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Blades of

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Don't get your hopes up.


Why? Because Blades of Avernum didn't sell well, took up too much of Jeff's time, and was hard to design for. There's no reason for BoG to be any better. So the answer is no. Unfortunate, but that's the way it is.




Edit: Rephrasing.

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Ah, well, that's a shame. One of my friends just gave me Blades of Avernum as a present of sorts (in other word,s he owed me money, didnt have any cash on him, so I told him to buy me this with online-usable funds, hehe), and though I've only played demos of the Avernum series (I just bought geneforge one, but only played demos of the others so far), but I know I'd definitely buy a blades of geneforge game. Ah well..

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Sounds great in theory, but it would probably be really tough to do in reality. For it to be as good as the Geneforge series, it would need about a year or more to code. In the meantime, someone could always keep the idea alive by starting a "BoG blog." (Sorry, I couldn't resist the pun! :p )

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Yeah I'm sure it would be a lot harder to create custom graphics for, but you dont NEED custom images for a game to be good. A party system (as in making more than 1 character, not having monsters and npcs as your party) would be nice though, having each person have their own set of monster spaces.


Well, one can dream I suppose

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There will not be Blades of Geneforge. There will never be Blades of Geneforge. There are numerous reasons for this, which involve not only the performance of BoA but also the fact that Jeff has said it doesn't make sense, for numerous tactical reasons related to scenario design. And he's right.


There will never be Blades of Geneforge. Do I need to put it in the forum header?

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This topic is frequently discussed, however, Falco wouldn't know that(Unless he's like me who pokes around at ancient topics). The truth is, I would never buy BoG. For one thing, I'm currently making a scenario for BoA. Two, Geneforge has a confusing interface. Three, its graphics are boring. BoA's are unique and fun, and they also possess better quality.

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Personally I find the Blades of Avernum graphics for Windows to be drab and unappealling. For natural outdoors settings they are way too angular, much like a skyscraper.


The Geneforge 4 interface is quite good, the only problems that I have seen are:


you are never told exactly what your maximum essence is, you have to calculate it yourself,(the maximum remaining essence after you have made a creation.)


you have to click on the question mark to bring up a list of the relevant creation's hp and energy, there is no quick list of how all the creations are doing


it is generally "retro", that is true, but you can work around or get used to it.

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As Jeff has commented before, there are elements of the Geneforge engine that lend themselves less readily to scenario design than Avernum's.


The big one is that it's much less generalizable. BoE and BoA have the potential to fit practically any world you can imagine, and can fit most generic fantasy worlds without significant added effort. Geneforge really only fits the Geneforge world. This would severely limit the number of scenarios likely to emerge from Blades of Geneforge, and would even more severely limit the number of people who would even be interested in using the scenario editor.


Also: One of the easiest and most popular ways to customize BoE and BoA scenarios is with custom graphics. Geneforge engine graphics require more frames, and altogether a lot more work to get a set of sprites that actually looks reasonable.


The poor showing of BoA is the nail in the coffin, but I wouldn't expect to see BoG even if BoA had seen Avernum 4 level sales.

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