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How do you like your creation army to be?


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I am looking to see how people like to have their groups of creations like. Feel free to elaborate why you vote what you voted.


I prefer to use stuff that is well worth the essence cost. You all know that some higher costing creations are just leveled up versions and have no benefits.


Variety of creations is good... multiple damage types are good... always one weakness... Poison does full damage to those magi with 50% resist in everything else!


Ranged I like. Get to strike quick, and easier to pursue. But they die more, due to weaker tanking capabilities.


Fire... tough, strong... and ranged. No stunning can be an issue, but that's what daze is for... no?

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For me, magical creations are my favourite. There are so many situations in geneforge when you need a ranged attack. The only time I make an exception is for rotghroths; they are awesome.


As for the essence cost, I'm with those who prefer rotghroths to rothdizons and gazers to eye beasts, because the slightly souped-up creations are not worth the doubled essence cost.

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Since GF1 I've always taken two Drayks with me, and switched to Cryodrayks as soon as they became available; they are powerful, resilient, and have both melee and ranged attacks. My first creations are two Fyoras, and then two Cryoas, but just until I get the first Drayk canister.


I have tried other creations, and I always take the tagalongs with me (like the rat in GF2). I always go back to Drayks/Cryodrayks though.

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I prefer ranged attackers, but always keep a couple of mellee creatures (Alwan/Thahd Shades) around. Ranged attacks are tactically better, but sometimes you can't avoid enemy's mellee fighters from getting to you and sometimes you want a couple of your creatures close to the enemy.


As for creature types, I always go for whatever available creature gives the largest bang for the essence cost. I reabsorb old creatures as soon as I can spend the same amount of essence to make something stronger.

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Originally written by Wilowah:
Hmm. Are you a guardian, Contra? Mentioning classes might help... I'm a Shaper, never played whole game through in any Geneforge with other classes yet.
This goes for whatever class I am playing. I never use more than one creation unless it is obviouse that one special encounter will not be handled by just one creation. In such a case,I make another one, then kill it right after said encounter have been dealth with.
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Originally written by Contra:
I don't use an army, I use only one creation, since a multitude of them eats my XP.
I use whatever strongest creation is available for my prefered Shaping skill.
I'm curious about the eating effect on your XP, Contra. With only 1 creation throughout, what level did you reach at the end of the game?
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In previous Geneforges I usually start out with an Artilla or two and maybe make some drayks/cyrodrayks/drakons near the end. Never really used anything else much, but I've always played as an agent. So far I've just kept Greta, and earlier Alwan as well (and didn't spend half my skill points for most of the game).

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Originally written by mok:
Originally written by Contra:
I don't use an army, I use only one creation, since a multitude of them eats my XP.
I use whatever strongest creation is available for my prefered Shaping skill.
I'm curious about the eating effect on your XP, Contra. With only 1 creation throughout, what level did you reach at the end of the game?
Never finished game as a Shaper or Guardian so far, but one creation eats roughly about 3 XP per 25 gained. This means 9 XP out of 25 with three creations. That is close to half of what you would normally gain.
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Do the picked up creations like alwan and greta eat up your XPs? I think I had tested it when I first picked up Alwan and it didn't seem to change the xp point either way. It might be different with your shaping creatures though.


I have tried shaper way back in G1 and just could never manage it. So I get bored and started with guardian and then agent. I am now happy with being the agent.

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i am pretty sure they do.


teh text at the bottom of the screen still shows you gaining the same amount, it's the amount that your character's XP changes by that is affected.


so, for example, it might say you gained 13 XP, but you only actually get 6 (in my case. but that's with 7 creations).


presumably greta and alwan work the same way.

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if you add a couple of terror vlish into your group, they are able to take down most magical creations pretty easily, since they do poison damage instead of magical damage.


and of course, if you use artilas then you just have to wait for the acid to catch up to them, and they will die.


i haven't yet had a chance to use gazers/eyebeasts yet, but i expect they will be pretty good too =D

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