the guy who designed the Halls of Chaos.

The funny part of this story is that he changed the name while keeping the real-life cameo unchanged: E. Jordan Bojar is part of Studio Foglio (which occasionally does graphics for Spiderweb Software), and is credited for the logos of Avernum, A2 and Nethergate.

So if you run into a rogue mage named Ellis in some later game, you know who it is. tongue
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Jeff didn't actually change the mage's name. There is at least one place in Exile 3 where the mage's full name is given as "Jordan Bojar".


A handful of other characters changed names in a similar way between Exile and Avernum. Exile 2's "Gilda" became Avernum 2's "Radner", making clear the reference to Gilda Radner.


It would be interesting to compile a list of all the name cameos in Jeff's games -- there are an awful lot. In E2, E3, and BoE there were entire towns of NPCs named after TV shows (Absolutely Fabulous, The Kids in the Hall, Babylon 5, etc.). Solberg was probably named after Andrew Solberg, a friend of Jeff's, which has always made me wonder if Linda is named for Linda Strout, who was a friend before she became an employee.

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