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Who is the PC? (spoilers)[G5]


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Obviously this would vary according to what you pick as your character.

You couldn't have been a servile from G3.

Doesn't think there has ever been a very clear set of story lines indicating you were a character from the past anyway.

But alas, does not have G5 so knows little more than common sense on this subject.

That is all.


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It seems that Jeff implied that your PC in GF5 is indeed one that you played in either GF4 or GF3 depending on your class choice. If you were a Shaper class, you were the GF3 PC. If you were a Rebel class, you were the GF4 PC. It does seem that many of the major characters knew you prior to your memory loss, so it is logical.


As for Monarch, I heard the idea advanced that he might be the PC from GF 1 after using the Geneforge. Very powerful, totally mad, etc. It could be, but I doubt we will ever know.

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You could definitely be part of GF2 saga; however, the one reason I doubt it is because Alwan and Greta both know you. Litalia may or may not have known you, but it seems like she knows more than she is willing to admit. Still possible, but less likely.


As for GF1, it is also possible, but even less likely because of the sheer amount of time and the Geneforge you used (being much more powerful, requiring specially made gloves) back then does not match the description of touching your hands to the surface. Still possible, but less likely.

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I got the sense that Greta and Alwan have memories of others like you triggered, not memories of you yourself. It could be that they're being evasive, but I thought it was more nostalgic. And since the G3/G4 PC probably picks a side and works with it, you'd think one of the two would be more enthusiastic about rediscovering a lost friend. Even more, you'd think someone would flip out after seeing someone who was once a terrible leveler of armies wandering around mostly helpless.


—Alorael, who thinks the PC from G5 is actually Shaila. A terrible mistake of shaping? Check. The rest is just details, possibly including a sex change.

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I'm in the camp who thinks it can be anyone you want it to be, so long as they horribly abused reshaping themselves. There's someone in the prison in Alwan's fortress who (if you convince the jailor to release him) will tell you about how he saw you on the road to the foundry. You were pretty crazy prior to the start of the game.


Hm... I should play through all five games a canister addict.

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Originally Posted By: *i
If you were a Shaper class, you were the GF3 PC.

Not necessarily. It is made clear that you are dressed to look more important than you were and even if you are playing a shaper, you are not to be confused with a true shaper. I think even if you play as a shaper class, the argument could be made for you once being a lifecrafter or something else. The reverse is not true for the servile class, however.
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If you really were the shaper from G3 it makes on sense that Alwan and/or Greta would disown you in G4.

Think it was Alwan who said something to the effect of "There was another shaper who....disappeared," and didn't want to talk about it further. Alorael must be right.

That is all.


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Not all of them ended that bad. In fact, if I remember correctly, one of the easiest-to-find rebel endings ended up with the PC being a rebel hero and the whole continent spiraling into the gruesome stalemate you find it in when GF 5 starts up. Also, if you help the shapers shut down the rebellion right then and there, and you have a strong enough pro-shaper reputation so they don't completely distrust you, they just strip you of all your powers and let you live out the rest of your life in obscurity. In fact, the only endings where I remember dying are the Trakovite ending and taking the Shaper ending without a solidly pro-shaper reputation. If it makes a difference, though, I was pretty sparing with the canisters.

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It's possible to survive the Trakovite ending if you're working for the rebels rather than the shapers in the end. You still end up exiled to a prison camp in the middle of nowhere, but hey, at least they don't kill you.


There is a rebel ending where you do die: give the Unbound specifications to the Shapers, then release the Unbound. The specifications give the Shapers the information they need to develop magic to destroy the Unbound; they win the war, and the Shapers and the Rebels race to see who can kill you first. Whoops!

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Originally Posted By: Serene Tempest
Also, if you help the shapers shut down the rebellion right then and there, and you have a strong enough pro-shaper reputation so they don't completely distrust you, they just strip you of all your powers and let you live out the rest of your life in obscurity.

The canisters do make a difference. If use almost no canisters and have a high reputation with the Shapers, you get a fairly good Shaper ending. It's been a while since I read the GF4 Shaper ending, but I think you even manage to gain a small amount of influence.
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"Good" Shaper ending : Help the Shapers, get a high reputation with them, use few or no canisters, and the Shapers will be true to their word, you'll get your reward.


"Bad" Shaper ending : Help the Shapers, but use too many canisters. This ending may be even worse if you have a low rep with the Shapers.


There is no "bad" rebel ending (except for the one Thuryl mentioned - help the rebels but give Alwan the Unbound papers), but it's happier if you have a high reputation with them.


Shaper Trakovite ending : you'll be seen as a hero by some, but you'll die.


Rebel Trakovite ending : If you have a high reputation with the rebels, you'll spend the rest of your life in the hostile Forsaken Lands. If you have a low rebel reputation, you'll be executed.


Weird endings : Complete the Unbound after helping the Shapers win the battle, or destroy the Unbound after helping the rebels win the battle. I believe the Shapers may actually let you live in the second case, if you didn't use too many canisters. You'll still be exiled, though.

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And how about not using many canisters but Miranda and Alwan get killed or using many canisters but Miranda and Alwan still alive? Also what about ending you not using many canisters but help the rebels? Or can we kill every one in last zone(sorry forgot the name) then complete/destroy Unbound if you rebel/shaper what can be happened?

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If Miranda and Alwan die in the final battle in the Shaper ending, or Akhari Blaze dies in the final battle in the Rebel ending, it's assumed that they died fighting by your side, even if you're the one who killed them. The ending is a little different, but not very.


If you work for the rebels and use canisters, you get a little message in the ending about how it's sometimes hard to relate to other people. If you don't use canisters, you don't get that message. That's the only difference.

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I remember the straight rebel ending saying that the rebels gained a lot of ground, and then the Shapers responded in kind with more dangerous creations (remember the bugs in the Pacification fields that Mehkan said were to eat the rebel's crops?), bringing the war to a bloody stalemate. The Rebel-Trakovite ending results in the Rebels having enough Unbound to secure their land, but not enough to seriously threaten the shapers, resulting in a less bloody stalemente. So I think we're dealing with the straight-rebel ending.


There's also the fact that Miranda dies, Alwan is left for dead, and Alkhari Blaze is still around.

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