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How exactly does Trajkov stay sane?

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When playing through the different endings in GF1..

I noticed that Trajkov was the only person able to control himself after he used the geneforge. I know that your character can't control himself, and goes mad, and don't even start talking about Goesstch, hes crazy even before he uses the geneforge (if you get that ending). The only person able to keep his humanity intact is Trajkov, which is quite odd, being that he is already heavily modified, and doesn't have the type of training your character does. (And don't even talk about Goesstch).

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His search for power seems less self-centered than the others. He's considered the plight of the Takers and other serviles and decided he's going to improve their life by using the Geneforge, overthrowing the Shapers, and creating a new empire. Everyone else just wants an empire so they can rule.


He also seems like a sensible person. He knew when to stop using canisters because they were causing him problems. He was a good enough leader to be chosen to lead the expedition and to keep all of the canister-crazed Sholai following him instead of going off on their own.


Dikiyoba thinks one or both of those reasons might explain why he stays sane.

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Originally written by The Mystic:
He doesn't stay sane. His insanity doesn't show as much, that's all.
You have an unusual definition of insane. Trajkov behaves in a sane manner (according to the game canon) yet underneath he is a fruitcake (according to you). Most people consider insanity to be when people are not in control, so aren't responsible for their behaviour. Trajkov is well in control, even after using the Geneforge.
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Originally written by upon mars:
Buuhhha!!!!!!! he screambed at me for misbelling Trajkov!!BUHAAA!!! i wan't my mumy!!
Urmmm... Buh?

As far as Trajkov goes, i think he only seems sane because he is less insane than those around him (including your character.) He also seems to have a better conditioned mind, viz., he knows to stop using the canisters before they destroy his humanity, he isn't consumed by powerlust, and he just acts very differently from his troops. This could also be merely because your character has a badly conditioned mind and gets hit by the powerlust, etc.

On a slightly related note, has anyone ever tried to play through the game without using any canisters?
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Originally written by upon mars:
Buuhhha!!!!!!! he screambed at me for misbelling Trajkov!!BUHAAA!!! i wan't my mumy!!
*gives opon mars a chocolate-chip cookie*There there...

*looks at quote*

*edits the quote*

Edited Quote:
Buuhhha!!!!!!! he screamed at me for mispelling Trajkov!!BUHAAA!!! i wan't my mummy!!
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Originally by Waylander:


I note that the above poster has been 'Canned'. Why? He provides a constant source of comic relief.
There is a fine line between unintentional humor and annoying spam.


Edit: Almost forgot. Welcome to Spiderweb Software, Sven. Leave your sanity at the door. (Keep enough to remain coherent, though.)



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Originally written by Dikiyoba:
Leave your sanity at the door. (Keep enough to remain coherent, though.)
Now I get the warning, after it's too late.

When I first came in, I left my marbles at the coat check. But when I went back to use them for a moment, I discovered there was a hole in the bag, and they'd all fallen out. So if you see any marbles lying around, let me know, they're probably mine.
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Originally written by Emperor Tullegolar:
Tarrasque, you missed an error in the edited quote.
Three, actually. It should read:
Buuhhha!!!!!!! He screamed at me for mispelling Trajkov!! BUHAAA!!! I want my mummy!!
Originally written by Dikiyoba:
Leave your sanity at the door. (Keep enough to remain coherent, though.)
As readers of your story would probably know full well, I was mauled by fluffy turtles for keeping a bit of sanity on me. So that may not be a good idea.
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Trajkov, despite his strength of will, succumbs to a stronger, more potent human emotion: greed.


text2 = "_I am Trajkov, Shaper. I brought you to this island. I want you to help me. When you hear what I have to say, I believe you will help me. Everything you have done to hurt or help my cause is now forgotten or forgiven._"


"I have some gloves. (Show them to Trajkov.) However, the presence of your creations will interfere with the Geneforge. (Lie.)";

text1 = "Trajkov's eyes widen when he sees the gloves. Greed prevents him from thinking too hard about your request. _Oh, yes. Of course. Instability. Fine._";


According to the information we are given, Trajkov, compared to the PC, is a leader and one can assume he has been in a position of leadership for years. The Sholai must think highly of an individual if he is sent on an expedition across the "great sea," reminiscent of the European explorers crossing the expanse of the unknown.


Whereas the PC is literally a babe in the woods, an apprentice, not even a full Shaper. Just a slight difference between the two.

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